Tetris Friends is killing tetris and tetris community

Started by Wojtek, October 31, 2010, 11:49:56 AM

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Quote from: exchliore

My previous quote is completely true. Almost any post about a game that isn't on this community's approved list gets flamed right away. My introduction was flamed, as well as almost every single one of my other posts. The message this community gives is that if you don't play any of the approved games, then you are bad and we don't want your opinion. Let's say I make a post and call it "How much I like Tetris Friends", it would be immediately put down, flamed, and then possibly closed. In fact, I can only expect users who would trash the game immediately and then personally attack me as a Tetris player. Even you would agree with that. Your first response to any such post would be "Please stop playing that terrible game. Download nullp and then you get a voice in this community. kthxbai". Unless they want to be better at multiplayer tetris, I don't see a lot of casual gamers that would want to come to this forum.

Also, it seems that you agree that your disposition is different from a casual gamer. You clearly do not like Tetris Friends and your goal is to convert players to a more hardcore game. Why? You know that's not what the casual player wants. And it's not really just "your" view here. This seems to be the greater harddrop community's view (read the forums much? this is the message the forums send out to the community). Why would any casual player want to come here? All threads on TF are negative and all of it becomes a huge bash-orgy/fest.

I don't think anyone would flame down a "Why I like TF thread" =P cause it's not a "Why TF is better than everything else" thread. TF simply is not the best, but I wouldn't shoot it down as a game to not play at all. I've seen many people post comments about how they play TF, but not every player shoots them down and tells them to play another game. Instead we give out suggestions of our favorite games and what we play. It's like picking a restaurant, everyone has their favorites. Erm, but we arent elitists because we have favorites cause in the end we still play the other games out there. You'll see players who'll say they don't like TF (me) and still find them on TF playing. -shrugs

And I think it goes without saying, that if you joined a "Tetris forum" you really are no longer a "casual player." The TF threads may bash the game or whatever, but I think in a sense we all just want TF to improve their gameplay.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


Quote from: exchliore
I'm not sure you really know what a troll is.

I'm not out of touch with the community. Also, how are my arguments stupid? You haven't even contended with them.

In fact your reply is a simple copy+paste default message for anyone who likes TF. That, my friend, is elitist.
I don't remember Wojtek making an argument about people starting on TF and quitting. Wojtek is complaining about TF stealing users from BBox, nullP, etc. and then killing their Tetris spirits. I'm sorry, but people lose interest in Tetris all the time. Is it really because of TF? Do you think if TF never came out that they would have never quit? Why is it so wrong for TF to "steal" users from other games? What if users like TF more? Is it wrong to make a product that is "better" ("better" being defined by the players who left other games for TF)?

Who are core community members? Of what community? This one? I'm pretty sure you're not talking about this community. 2400 members is not a lot compared to the number of people who are subscribed to TF on facebook. What's the ratio of casual to non-casual gamers on this site? Is it representative of the entire Tetris community? Do you think that other Tetris communities take a lot from these forums? What about people who don't care about multiplayer play? What do you think about people who play Tetris at least once a week, but will never play Arena or multiplayer at all? Is there a reason for them to be here. Are they properly represented by the petition?

It's a lot of haziness and I think that a lot of it is overlooked.

Saying I don't know what a troll is exactly what a troll would do. Going onto a forum and disrespecting everyone is also very trollish.

Wojtek is complaining because people look to play tetris and end up playing TF when they would be better off playing a better game. My understanding of the point of this thread is that people who play TF are more likely to quit tetris than people who play a more serious version. If your response has nothing to do with this point I am ignoring it.

There are many people who don't care about multiplayer play here. Many of these people are very respected for their TGM skills.

Having the best players play on this site doesn't make us elitist. By other communities do you mean the facebook tetris community? Because judging by some of the posts I read there I wish people would make use of this site. http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.p...=app_2373072738


I believe the core of community members referred to somewhere in this sh!t flinging fiesta, is the small group of competitive players (many of whom are active on this site) who play often.



Quote from: Blink
Despite a few people, I'd like to think HD is about as non-elitist as a community can be.

