Started by Yokay, April 21, 2010, 08:43:33 AM

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Well how many of us are in the beta, and should we start sharing id's and stuff? Blink streamed, someone played him, and I suspect theres a few others.

EDIT: Got it installed and playing a few FFA's, PM me if you want my id and stuff I'm not going to leave it on the forums until launch.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


lol that was me playing against him
and as far as i know.. only me blink drakkie and caffeine play


Quote from: Shizi
lol that was me playing against him
and as far as i know.. only me blink drakkie and caffeine play

Well we can still have fun playing each other, would have made silver during placement going 3-2, but I crashed out of a win when I was taking out supply from terran with void rays that he couldnt' defend. We could have fun playing each other once I add you all!
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


Man, Shizi is a beast at SC. I need to train to beat Shizi... sadly I don't think I've got a chance. At least now I have a solid goal to accomplish and hopefully I can match his skill soon, which apparently is leaps and bounds compared to where I am now.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


I also play, but am still kind of a beginner, never played SC much before.
only focusing on learning protoss properly atm - but having quite some fun with the beta (played a good number of matches singleplayer vs custom fan AI, before I got my key)

really like to play with you guys some time, maybe you can give me some pointers for my build orders
I'm xlro.xlro on there, just add me.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Quote from: xlro
I also play, but am still kind of a beginner, never played SC much before.
only focusing on learning protoss properly atm - but having quite some fun with the beta (played a good number of matches singleplayer vs custom fan AI, before I got my key)

really like to play with you guys some time, maybe you can give me some pointers for my build orders
I'm xlro.xlro on there, just add me.

I'd add you, but your on the Europe server and the rest of us (as far as I know) play on the US server. Best protoss build order I have experimented was with

8 pylon -> scout (aka build the pylon and then find your opponent)
12 gateway
(if its a rush or aggressive build) 14 gateway
(if its a passive build) 14 cybernetics, 14 assimilator
16 pylon (15 if you want, go early if you get supply blocked)
16 gateway

After that point I'm a little shaky. By that point I've gotten a good idea what my opponent is attempting to do. Whether they are turtling in to tech, sending T1 units (ling Marine + maruader Zealot heavy or zealot + stalker. Your choice on how to defend. Just if they tech, try to get an observer to see which way they went (mostly air) and what they are producing. Build up your macro skills, take the expansion, get zealots (or probes if you need troops at main) to take the xel'naga towers.

Thats the best as a bronze toss I can help you with. Should get you started for the first 8-10 minutes. When you scout, if something is off (no buildings, only supply structures, assimilator without a unit producing structure) get a 2nd scout and find a proxy tech! Don't forget shift+click to queue up movements so you can handle your base before you get back.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


oh too bad, didn't think of the us/eu server situation actually
so that means there is atm no way of playing against each other at all?
is that gonna be the same for the full version later? I hope not

then the question to everybody is: are there any other eu server players around here then?

thanks for the protoss tips, my build order looks very similar atm
I do instead 9 -> pylon, so that pylon and the 10th probe finish more or less exactly at the same time
then crono boost 2 probes right after,
12 gate,
I really like 14 2nd gate too
16 pylon
17 gas, since I cant build a first zealot yet, if I build a probe on 17 (? experimenting with that, dunno if its any good, probably not if I go for 2 gates so early)
then normally I really like a fast robotics core after that (so cybernetics first ofc), also because of the very early observer I got thru that, and for the immortals ofc, which tend to do pretty well in most matchups for me

really got problems with reapers messing me up very early game lately, so I definitely have to scout better and build a forge + canons for that, or is the best to go fast stalkers there?

my problem in general is probably not scouting properly, or more not really reacting quickly to what the opponent is up to - gotta learn the units, especially from zerg better I guess (and what counters what effectively)
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Sadly, separating the servers will still be at launch.

Reaper harass can be dealt with forge + cannons, or stalkers. Problem is you have to get zealot up in case they rush with a few rines. I know when zerg they will always try to do a ling runby and take out 3-5 probes, and low level toss on the ladder here in the US is mass lots, so scouting what they are doing is the best advice. Maybe ask someone to keep doing reaper harassment against you until you can counter it, of course you'd have to find someone who will be willing to do it against you for an hour.

