4-Wide Guide

Started by ZeroT, May 20, 2010, 06:13:48 PM

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what do u think is the best counter of 4 wide?


Quote from: xbxcv
what do u think is the best counter of 4 wide?

Early pressure, don't allow them to stack their 4 wide enough for it to be a big threat.


Quote from: Barneey
Early pressure, don't allow them to stack their 4 wide enough for it to be a big threat.

I think tspins should do it, but you have to be consistent and not break b2b bonus.
I think it takes 7 tetriminos to make 4 combo, 14 tetriminos to make 8 combo and so on ...
You get a t tetrimino every 7 tetriminos or so, so you should be able to do t-spin doubles.

Low tpm differential case:
First 7 blocks:
combo potential added = 4, lines sent by spinner = 4, remaining height in 4wide matrix = 12
Next 7 blocks
combo potential added = 4, lines sent by spinner = 5, remaining height in 4 wide matrix = 3
only 2 of the remaining rows can be filled by 4wider

At this point, 4wider will probably start combo. Combo potential from built up 4wide should be about 8-11 (depending on where garbage hole is for 4wider)
Lines sent from 8-11 combo is 13-25 I believe. But it also takes 8 tetriminos to do 8 combo, which allows for another t-spin sending 6 lines. By the end of this, you will be somewhere in the top half of the matrix with easy to downstack garbage (becase garbage hole changes less for higher combos).

Thats a hypothetical scenario and assumes E+ settings. but i hope u see that its possible to survive 4wide.  Some mitigating factors: 4widers confidence and DAS level, the t-spin setup u use (t-spin triples and doubles), whether its a centre or a side 4w, 4w style (3x starting minos in gap vs hole-less start).


w/c is much better 4 wide or 3 wide?


Quote from: xbxcvw/c is much better 4 wide or 3 wide?


hi guys!

is there any noob friendly guides for doing a 4wide combo?
my head hurts just reading this because i cannot understand a thing


Quote from: StarBen
hi guys!

is there any noob friendly guides for doing a 4wide combo?
my head hurts just reading this because i cannot understand a thing
errr. i really don't see the hard part.


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


4wide walks into a bar and asks "where's the counter?"



K so what would you say the best technique is for someone that plays Arena on Tetris Friends? I'm a rank 17 and I've been looking around for different strategies and came across this. I originally left two open columns for combos until I saw this. Sometimes this works great for me but I wanted to know what you would suggest for what I play.


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]K so what would you say the best technique is for someone that plays Arena on Tetris Friends? I'm a rank 17 and I've been looking around for different strategies and came across this. I originally left two open columns for combos until I saw this. Sometimes this works great for me but I wanted to know what you would suggest for what I play.[/quote]

uhh, whateveryou want? lol... just do whatever youre most comfortable with and/or you like the most. if you like to two wide, go for it, if you wanna 4 wide, why not.

Quote from: PandaLol no, that's ludacris. I have a sentence generator, Blink....


4 wide is more powerful than 2 or 3 wide, but you will probably get a bit of friendly abuse hurled at you at a high level if you combo start - so I'd t-spin, since it's good practice for midgame play
               Tetris Belts!


The main disadvantage in using a 4 wides when you get pressured early on. The decrease in the number of combos significantly nerfs the amount of lines sent. In rooms with really fast players who spam tspins right at the beginning, it may not be the best choice to 4 wide.


The biggest disadvantage in using a 4 wide is actually long-term. When you're using a 4 wide, you tend to either top out your opponent our get topped out yourself, and therefore you will practise midgame play less regularly than someone who starts t-spins, who will get into midgame much earlier and much more regularly than you. As such, you will improve less fast than them, and so even if you beat them one month, after 3 or 4 months they will be beating you.

I have first-hand experience of this - I got so rusty in my midgame play when I used 4-wide for a time as a tactic, so I went back to t-spins and have improved rapidly.
               Tetris Belts!


Quote from: Paul676
The biggest disadvantage in using a 4 wide is actually long-term. When you're using a 4 wide, you tend to either top out your opponent our get topped out yourself, and therefore you will practise midgame play less regularly than someone who starts t-spins, who will get into midgame much earlier and much more regularly than you. As such, you will improve less fast than them, and so even if you beat them one month, after 3 or 4 months they will be beating you.

I have first-hand experience of this - I got so rusty in my midgame play when I used 4-wide for a time as a tactic, so I went back to t-spins and have improved rapidly.

I remember that phase </3 - I suffered from over-relying on the opener.
I guess it's good to keep in mind that it's not an absolute trump card


i am getting only 13 Combo in a 4_Wide
[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I Don't care anyway, she just a trashed[/quote]