HD Team League

Started by myndzi, January 01, 2011, 09:27:51 AM

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Hope this question doesn't seem trivial or anything, but i was wondering - let's say a team (legion of doom) has like 20 players on their team - all 20 players could potentially show up - and the captain would choose the 3 ? lol is that how it will go ?

- bee


Quote from: killahbee

Hope this question doesn't seem trivial or anything, but i was wondering - let's say a team (legion of doom) has like 20 players on their team - all 20 players could potentially show up - and the captain would choose the 3 ? lol is that how it will go ?

- bee
you get to choose 3 players AFTER the game modes are picked, i believe.
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
you get to choose 3 players AFTER the game modes are picked, i believe.

eh, i am putting more heavy emphasis - on the part of the question where ALL 20 team members could potentially show up - more so than when the 3 players are chosen.

Sorry - hope it's a better clarification to my question.



yeah if I understand correctly your team captain will choose players 3 per match (1 per round), regardless of how many of your teammates show up.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://oi46.tinypic.com/2zqx63k.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


I thought it was 3v3 and your team of 3 would play all 3 rulesets.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]www.hrlarry.com[/div]
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


No, it is indeed three 1v1 matches. Doesn't it say that in the OP?

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]

Each match will consist of three sets of 1v1 games. These will be first to 7, win by 2. The settings for each set will be randomly selected from a pool of five settings groups before that set is played, and the competing teams will then decide which team member will play that set. Settings will not be repeated, and no player can play twice. If a team does not have enough players to play three matches, they will forfeit the balance 7-0. The winning team is the one that wins the most sets in the match, though individual set win/loss may factor into breaking ties for placement in the finals.

killahbee: Yes, if someone shows 20 players, only 3 are going to play. That is why I suggested entering more than once for those "big" teams. It turns out we got 7 teams without doing that though, so hopefully things will be just fine. Nobody has really declared captains or what so I guess I'll just take it from the team thread owners or original posters.


HFT IS NOT PLAYING, find a new team, please


Well at least the brackets will be even. All posts updated.


Epilogue will be joining.


OK. You guys will get a bye unless we can get one more team up in this.


is it too late to join
can stars join ?

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Heck yeah you can

You will play Epilogue this weekend, then. Work out what time and day you guys would like to meet on tomorrow if you can.


I love this.  lol.  good stuff.


Things I would like to see next time

Ok guys, I feel like today was successful. We had a lot of activity, games went (relatively) smoothly, and I feel like most of the people have a reasonably solid understanding of the proceedings. I have included here a few things I would like you guys to do for the next matches, and a few things I would like your comments on.

1) Captains

Please designate a temporary captain for any match where the team owner/designated "permanent" captain will not be present. It leaves your team in confusion without a leader. Most of the teams that entered didn't designate a captain, so right now all I have is team owners (going by the original poster of each team thread). Post the temporary captain in the scheduling thread or PM it to me or whatever, but get it done before your match.

2) Scheduling

Get it done. It's not that hard. Saturday or Sunday only.

3) Tripcodes

Please arrange tripcodes for team members who will be participating so that I can verify that the people who are playing are who they are supposed to be. PM me a list when you've collected it as soon as convenient. You can obtain a tripcode by entering a # character after your name (no space necessary) in Nullpomino and following it with some text.

Do not use a password that you care about or use on any other account - tripcodes give away the hash of your password, and as such, already take care of half the work involved in cracking your password. If you use a password for your tripcode, you can expect that it is possible for somebody to find it and use it to log into your accounts.

4) Read the rules

I know it's a long post, but it's long and detailed for a reason. Have someone on your team who understands how everything is supposed to work and ask them, not me. It's irritating to have to try and explain things to people that have already been written about and available for question/discussion for weeks, especially when I'm trying to get something else done within about 5 minutes.

5) Match rooms

Please do not join the set rooms until I announce the set is ready. The intent is for both teams to be able to announce their players in private to prevent counter-picking of players. Having players in the match room defeats the "private" purpose of it. If you are a captain, once you have announced your player, please leave. If you are a player, please don't join until I ask you to. If you are a spectator, please wait until the announcement as well.

Requests for comment

1) Rules files

Was there anything that didn't work how you expected it? Please bring it to my attention. I can't make everybody happy, but if it's a setting that will make more people happy than unhappy, I will consider changing it.

2) Start timer

A couple people complained about the start timer. This is how I see it: once you've joined the game, you should be playing it. There is no longer any reason for delay. You have 15 minutes of timeout that you can take advantage of if you need to stop the game for some reason. If you are sitting in the seat, then don't complain; otherwise, spectate and ask for a timeout.

I am amenable to changing the start timer settings if somebody can provide me with a well-reasoned argument as to why I should do so.

3) Organization

I know that Nullpomino's chat support is limited, so it is difficult to administer the matches. It's hard for the teams to discuss things among themselves, and it's hard for me to receive privately each team's choice. If anyone has reasonable suggestions on a better way to organize matches, I'd like to hear them.

4) Administration

Do you feel like I ran things well today? Is there something you'd like me to do in addition to what I did or in lieu of something I did? How can I keep things running well-oiled?

5) Timing

Were the matches a good length? Do you feel like there was not enough time to choose your player? To get any particular thing done? Nobody ran up against even half of their time-out time.

6) Scoring

I sincerely hope we don't have any team no-shows during the regular season, but I can't count it out. How do you guys think teams should be ranked? If I give a forfeit victory 3-0, it may give that team an unfair advantage in the final rankings. If I give them anything less, forfeit can potentially be used as BM. I could disqualify a team entirely so that their match scores against other teams don't count, but that could turn out to be poorly done as well. All in all, I'm not sure how to handle this, but I want to decide before the regular season occurs. If you have a suggestion, please first consider: "could this provide an incentive for a team to forfeit or no-show a match?"

Personal suggestions

From experience in team leagues run with a similar structure to this one, I can offer teams a few bits of advice to help things go smoothly for them:

1) As the owner, or captain, be responsive. Be responsive to other teams, and to your players. If you are unable to, designate a captain who is able to. Answer your PMs promptly, get scheduling done early, etc.

2) Communication. I can't stress this one enough. Talk to your team, find out how best to keep in touch with them. Figure out a convenient way to talk among yourselves both in the long term (like a forum) and the short term (chat). Announce your matches. I know it seems redundant, but if you tell your team when and where to be, they will be more likely to be there than if you just assume they can figure it out. Weekly e-mails worked well for my teams in the past.

3) Participation. Keep your team active and interested. Hold practice nights on different settings types. Discuss upcoming matches, evaluate the other team, etc. Basically, keep people involved and they will be more active and available for your matches.


Nullpomino 7.5 is about to be released, so from this week we will play on 7.5. If for some reason it is not up and running by match time, we will play on the development server.