[Insert Witty Title Here]

Started by Dakhath, October 17, 2010, 01:19:57 PM

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Eh, I probably should have registered here a while ago; I've been lurking off and on for some time now.

Anyway: I'm Dakhath, but since most people online just call me Dak, I won't mind if you guys do too. I'm a 22 year old lazy college student. I used to play a lot of Tetris when I was younger, but I had stopped playing altogether until around a year and a half ago when some jerk friend of mine introduced me to Tetris Friends and the addiction started all over again.

I'm what you guys would refer to as a more casual player. I'm not very good, I know I'm not very good, and while I hope to get better... I'm also okay with the idea that I'm not very good. Problem is, I am better than all of my RL friends, and that can get a little boring. When I'm not playing, I'm running a medium-sized role playing forum or doing homework. Technically I do have some certifications in web design, but I'm not actually any good at the "design" part of things, which is why I'm working on a different degree.

Interesting things to note: I don't use emoticons much. Assume that I'm being less serious than I sound, because that's probably the case.

And now, back to lurking for me, most likely. Still, good to meet you all!

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.


Hi. Welcome to Tetris in High Definition.



Heya Dakhath.  I guess I don't need to say welcome since I'm sure you've been lurking here much longer than I have.  I think I've seen you around TF.  Also...  Hooray for science!  Your stickman really should be wearing goggles with that much science flying around, though.  Safety first, and whatnot.


Quote from: telesto
Heya Dakhath.  I guess I don't need to say welcome since I'm sure you've been lurking here much longer than I have.  I think I've seen you around TF.  Also...  Hooray for science!  Your stickman really should be wearing goggles with that much science flying around, though.  Safety first, and whatnot.

Ohhey. I'm sure I've seen you around TF, yeah. Thanks for the welcome! (And that goes for everyone who's posted so far.) The avatar is from xkcd, which is pretty much the most awesome webcomic out there. You're right, though, goggles would be a good idea.

I'm an admin over at Visionary Tales. Yeah, we're a role playing forum. Yes, this means I'm geekier than you are.


Quote from: Dakhath
Interesting things to note: I don't use emoticons much.
What? Emotes are awesome!


Welcome to HD!
Dont mind mom, hes a loser XD


Hahaha.  I love xkcd.  One of my all time favourites is : http://xkcd.com/724/

Although that's probably not surprising for a person on a tetris forum...