Keyboard Configuration

Started by gaviel, December 20, 2011, 04:04:03 AM

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So I'm used to FB tetris battle keyboard config .. where I use space bar for hard drops and UP arrow for rotations (never used left rotate until now) and use left shift for hold ..

I've been playing like more than a month now (I think) and my fingers are already used to that kind of setup ..

Q: Is it ok or me to try a new set up for controls? like the Z = for left rotate X = right rotate and C for hold .. and UP for the hard drop .. which is the default controls in NullpoMino (I think) .. or should I forget the UP for hard drop and just stick with the space bar?

Can you guys give an advice for a better set up?

tnx ..


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Quote from: gaviel
So I'm used to FB tetris battle keyboard config .. where I use space bar for hard drops and UP arrow for rotations (never used left rotate until now) and use left shift for hold ..

I've been playing like more than a month now (I think) and my fingers are already used to that kind of setup ..

Q: Is it ok or me to try a new set up for controls? like the Z = for left rotate X = right rotate and C for hold .. and UP for the hard drop .. which is the default controls in NullpoMino (I think) .. or should I forget the UP for hard drop and just stick with the space bar?

Can you guys give an advice for a better set up?

tnx ..



it really doesnt matter. just use both rotates and balance your hands (i.e. 4 keys on one hand, 3 on the other)

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I'd suggest switching to the setup you suggest - I think it'll make you a fair bit faster in the long run.

Though as preference I find down for hard-drop (and up for soft-drop) much easier as it means my fingers are on the same row and I find this far more comfortable.


thanks for the response guys ..

I came up to a decision to switch to the new set up I posted above .. but still with the space bar as a hard drop ..

This is kinda OT .. but since I'm switching to a new set up .. I think I'll try the 0G 60 Hz SRS Movement Finesse  with it ..

Q: how and where can I apply it?
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i use down for Harddrop and up for soft drop.  I use the space bar for hold.  I personally feel this gives you a 'typing' feel to your controls. if you've learned how to type without looking at the keyboard this setup gives a very comfortable configuration that i feel helps expedite the learning process.  also i suggest people with bigger hands use A/S/D for their rotates rather than Z/X/C.  Proper spacing is good for tapping.