Tetris Friends Arena Changes You Want

Started by Blink, April 07, 2010, 03:13:11 PM

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Quote from: zaphod77Instead, i propose the following.

Rotation lock lasts for 3 piece placements OR 7 seconds, whichever is faster.
I vote for how TDS handles rotation locks: each piece spawns in a random orientation, instead of the SRS defaults. You can still play if you're clever enough.

Also, TF's finally getting IRS/IHS? Cool. (I'd rather have them just take out line clear delay, but it's a step in the right direction.)
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: EnFuego
Having to pay high token prices for customizable DAS for a week? Maybe the death of tetris friends. Good thing I still have my christmas present rubies to spend!

Actually he left out the "for a week" part, so we'll see in a few hours if that's true or not I guess.  That wouldn't make sense though, because there's already weekly unlocks for like 3000 coins.

I'm expecting something ridiculously high like 30,000 gold coins for permanent unlock.


Quote from: MagnanimousAlso, TF's finally getting IRS/IHS? Cool. (I'd rather have them just take out line clear delay, but it's a step in the right direction.)
I like how the operative word here is "finally" when it is really more like "again."  TTC told 'em to take it out in either the Java or an early Flash build.
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i want garbage that is fitting for experts in expert plus!


Quote from: EnFuego
Having to pay high token prices for customizable DAS for a week? Maybe the death of tetris friends. Good thing I still have my christmas present rubies to spend!

Expert+ should be the normal rooms and you should have to pay for the handicapping stupid system. Customizable DAS should be standard. But, they aren't making money off experienced players rather the people who don't know any better
Agree. I'm fine with TF charging money for certain features: If people are willing to donate to Tetris Online, then they should be rewarded with better aesthetics or no ads. But charging for a fundamental part of gameplay is the reason I switched to TOJ... Imagine if you could only crouch in CoD after paying an extra five dollars.

If they're going to call it "Tetris", then let us play Tetris.  

Quote from: Kitaru
I like how the operative word here is "finally" when it is really more like "again."  TTC told 'em to take it out in either the Java or an early Flash build.
Huh, I didn't know that. It would make sense that TTC isn't big on TGM play mechanics... I wonder what made them change their minds.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


I can't wait til it will cost rubies to have a t-spin reward
☠ massi4h


What? They are making us pay? Didn't see that coming...


well, everyone should know by now that if a feature is taken out, it'll be reimplemented in the ruby shop

i'm really hoping they didn't stoop that low to charge for DAS...




This is awesome that we'll be able to use the DAS in the solo modes.  I hate having to switch back and forth between fast and slow to play Arena and the other modes.  

Makes the leaderboards kind of a joke though if only people who pay for the DAS will have a chance of getting the fastest Sprint times.


Permanent unlock of IHS/IRS = 20,000 gold coins each.  DAS and AR i see have unlimited unlock to level 2 for 5k.  Also, I noticed they have ways of gaining rubies which don't involve money, signing up on websites and such.


So is it 5 levels of DAS and AR, like TOJ? In that case, it'd be 80,000 tokens to get everything... Good luck with that.
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


LOL, they charge so many tokens for IHS and IRS yet so few rubies.  Do they actually have the higher DAS/AR levels yet available for purchase if you unlock the 2nd level now, and do they say what the speeds are of the various levels anywhere?  Would be nice if I could figure out exactly how many rubies I need to buy in advance to get the speed that I want.

Edit: Just noticed the rubies unlock all the levels at once.  Awesome!

I just bought rubies to go from 1 to 51, then I unlocked DAS and I was at 83, then I unlocked AR to get to 115 rubies, and IHS to get to 256, then I went to my profile and it says 356 rubies.  I'm rich!  I wonder if I just keep unlocking everything how rich I could get, lol!


Hehe... They implemented IRS wrong.  It works if you hold a rotation button after a line clear, but not at any other time.

I'm so glad the developers are tetris experts.

Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Quote from: iphysI just bought rubies to go from 1 to 51, then I unlocked DAS and I was at 83, then I unlocked AR to get to 115 rubies, and IHS to get to 256, then I went to my profile and it says 356 rubies.  I'm rich!  I wonder if I just keep unlocking everything how rich I could get, lol!
I had 3573 rubies at one point before they fixed it, lol. But I got to keep every thing I bought when I had them
☠ ZeroT