Tetris Arena help

Started by keith99, March 18, 2011, 03:57:05 PM

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I do not understand Tetris Arena.  I literally sent 39 lines in one minute (next highest was not much more than 10), yet I still lost to players that are much slower than I was.  No BS items or maps, just straight tetrises and T-spins and other high value moves like combos.  Is there something I'm missing?


lol you should record a game
and we can tell you what you're "missing"

you should take into account garbage blocking and garbage countering

just because you're fast doesn't mean you'll win automatically  - opponents can downstack the garbage you send them and at the same time send you back more garbage.. yuppp

record a game ~

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At the risk of sounding stupid, how do I record a game (other than on a video camera).  How do you block garbage or counter it?  Thanks.


download camstudio

and.. i'm not really good at explaining garbage countering/blocking.. LOL

garbage blocking.. when your red meter goes up you have to um clear lines for it to go down? so then you don't get the garbage

i think..
.. HAHA i don't even get the whole blocking/countering thing
wait for someone else to reply XD

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Well maybe you should try to improve at survival first.   And if there's no e+ then no matter how many lines you sent your opponent will use your own garbage to sent back at you.   And if those are not the problem then maybe your opponent just froze right in the middle of the game while you were playing. Situation like that sometimes happened and you could even sent to 100 lines while they got zero, you still end up losing.  
"A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning."

~Pat Riley


In guideline games like Tetris Friends, winning requires a lot more than just sending the most lines.  If you're losing despite sending the most lines, focus more on your own survival rather than topping out other players.  

This post might help you, the thread starter was having the exact same problem as you:  http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=42960

Here's something that helps me out whenever I lose: look at what the other player is doing.  If you analyze their playstyle, you can probably figure out what they're doing that allows them to come out on top.  THEN I FIND A COUNTER OR COPY IT.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://www.naruto-wallpaper.net/images/4/640.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://www.naruto-wallpaper.net/images/4/640.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


How do you aim, or decide to defend?  Literally what buttons do push to do this?  Clearly I've spent too much time playing ultra.


Look at Blink's post to see how to target. There is no button, you basically have to wait for the target to go onto the dude's screen.

One tip. If you are trying to rank up but you are at rank 5, 10, or 15, then you will have a hard time, because you lose rank real fast, but gain real slow. You want to join a room, win, and quit, or people will target you, and you will have no way of fighting off 3 people. Other than combo openings that is, which don't always work. Don't do this unless you are at highest rank of a class, where it is especially hard to rank up.

Another tip, don't over stack, its not battle 2p. If you over stack, you might not be able to tetris if they send you lines. Once you have a line piece, and you are targeting someone you don't like, just tetris, don't wait to do many in one go, it will probably kill you.

Another tip, try playing sprint rather than ultra, speed is something quite important. Also, the reason why those people send so few lines and still win is because they can down stack. They can just send lines back at you once they receive, because their stack is low.


I got to level 20 the old fashion way - I bought it.  Armor, speed up, and roam around until I found less skilled players.  Thanks for the tips.


Quote from: Blink
In guideline games like Tetris Friends, winning requires a lot more than just sending the most lines.  If you're losing despite sending the most lines, focus more on your own survival rather than topping out other players.  

This post might help you, the thread starter was having the exact same problem as you:  http://harddrop.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...ost&p=42960

Here's something that helps me out whenever I lose: look at what the other player is doing.  If you analyze their playstyle, you can probably figure out what they're doing that allows them to come out on top.  THEN I FIND A COUNTER OR COPY IT.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://www.naruto-wallpaper.net/images/4/640.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://www.naruto-wallpaper.net/images/4/640.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

wow you had to add in that picture?
-__- smh

targeting is easier to do on TF than TOJ so if you want to do that.. do it.. but it's kind of a lame way to play lol

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: keith99
How do you aim, or decide to defend?  Literally what buttons do push to do this?

Well, there isn't a button for defense either, but you do have more choice in this one. Whenever someone sends you lines, the garbage meter on the right side of your field will store them until you put down your current piece. If you clear lines with this piece, incoming attacks are stalled for one turn. Anything you do that would send an attack out while you have incoming attacks on the meter cancels them out instead (unless some overflows, of course). So, if your opponent sends you a tetris and you do a tetris right after that, the net garbage added is 0.

Knowing when to stall or cancel incoming attacks is a valuable skill. One thing to note is that big attacks like tetrises or t-spins send clean straight garbage, while a lot of small sends will be broken up into messy chunks. If you're in a good position, sometimes it is valuable to let a tetris come in so you can send it right back at them and keep the game flow in your favor. Other times, you'll want to block and cancel the attacks so you can have a moment to get back in the game.
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I'm definitely not a great person to get Arena tips on (look at my win-rate and you'll see, hah), but I do know that the issue that held me back the most was over-devotion on setups. No matter how far you devote to a setup, you have to know when to bail on it to prevent yourself from getting KO'd. Of course, the faster your judgement is, the less damage you'll take. Of course, it's best to prevent yourself from making bad setup choices in the first place, but you need to know how to get out of them when you do over-devote yourself.

You also need to look at your opponents' playstyles. Know what types of starting setups would be ideal to use, depending on the amount of pressure you should put on your opponents.
In ARS we trust.


Quote from: keith99
I got to level 20 the old fashion way - I bought it.  Armor, speed up, and roam around until I found less skilled players.  Thanks for the tips.
lol. You're missing out on the fun of EARNING it and improving.

I know what you mean about playing too much ultra. It's all I played for a half year because I was committed to beating my friends score. Now that I've beat it I'm going into arena games and struggling because my brain is programmed to ST stack.


Quote from: keith99
I got to level 20 the old fashion way - I bought it.  Armor, speed up, and roam around until I found less skilled players.  Thanks for the tips.

lols this is probably why you lose to players who send less lines ;P

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