Is Perfect Clear a viable method in Battle 2P? Or are tspins way better?

Started by zhiyuen91, November 14, 2011, 09:51:25 AM

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Hi everyone,
Im new to Hard Drop, but I found it to be quite fascinating with the hourly updates on the forum. So many things to read and learn about tetris. Nevertheless, I was watching a video on youtube of this guy sending 10lines per 1 Perfect Clear. My query is, is the perfect clear method a superior one compared to the Tspin and normal tetrising method?



I'm just one of many opinions on this I'm sure, but I think Perfect Clears as setups are a waste.  The likelihood that your opponent will have pieces sent to your screen before you get it built and cleared is very high.

I think the only place Perfect Clears come in handy is if you are lucky enough to get one when your opponents stack is high.


I see. Thanks for the answer. Yeap Im sure stacking for tspins are much more reliable. Those videos i saw demonstrates a very slow and tedious setups for Perfect Clears. That pretty much answers my question:D


In VS games this is true... but in 2p Battle you are playing against a recording of someone... the garbage is solid and therefore it's just a case of sending a lot of lines....

I find a PC to be a great opener for this mode. Often scoring me an instant KO.

Of course combos are OP in this mode so you're better off just using them.


Thanks raven. Oh btw, do you happen to know any guide relating to improving stacking speed??? Thanks in advance


I love perfect clears on Tetris Friends because the game is slow and the players are generally slower, so I can almost always get away with it. Also, with 6 people playing, there's a decent chance you won't get any garbage, and even if you do, I've been lucky plenty of times with a stray I block cleaning up my garbage for an 11-th piece perfect clear.

As Raven was saying on TB, it kind of makes sense there too (however) btb tspin triples are worth 9 points there and only 7 everywhere else. So that makes options like DT cannon more viable. Also, combos are stronger on TB because you can link your combos to bombs.

The other issue with perfect clears is that nothing sends cleaner garbage. If you do a combo 7 in E+, then that will send 10 lines as well, but your opponent(s) will have 6 discrete holes to clear.

As far as stacking guides, I couldn't find anything in my bookmarks that I think would interest you, but you might see something you like if you google " speed stacking" etc. I would stay away from the in-forum search. But here's one very advanced part of the wiki you might like which covers finesse, which is integral to efficient stacking:
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


hey darth,
Thanks for the reply. Im afraid Im abit to new to tetris to understand the guide. However, I did came across Xeal's guide for stacking. Very beginner friendly. Just out of curiosity, which is harder to execute? A b2b tspin triple or a perfect clear.??


Quote from: zhiyuen91
hey darth,
Thanks for the reply. Im afraid Im abit to new to tetris to understand the guide. However, I did came across Xeal's guide for stacking. Very beginner friendly. Just out of curiosity, which is harder to execute? A b2b tspin triple or a perfect clear.??
a perfect clear from the beginning of the game is probably easier than a mid-game tspin triple.

However any tspin triple is easier than calculating a (non-trivial) perfect clear.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


perfect clears are harder than and less viable than t spins for battle modes. the only times you have a fighting chance at using perfect clears to win a battle mode is when you can string them together, and time them well enough to counter garbage coming in and still send. even sending 4 perfect clears in a row in under 30 seconds, you arent guaranteed a win (I've done this and lost before), and you wont have anything to counter garbage with. with t spins you can at least have some "buffer" stack underneath, to counter garbage with.

In short- even the best in the world at perfect clears wouldnt use them regularly in battle, as they are generally inferior to t spins.


Quote from: zhiyuen91Just out of curiosity, which is harder to execute? A b2b tspin triple or a perfect clear.??
A btb tst (or even one tst for that matter) is going to take longer than a perfect clear. However, you probably noticed that a perfect clear is not possible to do every time, so if you fail to do that, you can usually connect to just about anything like a tspin, tetris, or combo. Since a PC attempt just takes a few seconds it doesn't really matter if you pull it off or not. Worst case scenario you can just keep stacking and do a tetris.

But I cringe at recommending this after being exposed to 2P on nullpomino. In the weekly tournaments I'm lucky only to lose 1-10, and am yet to win against a top player after trying to open with a tspin tower. Here is a point of comparison:

WendyLoL is one of the top-5 fastest players on TF. If he wants to open with a two tspin triples it takes about a minimum of 8 seconds. Meanwhile we have a video of Paradox finishing a perfect clear in two seconds. This tells me that perfect clears are inherently much faster, and even if I was as fast as WendyLoL, I still have lost plenty of games on nullpo in under 8 seconds!

Also, make sure not to mix up "two tspin triples" for back-to-back tspin triples. A full tower with two tsts is taller, riskier, and slower.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Very nice to see perfectclear reply to this one - thank you!  I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that perfect clears in battle aren't something to bank all your stacking on.


its good for games where you don't play a real opponent like battle 2p. Its not like they will downstack. In multiplayer though a good player should just send it right back.
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Xael made a nice video guide for stacking . i think he gives tips on how to play faster.

i can't find the link to it atm, but its here somewhere.

you should stick it in your signature xael.

nvm i found it


Thanks everyone. Especially to Xael for his awesome stacking guide. U guys noe Bl1ink right? Does he play like in major tournaments or something? I've seen his videos he's really good. Never knew you can play tetris is such different ways until i came across this forum


Quote from: zhiyuen91
Thanks everyone. Especially to Xael for his awesome stacking guide. U guys noe Bl1ink right? Does he play like in major tournaments or something? I've seen his videos he's really good. Never knew you can play tetris is such different ways until i came across this forum

Yeah, me too. I started playing in Tetris Battle, and I thought ST stacking and combos were everything.  Probably because most rank 50 match videos I watched in youtube involves the usage of either one of these two strategies. I didn't it's actually more than that.

Anyway, I think perfect clear is okay as an opening in Tetris Battle. It probably works against slower players, though I  haven't tried it myself.

And I also recommend Xael stacking videos. My 40L now averages under 2 minutes after watching it!