I think that reading the forums says otherwise. The initial responses to almost all of my posts on this thread is "TF is bad, people should play other variants". There was one guy who liked my post. Maybe.

Quote from: BlinkWe have players from all different versions of Tetris, and a large deal of our members are casual players.  From the start this place was meant to be a website that accepts all players, no matter what version of Tetris they play.  The majority of our userbase are TF players, which as you've already stated are primarily casual.  Yes there are some TF bashers, but no community has members that 100% agree on everything.  

Are the TF players here really casual? Do they fit the casual category? There are a lot of players who break the casual barrier regardless of where they start. Just because the website was meant to be something, doesn't mean that's what it is or what it's turned into.

Quote from: BlinkTo say we don't accept casual players confuses me because we've held just as many tournaments on TF as we have on other games.  There are threads praising TF's improvements just as there are threads pointing out its flaws.  In fact, the upcoming tournament with prizes is going to be held on TF.  To point out flaws in a game isn't elitist at all, there are plenty of threads on Facebook from casual players requesting less lag or better features.  Problems like lag are important to everyone.  Yes there are times when a few members demonstrate elitism and bash on other games without any valid points, but this is a rare occurrence and it doesn't reflect the entire community.

If I made 5 accounts on this forum and said "Hey, I really like TF!" what kind of response would I get? What if I was like "I'm Level 4 and I like TF" and another person said "I've never played arena but I like Marathon!"? The instant replies aren't very interesting. I'm figuring from reading the past forums, I would be directed to another game. Look at some of the replies on this very thread. I'm instantly scourned for liking TF a little bit. Just because you host tournaments on TF doesn't mean you are accepting of casual players. Are those tournaments filled with "casual gamers"? Also, do casual players play tournaments? Wouldn't that disqualify them from being casual.

Maybe there are people who are here and casual, but I don't see too many voices around though. Just because they registered doesn't mean they're active.

Quote from: BlinkWith that being said, what would you do differently to HD to be more accepting of casual players? Because by looking at the large amount of casual players compared to few hardcore players on this site, I think we're doing a good job already.

I don't know if there's much you can do. Just look at what people think out loud. I'm not putting forward lots of solutions, and I'm sorry that it's not very helpful. At this point, I think it's best to just accept the community for what it is. The casual player doesn't get "lag" issues and usually can't play at the highest das anyway. These are things that only hardcore players see. It just seems to me that the community is pretending to be something it is not and I don't think that is very helpful.

Quote from: BlinkNot true.  I will not say who but a Tetris Friends staff member has said that they are focusing on other projects such as their Facebook RPG "Lost Trails" because of the decreased activity on TetrisFriends.com, possibly due to school.

I don't blame them. There really isn't a lot of depth in Tetris. RPG's with mini-transactions are totally money makers too.


i don't even see the point of this thread. nothing in Wojtek's first post is fact-based. it's been designed out of anger to make other people angry. what the hell is the point of this.


Quote from: exchliore
I don't blame them. There really isn't a lot of depth in Tetris.
There is, but TF just don't want to explore it.
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Quote from: jujube
i don't even see the point of this thread. nothing in Wojtek's first post is fact-based. it's been designed out of anger to make other people angry. what the hell is the point of this.

I agree it was out of general frustration with TF. But a lot of the frustration is fact based even if he doesn't mention it. I'm sure hes just getting pretty fed up with all the BS. Its okay to try to make other people sympathetic to your cause.

The point of the thread anyway is that he thinks TF is making things worse for the tetris community. I don't agree that they making it much worse, but I feel like they could be doing a lot better of a job. Like I said, if only they spent as much effort as people do on the clones. It is possible to please hardcore players and casual players.


gotta agree with exch here.
a lot of the harddrop members think so highly of themselves.
Mr. Someone2knoe comes on TF and starts bitching about how bad tf is and calls me a noob... then argues with me for 20 minutes about how good nullpo is before leaving.




Yeah pretty pointless, I can already tell this back-and-forth won't achieve anything.  Rather than add fuel to the fire by arguing, thread is now closed.