Mini Event #1 - Hard Drop Secret Santa!

Started by Blink, November 05, 2010, 12:51:56 AM

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Hey guys,

I thought this year Hard Drop community should do a secret santa, even though christmas is 2 months away I'll be using this thread to see the number of people that would be interested in this. Also, it will give people enough time to ship around the world and time to think of an amazing present.

Because this involves giving out your home address and may be an invasion of privacy, all participants are pending approval. (Must be a recognized active member to the community... etc)

Please feel free to give feed back in the thread - but make sure you write whether you would be willing to participate in this event.

If you are given an OK to participate, drop me an e-mail with your HD name, real name & address to  This will be given to your secret santa.

Some guidelines:

Your gift cost can not exceed $25USD
Ship your gift out by December 1st, better early than late =)
If shipping is expensive (international), reduce your gift cost accordingly.
Do not put your own name on the "From:" when shipping out a gift, it defeats the purpose of secret santa.  

Participants 15:

Beastin_Shen - OK - confirmed
Blink - OK - confirmed
DraKKiE - OK - confirmed
kdbar - OK - confirmed
killahbee - OK - confirmed
SecretSalamander - OK - confirmed
Shizi - OK - confirmed
virulent - OK - confirmed
Noogy - OK - confirmed
SuperMeowMix - OK - confirmed
jennr246 - OK - confirmed
XaeL - OK - confirmed
SiRTeTRiS - OK - confirmed
Ravendarsky - OK - confirmed
ItsWhatever - OK - confirmed

Registration closes on Nov 15th.

REMEMBER: if you are OK'd, e-mail me your address, HD name, and real name.



sounds like a cool idea, count me in

I'd also suggest that every participant should put a photo of the gift he/she got in this thread (as far as possible). This might be even cooler, when we have the photos scheduled over december, so we have new ones every day.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Xiro, shouldn't the reciever of the gift post up the photos? So it will be a suprise!!


Quote from: Maii04
Xiro, shouldn't the reciever of the gift post up the photos? So it will be a suprise!!
yeah that's what I meant by "got" - the one who receives the gift posts a picture of it
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Xbox Live: dj stanz
AOL Instant Messenger: djstanny



We do not forgive. We do not forget.


<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


I'm in!


i'm down
-for security reasons i'd prefer it if whoever got me knew who i was :s then's a secret!
-what if i don't know my person? what ever shall i get them?!
-i think the limit should be lower..$30 sounds like a lot to me for secret santa with people you might barely know especially with some participants who don't have jobs/aren't even legal to get jobs yet..i've done secret santas in the past that were as low as $5..i understand shipping costs to some parts of the world would exceed $5..just sayin $30 is a bit much
but it sounds fun!
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]


i know im pretty new but id be game if im able



Quote from: dmart28
i know im pretty new but id be game if im able

Sorry dmart28, I can't let you participate this time around because you're too new to Hard Drop and we don't know much about you.  Don't feel bad I'm sure we'll all get to know you better in the coming weeks, and there's always future events.  Stick around =)