Tournament Help / Request

Started by tempfelix, December 11, 2010, 08:17:25 AM

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Hey guys,

I have my tournament match scheduled for 4:00 pm today.  Since I can't make that time, I have been attempting to contact my opponent (Pamelax3) since Monday, but she hasn't responded, or even logged into Tetris Friends.  Therefore, I have a request.   If any of you are spectating the matches, and she decides to show up, can you tell her I am rescheduling? I know it's supposed to be done well in advance, but you know, since she won't respond I kind of can't.  PS If any of you are nice enough to do me this favor, just tell her I'm rescheduling; I think if she declines I forfeit the match, so try not to give her the option (I think I can beat her).

Happy Tetrising,


lol... "I think if she declines I forfeit the match, so try not to give her the option"

i don't think this tournament match can be rescheduled... since all matches are scheduled for a set time. ask John.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Yeah, from what I know, both of you guys have to agree to a time change. If the other person doesn't respond, the set time stays and you end up losing the match if you don't show up. =(


That's not really fair in all cases. Perhaps his opponent deliberately hasn't answered (and pretending to be awol) because of this, just so he/she will win on wo.

This might now be the case now, but it could happen!
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tbh i don't think she's gunna show up if she hasn't been on or answered any of your msgs :s which if she doesn' win the match by default but i'm not sure you play the next one? [what happened to jkwon23?] it would be a shame for a higher seed to lose for this reason imo D: when are you trying to reschedule for o.o even though i'd much rather play her than you for my next round i'll see if she's on at that time
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Quote from: Pikiwedia
That's not really fair in all cases. Perhaps his opponent deliberately hasn't answered (and pretending to be awol) because of this, just so he/she will win on wo.

This might now be the case now, but it could happen!

if neither show up then they're both eliminated

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: ohitsstef
if neither show up then they're both eliminated

Yeah, but it's possible she'll show up, hence the "pretending to be awol" lol.

But still, as viru said - it would be a shame for a higher seed to lose for this reason.
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too bad it's not double eliminations  
-shakes fist-
jk that'd take forever to finish

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I would just be on as much as you can and try to get a match with your opponent. I don't think there is really a point to skip matches. If you can't beat a second round opponent, you probably can't make the playoffs anyways.

Quote from: virulent
tbh i don't think she's gunna show up if she hasn't been on or answered any of your msgs :s which if she doesn' win the match by default but i'm not sure you play the next one? [what happened to jkwon23?] it would be a shame for a higher seed to lose for this reason imo D: when are you trying to reschedule for o.o even though i'd much rather play her than you for my next round i'll see if she's on at that time

My opponent didn't log on at all since the matches were scheduled. So I thought she was going to be a no-show and I didn't warm-up at all. And I almost lost because I didn't start out too well.


Quote from: virulent
what happened to jkwon23?

He was on briefly last night, but I haven't seen him on TF in forever. D:


Even if the opponent pretends not to be available and shows up for the match they would deserve the win. the match is scheduled at that time so its not the opponents fault if they don't want to reschedule.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: Paradox
Even if the opponent pretends not to be available and shows up for the match they would deserve the win. the match is scheduled at that time so its not the opponents fault if they don't want to reschedule.

I think you've got very shaky use of the word "deserve" there in your post, especially if they're pretending to not be available when they actually are. It's not the opponent's fault, but it's still very much a dick move. If we'd scheduled the matches ourselves initially then there's a bit more scope to blame someone if it turns out they can't show up for it, but these match times are picked for us, and it's not that surprising if some of them turn out to be inconvenient for the 128 people scheduled to play.

People should want to progress through to the next round by winning a match, not by just having their opponent forfeit. If someone is going to insist the game be played at a time that isn't possible for their opponent, rather than make an allowance to reschedule if possible, then they're definitely not competing with the spirit of the tournament.


I already told blink about the issue.  And I'm not accusing her of deliberately not responding to take the win; she hasn't logged into Tetris Friends since December 5th at all, so she at least didn't get my friend request there.  I at least think that if she doesn't show up, I should win by default; I have been making attempts to reschedule since monday (on both TF, HD, and gmail), and it's not my fault if she never logs on to reply to me.  Basically, I think it would be fair if she doesn't show up today, assume she accepts my request to reschedule; move the match to tomorrow, and since I assume she won't show up again, I'll win by default.

The other possibility is that she will log in for the match, in which hopefully someone can tell her the match is rescheduled (even though it isn't ahead of time, since I told Blink about the situation wednesday I don't think it should be an issue).


What I am saying Rosti is if she doesn't want to reschedule its not her fault. She was given a schedule ahead of time to prepare for. Of course you can consider that as mean if she didn't want to but she shouldn't be expected to be considerate for him not being able to do it.
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]


Quote from: ParadoxShe was given a schedule ahead of time to prepare for.
I agree with that, people shouldn't jump to conlusions (like, she's ignoring messages on purpose) too fast. It could well be that she just did not have the chance to be online during this week. And just because someone didn't log on since last sunday, doesn't mean they will be an automatic no show.
If she indeed shows up today and happens to have no time tomorrow for a reschedule, it is clearly her win, as the rules do not state that you are required to be available (i.e. check your email) before the match for a possible reschedule. If she ofc has the possibility to also play tomorrow, it would be the reasonable thing to do, no doubt, but saying this is basically an auto-loss cause someone can just play at the scheduled/fixed time and didn't check his/her email beforehand is very backwards.
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