A pitiable noob says hi

Started by Rickjames, March 19, 2011, 08:50:01 PM

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Hi everybody, name's Alex. I've been contemplating joining HD for a bit now, but since I just passed the 100 line threshold in battle 2p, I guess I'm hardcore enough to be a noob here.

I've been playing for six months. Battle 2p is my thing. Currently rank 18 on TF. Larger groups tick me off because I get KOs stolen   .

One thing I'd love to improve is my ability to combo, as it seems to be holding back my progress otherwise. If there are any pills advertised on the internet that I could take to help me with this, that would be great.

I enjoy sushi, long walks on the beach, wrestling polar bears, and Tetris.

Will someone adopt this noob?


Quote from: Rickjames
I guess I'm hardcore enough to be a noob here.

  cracked me up.

Are you looking for combo starting tips, or midgame comboing?  

Here's Zero_T's 4wide combo start guide:  http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?showt...63&hl=4wide

Midgame comboing is a skill that's not easily learned, it comes as you improve your overall downstacking.  You have to plan a few pieces ahead so that you can clear lines with consecutive pieces.  Some ways to improve downstacking is by playing Survival type modes that are available in Blockbox (Survivor), NullpoMino (Dig Challenge) and Cultris 2 (Swiss Cheese).




In battle 2 player comboing and tetrises will win you the most matches but it doesn't hurt to get really good at t-spins for other modes.