Customising Nullpo into TOP

Started by StS, December 23, 2011, 04:34:40 PM

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I recently started playing TOP and really liked the feel of it, and so (in order to waste my christmas holidays on useless stuff) I am endeavouring to recreate the TOP's atmosphere in Nullpomino. I have never tampered with programs before, so I may be doing fairly stupid stuff, but please bear with me.  

Till now, I've been concentrating on the sound effects (as it is the easiest to replace/deal with, and it has the most impact on the feel of the game, IMO), and I have gotten some of it done, but am having trouble with certain aspects:

- I have replaced the combo wav files in the Nullpo SE folder, but they are apparently not used in the Line or Dig Race? Does anyone know where specifically these files are used?

- TSpin files don't seem to be have any effect either; is this because the 'erase' files take precedence when playing line clear sound effects?

- Is there a way to implement different SEs for b2b clears? This is not very important, but if anyone can help me out, I'd love to get it done

- Finally, where the heck is TOP's hard drop sound effect stored? The 'sfx' folder contains a sound for hard drops, but it's definitely not what you hear when playing the game...

I'd be grateful if someone who knows his way around with the mechanics of either game could help me out here, or at least point me in the right direction, as I am currently struggling more that I expected.  
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
- I have replaced the combo wav files in the Nullpo SE folder, but they are apparently not used in the Line or Dig Race? Does anyone know where specifically these files are used?
combo sounds in nullpomino are not used in modes that do not score combo, try marathon mode or netplay.

Quote from: StS
- TSpin files don't seem to be have any effect either; is this because the 'erase' files take precedence when playing line clear sound effects?
no, it's the same case as above

Quote from: StS
- Finally, where the heck is TOP's hard drop sound effect stored? The 'sfx' folder contains a sound for hard drops, but it's definitely not what you hear when playing the game...
lockdown sound (sfx_lockdown.wav) is what you hear.
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Replacing Nullpomino sound files with TOJ ones has been done before, I'm certain someone around here have them if you need them.
I have one question though, when you're done with sound files, what will your next step be?


Quote from: Wojtek
combo sounds in nullpomino are not used in modes that do not score combo, try marathon mode or netplay.

lockdown sound (sfx_lockdown.wav) is what you hear.

Awesome, thanks!

Weirdly enough, the lockdown sound refused to play when I went through the sfx folder, which is why I couldn't find it. Actually, in order to even get the sound to play in NP, I had to load 'sfx_lockdown.wav' into Audacity and export it into my Nullpo folder.    

Implementing the lockdown sound helped me cut 4 seconds off my Line Race time... WHILE TESTING THE SOUNDS! Sub60, here I come!  

Quote from: Barneey
Replacing Nullpomino sound files with TOJ ones has been done before, I'm certain someone around here have them if you need them.
I have one question though, when you're done with sound files, what will your next step be?

I was sure that someone has probably already done this before I started this mini-project, but as I mentioned, I'm doing this partially to waste time semi-constructively. It will also help me get more acquainted with the workings of the games, hopefully. If someone is be able to post a compilation of these sound files, though, it would be a great help, if only to see if I missed anything.

My next step will probably be looking at creating graphics sprites - notably the minos and ghost pieces, as well as the grid frame -, and if possible also the hard drop sparkles (and other animations... possibly...).

Quote from: coolmaninsano

Thanks, but unfortunately, those are only the voice samples used in TOJ, which are easily available in TOP thanks to Wojtek.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Damnit, now I need to learn how to TST in order to test the sound in TOP. Oh well...  

EDIT: A little update -

Sound effects (including voice) - all implemented except for b2b effects [combos need testing for accuracy, will do later]
Tetrominos implemented
BGM implemented - does not QUITE work satisfactorily for Marathon, as it doesn't seem loop (might loop manually)
Background image implemented - need to black out the grid space as well (though it might prove not to be necessary if I can get the frame done properly)
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


This is a great idea because there are many people on the forum that have Apple Macs and don't have the resources to get TOP working.  

With regards as to how the pieces move I've found that if I use a Min and Max DAS of 7 and have a DAS delay of 1 it feels the same to me when I'm playing TOP with my DAS / Sensitivity on 4.  I'm sure that someone who knows more about the timings of the pieces would give you more info on matching up the DAS accurately.


[quote name='StS' date='Dec 25 2011, 06:23 PM' post='57114']
Damnit, now I need to learn how to TST in order to test the sound in TOP. Oh well...  

Try Maps?




Lol, I got one down, thanks to the wiki on TSpins. Sound effects work, yay!  

Quote from: pumpupthejam
This is a great idea because there are many people on the forum that have Apple Macs and don't have the resources to get TOP working.  

With regards as to how the pieces move I've found that if I use a Min and Max DAS of 7 and have a DAS delay of 1 it feels the same to me when I'm playing TOP with my DAS / Sensitivity on 4.  I'm sure that someone who knows more about the timings of the pieces would give you more info on matching up the DAS accurately.

Wow, I didn't even think about the TOP-Mac compatibility issue. DAS 7 on Nullpo should be about there, yes. Feels around the same to me. One of the main reasons why I wanted to do this is because I don't like the DAS delay in TOP. I only found out about the TOP patches after I'd started with this, and I've got enough reasons to want to continue.
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


Quote from: StS
Lol, I got one down, thanks to the wiki on TSpins. Sound effects work, yay!  
Wow, I didn't even think about the TOP-Mac compatibility issue. DAS 7 on Nullpo should be about there, yes. Feels around the same to me. One of the main reasons why I wanted to do this is because I don't like the DAS delay in TOP. I only found out about the TOP patches after I'd started with this, and I've got enough reasons to want to continue.

Another thing I find is block skin 13 reminds of the TOP pieces.  



Yup just use 13, it's the same. I should really check out the options in Nullpo before doing all the work. Next you'll tell me that all the sound files are actually in there already...
Sandal that Stinks

Current 40L (Nullpo): 35.32s


If you enter the Konami code, then do the hokey pokey, the full sounds are there.


Next u'll want... The sparkles.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Interesting thread, is this still wanted? Because that's pretty much what I was doing with my touhoumino as you can see here. But I actually changed the code in it. Because no way to add voices too and stuff. Also optional but if you use TGM rules, it switch to TGM sounds. I guess it could be easy to make nullpomino full TOP. The only thing I think would be tricky even almost impossible at my current skills is the piece skins which are 32x32 while nullpo is 16x16.