i want to be a fast tetris player

Started by RaminBerner2012, May 03, 2012, 01:57:18 AM

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hello people I'm new here and I want to be a fast tetris player how how is this possible?


what sort of tetris clone are you playing right now?

tetris friends?


I am rather new myself, but things I have noticed to get faster are:
- using fewer keys per piece (makes you faster without having to increase your hand speed). This I believe is known as finesse
- recognizing patterns (you have to spend less time thinking about where to put your pieces, reducing delays). This comes with practice
- "looking ahead". As a speedsolver (solving rubik's cube as fast as possible), looking ahead is a vital part to that which can be transferred over to tetris. If you are looking at your piece previews you can be thinking about where to place your next piece constantly which again reduces delays. If you get good at this it will help tremendously. Not only does it help with speed but you will also end up with less awkward pieces and such as you can plan ahead a bit.
- Also of course simply practicing is important to knowing your keys by muscle memory so you don't have to think about it at all and your hand speed will also increase over time (probably up to some kind of "soft cap" where things mentioned above become important)


Why not strive to be a "good" player rather than a "fast" one? Perfection first, then push yourself to speed.


try playing on faster versions like nullpo, top, blockbox, etc. many of the players that i know gained their speed through playing a lot of blockbox multiplayer and single player. now, there aren't so many people that play it, but you can try also nullpo single player modes like 40 lines to increase your speed.

multiplayer also helps a lot by playing against players a level higher than you. if you play against players that are a level higher than you, then the pressure will help you get not just faster, but also become a better tetris player as long as you don't quit and put forth dedication.


i will sell you magic fast beans for your soul