
Started by add1ctus, January 25, 2012, 07:39:38 AM

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Hi there Harddroppers, nice to meet you.
My name is Aleksandar, nickname Addictus, and I recently became a tetris fan.

My story about tetris is the following. Started playing the game a bit more several months ago in school during some boring lessons together with my classmates and competing in highscores. Before that, I had played tetris only several times in my life, never seen the game attractive at all. Some time ago I started playing Tetris on Facebook (think it was called Tetris Battle) and I am around rank 15-20, (just stacking bricks with 1 column empty which I put I pieces in to make a Tetris). I am active on ESL (playing CoD4) and after I noticed tetris being put there, I started playing it on ESL also. After losing and winning several games (I lost to XeaL and RaDeR, think they're both members here?) a guy named Gangstaboi destroyed me in around 20 seconds sending me around 35+ lines. He pointed me that on a website called HardDrop I can learn to play tetris well, so here I am.

So, I'll be trying to improve my game in Tetris at a very slow but sure pace, going step by step with dedicating lots of practice to each step. Anyone could reccomend me how should I start my learning process? Probably a list with things such as downstacking, T spins and any other moves/techniques? I went through the forums and read some stuff, but that's just not my way of learning with getting general tips. I prefer to practice something until I learn it well enough.

Incase you're wondering about my skill level, I scored 156166 on Marathon (TetrisFriends) and 02:32.77 on Sprint (both from one try), Rank 13 on 2P Battle.



heya - Xael is a member here but RaDeR isn't - if you look on my ESL profile page, all the people in team HardDrop are members - but some people who are members aren't yet in the team...but most active ones are

If you look at the main forum section, under Strategy there is a link called Learn - if you go there, you'll find links to all good threads on a particular subject - they (and the harddrop wiki) give you the theory which you can apply in practice.

               Tetris Belts!


Hey Addictus, despite what Xael may tell you he's one of our top players so don't feel bad about that heh. Welcome.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


dont tell him i was only using softdrop when i vsed him.. i do that against all the rank 1's so they stop saying "HOW DOES HE CHEAT" because i cbb linking to vids.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Thanks Gangstaboi for the referral and welcome Addictus!


Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

I also started blogging about Tetris on my blog and I'll be probably writing frequently about my learning process and how much progess have I made. You might want to check it out.


Just read your blog post. Well-written!  after some chat with the 'tetris gods'. Hahah. Oh and I forgot to mention, I'm also very very new here. Oh welcome!