Standard tournament format?

Started by Shizaru, November 01, 2010, 04:31:46 PM

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I recently saw a video of Blink playing in a tournament that seemed to be first to 14 by two? I was just wondering if this is standard for Tetris tournaments or if other scoring variations are acceptable.

Such as something like best of 3 sets, each set is best of 7 ganes like Tennis.

Or just a flat bo7, bo15, or something like that?

Side note:
We (binarybeast) want to host a little Tetris tournament in celebration of the new version of the site coming out (We're discussing potential prize options as I type this), it made me sad to see the tour blink played in was utilizing Challonge. Challonge is better for now, but not for long!


it's really up to the host
i think for the first rounds we usually do first to 10 win by 2
and then when there's a top.. 16? they do first to 15 win by 2.

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Usually it is first player to win 10 or 15 games and you need to win by 2.

Sometimes there are sets you need to win, but unlike in tennis fatigue isn't really a factor in tetris. And you don't really want matches lasting a very long time.

But there is no standard tournament format, and anything usually is acceptable


1st to 10/15, win by 2. can seed by sprint(how fast someone gets 40 lines).

I would like to see you guys host a tourney, what version of tetris are you considering? (,, etc)
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first to 15 or 10 win by 2 is most popular rule. it's de fecto standard i guess.
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Quote from: Beastin_Shen
I would like to see you guys host a tourney, what version of tetris are you considering? (,, etc)

Well, TetrisFriends is probably easiest? I just don't like that tuning isn't available to all players... I personally have no experience with other applications. I'm giving TOJ and nullpomino a look, but odds are we'll go with TetrisFriends for ease / simplicity.

We're already involved in other gaming communities and will probably have people who'd rather not be bothered setting up JOT or something just to play.

The seriousness level is intended to be somewhat low (which is why I'm taking ease of access into account) as I'm new to Tetris and the community, but perhaps in the future if there's enough drive / motivation we can host something on a more competitive level with money involved.

Right now a prize we considering is a Razer Diamondback, which I'm not sure how useful that would be to competitive Tetris players seeing as no mice are involved during gameplay.


yes, tetrisfriends is easy to access and popular, but it's not very suitable for competitive play. i hate tf a lot, but actually it may be best choise for you (i assume you want tournament for generic audience and not just tetris pros). both toj (with das patch) and nullpomino are great for tournament, but both require some steps to set them up. from all official harddrop tournament toj tournament was most successful, i think. you may also consider blockbox.
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Quote from: Wojtek
yes, tetrisfriends is easy to access and popular, but it's not very suitable for competitive play. i hate tf a lot, but actually it may be best choise for you (i assume you want tournament for generic audience and not just tetris pros). both toj (with das patch) and nullpomino are great for tournament, but both require some steps to set them up. from all official harddrop tournament toj tournament was most successful, i think. you may also consider blockbox.
What is it exactly that you have against TetrisFriends? Just that tuning isn't readily available, or is there more?

And yes this is meant more for the generic player, so ease of access is a definite plus. I'll definitely get TOJ set up in the hopes of offering a more competitive event directed more towards the Tetris community. As of right now though I can't guarantee any prizes for them. I certainly wouldn't mind running one every now and then once I'm more familiar just for the fun of it though. I'll be pretty busy with other games early next year =\


not having tuning available for anyone is quite big issue for any competition. but other reasons are low gameplay quality (input lags and bad performance even on powerful pc and few other minor issues) and bad balance (garbage change hole on add and too powerful combos, in result often it's just garbage ping pong until one side gets lucky and get good downstack combo and win). This topic may be good read about tf weaknesses: again, those things are serious issue for top trier players, but may be not noticeable for "casual" players.
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Quote from: Shizaru
What is it exactly that you have against TetrisFriends? Just that tuning isn't readily available, or is there more?
And yes this is meant more for the generic player, so ease of access is a definite plus. I'll definitely get TOJ set up in the hopes of offering a more competitive event directed more towards the Tetris community. As of right now though I can't guarantee any prizes for them. I certainly wouldn't mind running one every now and then once I'm more familiar just for the fun of it though. I'll be pretty busy with other games early next year =\

Basically if tetrisfriends was like starcraft, one race would be totally overpowered than the rest, and players would lag/lose inputs for unknown reasons.

Nullpo is very good for creating and viewing games, but it might be difficult to host a tournament where everyone would have to download a separate client. (You need to download the client for ToJ also). For unexperienced tetris players you can send them to tetrisfriends.


Tetris Friends

Ease of Access

General input problems (very horrible)
Tuning settings must be unlocked which requires either real money, a lot time doing surveys, or tons of play time.
Tuning settings aren't specific, but rather presets
Significant line clear delay (A big factor when downstacking)
Game Rooms can't be specific but are generated from preset names.


Tuning settings are very specific and don't need to be unlocked.
Game works very smoothly and allows for advanced and speedy gameplay.
No need to unlock anything.
Generally there is a bunch of customization
Instant Auto Repeat if desired~!
Rule Lock if desired

Somewhat more difficult to understand controls when setting them up. Changes have already been made to make this easier.
Must be downloaded.


Quote from: Beastin_Shen
1st to 10/15, win by 2. can seed by sprint(how fast someone gets 40 lines).

seeding by sprint is alright, but a lot of people cheat and have other people play their 40 lines for them.. so i don't find it that accurate.

You should look into TOJ.. even though it's in Japanese with the English patch other users will be able to easily maneuver their way around it. It's much easier to use than Nullpomino in my opinion.. and with the patch users can make 1v1 rooms with passwords to lock it.

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