HD Team League

Started by myndzi, January 01, 2011, 09:27:51 AM

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"maybe I can take another cue from Starcraft here and use "set"?"

Tennis, sir

you'll be unlikely to get 2 minutes per set with the last 2 modes imo, so it should be ok
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: myndzi
If we estimate 2 minutes a game, that's perhaps 30 minutes per set, making the entire match about an hour and a half long. I may need to revise it to a first to 7 or something if that seems too long for most of you.

Yes, please. I'd like somewhere between first to 5 or 7 by 2. Maybe even 6.


5 would be too quick, 7 I would be ok with.
               Tetris Belts!


Well, how many weeks and teams are we talking here? And what's the point of splitting up your team? Won't they have to play each other eventually? I think I'm going to keep it 1 team and whoever wants to show up will play, or we can alternate members each week.


Yeah they'll have to play each other at some point - however having 2 teams means that it gives people more match games - I don't wanna be in the situation where a lower level player gets no games because maybe we wanna guarantee a win or not get a guaranteed loss because we're in a race for a position in the league, because that's unfair on that person. Better to have everyone on the team competing than some people feeling that they're being ignored, or feeling that they aren't a valued member of the team.
               Tetris Belts!


Oh... I was thinking more of the IDGAF about winning approach lol. I'ma just let people play if they want. People are probably busy with their lives and getting 3 teammates together at one time for about an hour seems reasonable.


Hey Myndzi,

I was wondering if it's not too much trouble, that you update the first post (so, first page, first post made by you) if there are any changes, or clarifications needed that happen in this thread. If it is, don't worry bout it. But i guess it just makes it easier for lazy people like me that don't like reading 6 pages of edits - and new ideas etc etc.  

lol. if it's too much trouble again, it's still okay

thanks a lot !



Quote from: chopin
Oh... I was thinking more of the IDGAF about winning approach lol. I'ma just let people play if they want. People are probably busy with their lives and getting 3 teammates together at one time for about an hour seems reasonable.
Even if we don't care about winning, I still don't get what's wrong with splitting the teams up so people can play more. It's ok to say people can just play if they want, but chances are with a group of ten people we're likely to get more than three people wanting to play.


Quote from: killahbee
Hey Myndzi,

I was wondering if it's not too much trouble, that you update the first post (so, first page, first post made by you) if there are any changes, or clarifications needed that happen in this thread. If it is, don't worry bout it. But i guess it just makes it easier for lazy people like me that don't like reading 6 pages of edits - and new ideas etc etc.  

lol. if it's too much trouble again, it's still okay

thanks a lot !


I certainly plan to, but the post you are referring to was more of a request for comment than an official Rule Update. I will probably enact it however, since it didn't seem to bother anybody.

Paul: Starcraft uses it to refer to a group of games in a best of N series. Your usage in your post would suggest it take the place of what I have been calling 'games' (the individual games played in the best of N set)...


ah I see, I was mistaken!

Though in tennis, in a best of N sets, a set refers to a group of games - but it makes no difference and I'll have to trust you on that one
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: myndzi
I certainly plan to, but the post you are referring to was more of a request for comment than an official Rule Update. I will probably enact it however, since it didn't seem to bother anybody.

awesomes : )
thanks a lot - loool as long as you update it for lazy bees like me.

thanks again.



I have updated the OP with the detailed match rules, including time-out time and substitution. I also attached three Nullpomino rules files which will be used with rule lock when creating the rooms.

Please try out the rules files and post any problems in the thread so I can fix them before game time. Shift lock is off, because it was off in Standard Zero... but if it was up to me, I would turn it on. ("Prevent DAS movement until drop key is lifted") What would you guys prefer?

I have re-combined the Eurofighters' entry to one team, since I have not received a split team list. It looks like we'll have 6 teams even without splitting the big ones, yay! You have one week to enter your rosters if you do want to split your teams, however.

I will be posting next week's games on Sunday night or Monday morning based on the teams that have entered at that time. This is the pre-season round, and scores won't affect your placement in the regular season, it's just to give things a trial run and get everybody used to the system. New teams may still register until Sunday the 16th 11:59 PM PST.


Hopeless Romantics is entering
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[div align=\\\"center\\\"]Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
~Martin Luther King Jr.


Woot. Waiting on the Underdogs now

Edit: And Superfriends?


Well, we have an odd number of participants... so I'll wait hopefully until tomorrow morning sometime to announce matches so that everyone can participate in the pre-season round. If not, well, one of you guys gets a bye.