My suggestion to that build order is if your not building any zealots, you shouldn't even have a 2nd gate up so soon. Might as well make 14 pylon 16 gate. You would get the supply for a zealot, and have the supply to make workers and get some defense up. Maybe experiment with replacing the 2nd gate with a cybernetic core, but the problem is you need gas before cybernetics core since it takes 13 trips to get enough gas for first stalker @ finish of the core. Reaper needs a stalker since any low level reaper micro is untouchable unless you use probes to surround and can keep them from moving.

PS: I don't see any reason to do double gas until you are making 2 stalkers from 2 gateways, but you'd run out of chrono boost to keep it up long term. Just lots of experimentation on your part to see what works, might look for a European practice partner.

<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


ohh more sc2 players how fun... we need to get some 2v2 HD inhouse going. I dont know much about protoss but when I play it I have trouble keeping the chrono boosts down (always forget about it). I tend to do the 8 pylon -> scout -> chrono boost 2 probes into gateway gas cybernetics (warp gates). Then I work my way into a ball of units: few zealots few immortals, some sentries, like 3-4 collosus and a lot of stalkers. Make sure you upgrade thermal lances for the collosus range.. then in battle just engage, use sentries to force field the opponent, pop a guardian shield.. and just micro your stalkers  easy!


thanks guys for the tips, gonna try some variants later
yeah I def need a eu practice partner or smth, to work on specific stuff - I know a few ppl who are interested in SC2, but without a beta key atm

btw, is there a good reason for seperating the servers? I don't really see it, tbh. where do all the asian players (koreans etc. play?) on the us server?

so your account is bascially bound to either us or eu server, and since you connect the beta key with your account there is no way of switching?

pretty weird, gotta find a statement from blizzard where they try to explain the logic behind not being able to play with your friends worldwide.
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


servers are for latency issues i think?
the koreans play on the asian server which i believe is located in korea (sucks for the china players).
unfortunately we play on the north american servers :\ cant play with you

but i gotta brag a bit.. just played the best game of my life! so many times i felt like rage quitting hah


Quote from: Shizi
servers are for latency issues i think?

yeah I read that too in a thread just now, but I also have to agree with the 10 comments that followed, that this is really no reason in 2010 anymore. for example I have a decent 20Mbit connection (which is not rare), which gives a good ping even to the us. not to mention, that they have built in delays in the code anyway, which are much higher, compared to todays home connections of the players.
the thing that you can't even choose the server anymore, is really bugging me - if they would be afraid that quality of the games could suffer, put some limits in and enforce them ingame somehow.

they apparently wrote in a QnA:

Q: How far in the 'long term' are those plans which allow for swapping to U.S. servers on an E.U. account - or a global account?
A: Jumping to the region you want is definitely in the long term plan for, although we do have some concerns about communicating properly to the player what's happening if they choose this because it WILL affect the latency of the game. As far as a date on when, I don't have one yet. There are a number of features that we want to make sure get out there first and jumping to different servers is lower on the priority list at the moment.

hope they implement "jumping servers" till launch  

anyways, enough rambling - gonna watch your replay now hehe
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


am i able to get the preorder beta key online?
<div style="overflow: hidden; background-image: url(;background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 285px; height: 80px;position:relative;"><span style="width:60px;height:80px;float:left;overflow: hidden;margin-top:10px;margin-left:10px;"><a href="http://hard


Quote from: Beastin_Shen
am i able to get the preorder beta key online?
Yes you are.

Been awhile since I got on HD since i've been playing so much SC2.

I tried the grid, and I'm actually so used to the default that the grid was screwing me up terribly.  Most of the default keys are by my left hand anyway I guess.

By the way my name is YokaY.Lai on the US server.  ~1350 point plat.  Lemme know if you wanna play some customs.

Oh also PM me your name or post it so I can add you


Quote from: Shizi
servers are for latency issues i think?
the koreans play on the asian server which i believe is located in korea (sucks for the china players).
unfortunately we play on the north american servers :\ cant play with you

but i gotta brag a bit.. just played the best game of my life! so many times i felt like rage quitting hah

Ah, I've got the game of the beta. I was even matched up against someone from copper (I'm bronze) and my opponent was like "hey don't rush me for 5 min k?" I was like "ok" I sent my scout and noticed he was going 4 gateway and was like "This is going to end... NOW!" and mass attacked his pylon. Called me a cheater for attacking before 5 min, which the replay disproves.
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>