Tetris Link Scrimmage

Started by Sisu, September 22, 2011, 04:27:19 PM

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Quote from: myndzi
You forgot to deduct points for holes. Also I think he intended a z?
6-2 = 4. The move is right.


"Players will never lose more than 2 points in one turn"



Ah, right. I only added 1 - silly me



caffeine 4-2 myndzi

caffeine rolls T




caffeine 4-2 myndzi

myndzi rolls L/J




caffeine 4-4 myndzi

caffeine rolls S/Z


Wait... did you seriously take that thing to work with you, Sisu?

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.



Quote from: Dakhath
Wait... did you seriously take that thing to work with you, Sisu?
It never leaves my side.  


caffeine 4-4 myndzi

myndzi rolls S/Z



I propose an alternate rule to keep things more interesting and more strategic.

If you roll a piece you don't have instead of losing a turn, you get to pick your piece.

With the 2 player rules as they are, you get hosed if you roll too many of the same piece early on, and you have to avoid pieces you are low on if you roll wildcard.  This rule change solves both problems.

I thin it's better my suggested way.  

The other way, it's never an advantage to be out of a piece type, and you can be forced into it rapidly.  But with this change there ARE advantages and disadvantages to it.

In a 3 or 4 player game it's rare to run out.

Some strategy notes in order.

You have to think a) how many points you get b) how many points you lose, and c) how many points you cost your opponent.

every time you seal off a group of two, or completely seal off your opponent, you cost them 2 points in the future. I'd say it's worth it, even if you will lose a point.  Possibly even worth it if you will lose two if you also can link.


How about we finish ... even one game and see how it goes first?  Random is random, fairly evenly distributed; you will want to keep your piece balance even with your links, and all of this is known when making placements, so it can be considered and taken into account...

(I would like this game better if it didn't seem to need so much messy stacking, but then again, it's not Tetris)


I remember a review of the game online, and people complained about this problem.

If one player gets forced into using up two of their groups early, the other player can usually pull ahead because of skipped turns.

While 50 tetrominos is technically enough, even a single missed turn can be devastating.