Tetris Rivalry Leaderboard

Started by Ravendarksky, January 20, 2012, 03:11:32 AM

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Right so profane asked

"Who is the tetris player you consider to be better then you by the smallest margin." and it made me realise that I've no idea!

I think we could all benefit from knowing what other players are at around our skill level!


How this works:
- Beat someone and you get moved directly above them
- Lose to someone and you move down one place
- Matches are first to 15, win by 2
- You can play any VS mode as long as it is agreed by both players.

- You can enter this leader board by beating an existing member of the leader board, or by playing someone who isn't on it and you will both be added at the bottom...(with the winner above).

I've intentionally kept this as simple as possible to encourage people to make use of it.... We will probably end up with several mini ladders but they will join up over time.

PM me match results OR post them here

#1 - Gif (6if !Ep8pui8vw2)
#2 - paipai (noia !8NBuQ4l6uQ)
#3 - Ravendarksky


I'm gonna jack your thread (kinda).

How about a regional rivalry thing? Like jkwon and Blink for southern California, Rosti/Paul/you for UK, stef and Noogy for Texas (although stef is a noob), et cetera.

Just an idea, wondering if we'd ever get enough people/interest for it.


too few people for aaron's idea, and general play decides Raven's thread. Basically what he's saying is build a ladder...we've tried that already and it failed. Sorry I can't be more positive.
               Tetris Belts!


Gif is #1, oh boy this'll be easy.
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
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OK bad news! I'm going away on holiday today, so unless you post your results here and an admin updates the thread, I won't be updating it again until: 30/01/2012...

Unless it turns out I have internet on holiday (unlikely).