Best (or decent) Keyboard Config

Started by Shuugo, February 20, 2011, 07:12:56 PM

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Hello everyone.

This is my first post on Hard Drop, I am sorry if I am doing something wrong. I have tried searching some topics for this information, but didn't find much about it.

Anyway, I am starting to play Tetris trying to reach a decent level of gameplay, which sort of implies in playing on the keyboard (TOJ, TF, etc). The thing is, the best of my gameplay so far was in Tetris DS and in the PS3 Tetris, both of which use a controller. I am not used to playing Tetris at the keyboard AT ALL, and I am having serious troubles transfering the skills over because every 10 drops, 4 are misdrops.

My question is: is there a common keyboard layout that pro players use? Since I'll have to build this skill from scratch anyway, I figured it would be good to ask you guys, who understand this 10 times more than I do, what would be a good layout to use =).

Thanks in advance for everyone who reads and answers, and I am sorry if I am doing something wrong.



Hello, Shuugo, and welcome to Harddrop  I think what you're looking for can be found here. Feel free to join the discussion on the following page:

Cheers, and feel free to ask if you need help regarding any other matter.

Edit: Thx Aaron


Omg, I truly sorry, I swear I didn't find this topic at first =/. That or I overlooked it when skimming through the information.

Thanks a lot guys, sorry for this!