Tetris Friends is killing tetris and tetris community

Started by Wojtek, October 31, 2010, 11:49:56 AM

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As you see Tetris community is not as strong as it used to be. Number of players on all games: BB, TOJ, and even on TF itself decreased a lot. And new games like Nullpomino have hard times building userbase. I think it's because TF lured all people interested in tetris and killed their interest in game by not delivering things it should deliver.

TTC pretty much ruined tetris by making bad games over the years, and i think TF is like last nail in coffin. Well you can say TF still has big user base, but this user base not consist of people who love tetris, it consisnt of people who enjoin brainless grinding and other crap. Those so called "causal players" are easy to attract, but they will leave you sooner or later, and over the time new users will be harder to get.

Well at least this is how i see things.
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Tetris Online Poland


Quote from: Wojtek
Those so called "causal players" are easy to attract, but they will leave you sooner or later, and over the time new users will be harder to get. Well at least this is how i see things.

that's true

from what i've seen even clones online are better than TF  
but casual players come and go .. they never stay

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I think all of the negative attitude towards tf and the players also drives people away from Tetris. I don't like going to communities where the majority is a group of people who are almost never positive.

g u r l g a m e r


Meh. whatever. The more people who try tetris the better. If they are interested enough they will look around and get further involved.


I think that the attraction in TF is the stats-thing, when you get points for winning and the change of level (bronze, silver, gold). Who cares of a game when you cant see your own development (and see others as losers)? The same thing in BB and Toj when you get points for winning. Is it possible to create a similar thing in nullpo?


I disagree that Tetris Friends is killing the community, it's helped us grow as we've received a lot of new members which came from that game.

I do agree though that TTC and TOA should be more doing more.  They need to get involved with the community, and in developing Tetris in general.  There hasn't been any innovations in a long time, and updates are few + far between.  Basically they've attracted and amassed a large userbase, and haven't really done anything to keep them.

What I've noticed is that when the Tetris scene is strong, and interest is high, both official and clone games benefit and have lots of players on them.  When it's low like it is right now, all games suffer.  TF population is decreasing, BB and Nullpo are pretty small as well.  Clones get hit harder during these times because their userbase is already only a fraction of the official games, but trust me official games are hurting right now as well.


Quote from: Wojtek
As you see Tetris community is not as strong as it used to be. Number of played on all games: BB, TOJ, and even on TF itself decreased a lot. And new games like Nullpomino have hard times building userbase. I think it's because TF lured all people interested in tetris and killed their interest in game by not delivering things it should deliver.
i don't think that's true. if people are really interested in tetris and they're knowledgeable enough to understand some changes need to be made, they're exactly the people that would make the clone communities stronger. why would they give up tetris completely just because TF wouldn't implement a change they wanted? given the timing of this, i'd say things are slowing down because a lot of people are in school now.


Quote from: Blink
I disagree that Tetris Friends is killing the community, it's helped us grow as we've received a lot of new members which came from that game.

I also think that people who are really interested in better tetris, will look around for alternatives, such as nullpo.
Ofc, it would be the optimal situation if the company behind the game with quite some money to spend on advertisements etc, would make the best game in the first place. Sadly we know, this is not gonna happen, for a lot of reasons.

I'm not sure if TF would not exist all these players would actively search out for alternatives like nullpo, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't, tbh. So I don't agree with saying that TF is only detrimental to more people engaging in tetris and maybe switching over from "purely casual" to being a player who is more interested in the real game and wants good game mechanics / gameplay.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


i disagree with OP.

I came from TF.

If people are competitive enough they'll find TC.net + harddrop.com.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Some people have a competitive streak while others don't
those who are truly competitive, will look for better games if they decide tf is insufficient for their needs


Well, people don't really like to admit that they play tetris so to avoid people learning you play tetris then you just quit this, I think, is sad because tetris is pure awesome fun. If you don't quit then you just don't get involved in more tetris clones/tetris activities so its not really TTC's fault its just the players that don't want to get involved/TTC to get involved. I do though agree that TTC should get involved more.
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


Quote from: jemm_4
Well, people don't really like to admit that they play tetris so to avoid people learning you play tetris then you just quit this, I think, is sad because tetris is pure awesome fun.
I've never had a huge problem telling people I play tetris, i've had a problem telling people I play "Tetris Friends"! Whenever I say it people give me a strange look, and i'm like: yeah, I know, it's a gay name. :\
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


Quote from: solo2001
I've never had a huge problem telling people I play tetris, i've had a problem telling people I play "Tetris Friends"! Whenever I say it people give me a strange look, and i'm like: yeah, I know, it's a gay name. :\
I'm not saying that it's anyone here, im just saying that "casual" players have a hard time admiting that they play tetris just like I did about 10 months ago. And yes Tetris Friends is a gay name lmao
"Given the real thing and an indistinguishable fake, which is worth more"- Gaen Izuko (Nisemonogatari)
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."- Aristotle


How about communicating directly to Alexey Pajitnov? Anybody got his tweet?


He doesn't really have much to do with Tetris any more.