Flash is NOT actually laggy.

Started by XaeL, August 02, 2010, 01:52:30 AM

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Ok, for a long time, i thought

"TF is laggy because its in flash, that is to be expected"

however i played a couple of flash games that had FAR MORE COMPLEX graphics, and still ran at a perfect 60 frames per second.

Next i thought
"Now i must find a game, that is tetris, that has more complex graphics than Tetris friends, that has 60fps."

and then i found it.


this plays on my pc at 60fps, it has better (well more complex at least) graphics than TF. No dropped inputs. If a lone programmer can program this, the ENTIRE TetrisFriends team should be able to program something that doesnt fu**ing lag ok?

and before anyone says "its only single player, therefore it doesnt lag" thats a stupid argument. (explanation below)

Client vs server based content in tetris:
Basically, when players experience lag, it can be categorized into two categories, "client based(hardware/software discluding connection)" and "server/connection" based.

Examples of client include:
*dropped inputs
*animations freezing
*low frame rates
*graphical glitches

Examples of server/connection include:
*sending/receiving lines too late/ wrong time
*the view of other players fields is out of synchronization.
*starting the game 10 seconds later than everyone else.

Hence Even if the game is multiplayer, and ur connection is complete bat sh**, as long as you have a quad core etc, ur gameplay experience should be unaffected (i.e. no misdrops and stuff. You will still recieve garbage at teh incorrect rate, and this may spike and kill you).

Since Engram runs at 60fps on my Very crappy Pentium 4 from 2005, it is a clear example of how a bad computer can still run the client side of stuff perfectly.

Since Engram , which has far more complex lighting effects (put an I piece over an empty column to score tetris. it has a nice animation) than TetrisFriends, yet still has perfect FPS, we can conclude that

A) Flash does not actually suck
The programmers who programmed TF suck at rendering graphics in flash efficiently enough to not cause silly lag spikes.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Only thing I would add is that TF is rendering 6 games of tetris on your screen, yours and five others at the same time. Not that I'm making excuses for TF, I agree with you it COULD be better.


tf lags in singleplayer as well. end of story.
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
tf lags in singleplayer as well. end of story.
Really??? Oh wow. My single player is fine. I thought this was a strictly Multiplayer issue.


It happens in single player too, but it doesn't seem to be as bad.  If I'm playing a game of Survival, I usually don't even notice it till it gets to the higher levels.


Quote from: RavendarkskyOnly thing I would add is that TF is rendering 6 games of tetris on your screen
I don't see how that would justify anything. My 0.0018 GHz single-core NES renders two games of LJ65 on my screen at 60 fps (well, 30fps during line clear animation).


Heh, the IRS implementation on that game is more accurate than the one on TF
It's all about the love


Quote from: iphys
It happens in single player too, but it doesn't seem to be as bad.  If I'm playing a game of Survival, I usually don't even notice it till it gets to the higher levels.

are you kidding/ try softdropping on level 2-5, the drop is not smooth, it skips frames for me. Not every frame while dropping is drawn.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I've been trying to break 1:00 (lol) in Sprint but I haven't been able to because 4/5 DAS is too slow and 5/5 DAS is even more laggy than four (to add to the existing lag already there). The worst thing going for Tetris Friends right now is definitely the lag. Seeing your piece jump after you've stopped inputing controls is a heart-breaker. Sometimes I just want to take a personal plane to Hawaii and be like, "Hey, can you fix the lag goddammit?!" Then go swimming.


I never lag single player. 5/5 das arr settings don't make it lag. but i do get delayed starts and such on tf, only recently tho..

I'm still trying to get a game of engram...when i click it takes 3 mins for the next screen to come up
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(http://harddrop.com/design/pic/badges/bg_black.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 85px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:85px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Maybe they want it to lag and be crap on purpose to motivate us to buy retail Tetris games instead, although I think it just makes people less motivated to buy Tetris games if they get the impression they're sloppily put together.


It's all part of their plan. Soon they will introduce a No-Lag item and make big bucks.


i complete approximately 1/20 games on sprint without misdrops


Quote from: meow
i complete approximately 1/20 games on sprint without misdrops

Same here =(.  This may sound weird, but I misdrop less and feel less lag in Arena with multiplayer players than I do in the singleplayer modes.


Quote from: Blink
Same here =(.  This may sound weird, but I misdrop less and feel less lag in Arena with multiplayer players than I do in the singleplayer modes.

Same here.... I also find it less laggy when I play Arena. But when I play Single Player.. O_O