Tetris Tournament Online II Discussion & Match Reports

Started by Blink, July 27, 2012, 09:52:14 PM

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Quote from: Rosti_LFC
Any chance for additional timeslots? 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM PST is pretty much the worst possible time for anyone who might want to play in Europe. Would like to play, but there's no way I can work around 3:30-6:30am on a Saturday morning :\

Those are just the default time slots, you can still arrange a different time with your opponents
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


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Sprints: Nullpo-26.78 (4/0),  TF-35.97, TOPW-29.461 (065-15), C2-36.58 (4.5/0)


Herpy derp derp



Quote from: Paradox
Those are just the default time slots, you can still arrange a different time with your opponents
What are the rules on that though? Last time if you couldn't arrange a time then whoever didn't show up just forfeited. Far from ideal to have to try and contact my opponent (especially for the first few rounds when it's less likely that I know them) and arrange an alternative time every single week, where unless they're in Europe it's unlikely to be in their interest to actually agree to a different time.

Last TTO it was a bit of a pain and a hassle, but at least the default times were manageable for the one or two times that I couldn't manage to reschedule the game. 1am is late, but a tolerable time. 4am really isn't OK for anyone with a job or school to be able to expect to play to a decent standard.



I think Rosti has a point. Even the east coasters may need to be up till at least 1:30 AM. Not exactly prime time for potential American stream viewers. I guess it's impossible to make everyone happy though.



Quote from: caffeine
I guess it's impossible to make everyone happy though.

It's been discussed plenty before, and there are sensible ways to make it work.

For example, have three slots. One convenient for US+SEA/Aus, one for US+EU, one for EU+SEA/Aus. Then matches will be allocated to whichever of these three slots is suitable depending on the locale of the opponent. If the opponents are from the same locale, then it can randomly be in two different ones. For the last couple of rounds maybe have something a bit different for streaming, but when you're only down to 4-8 people and they're most likely going to be HD regulars, it's far easier to organise time slots on an individual basis and still suit everybody. The only real downside of this is that it makes it difficult to know exactly when your match is likely to be for more than a week ahead of time.

Or just pick a single time-slot, but one that isn't a**-backwards for anyone who isn't in the US, or the handful of members we have in Japan/Australia. For example 2-5pm on Saturday afternoon gives late evening for Europe (but it's like 9pm-1am, which is far more manageable) and early-ish morning (like 8-11am) for Japan/Aus. It might keep Japan/Aus people from having a lie-in on Sunday, but they have the choice of rescheduling to avoid getting up early, and it makes more sense to slightly inconvenience a handful of people in that timezone rather than massively inconvenience a much larger number of European players. And sure maybe people can't guarantee being free on a weekend afternoon, but then I doubt Friday night is an unpopular time to do non-Tetris stuff either.

And regardless of rescheduling individual matches, if the finals are in that sort of time slot then it's going to have a sizeable negative impact on stream audience too.


As a 4:30 to 7:30 am player, I have to agree with Rosti. I hope this doesn't turn into a problem for me cause I'd really like to play in the tournament



woo cant wait
☠ ZeroT


Good time slot concerns.

I'll be changing the default time slot to something more reasonable for Europe, and not so late for the East coast.  Thanks for the suggested 2-5 PM on Saturday Rosti, I think I might make it 3-6 PM though so it isn't too early for the Japanese players, which i expect a good amount to join.  Still pretty late for Europeans, but an improvement from 4AM.

Also, changing the format to first to 15 win by 2 since it's single elimination until the final 8.

Also please note, anyone registered will receive a weekly tournament reminder/update to their HD PM box once the tournament starts.
