minor changes

Started by hienwa, December 24, 2009, 05:46:26 PM

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Fumen 1.10f also now features a 'Quiz' button where you can generate bags. And for those of you who don't know, underneath the mino orientations, there are buttons which look like  <v^>()~ and a box to the right of it. You can actually move minos left/right AND rotate using a full SRS kick table! So if you don't know if a spin works you can test it out in fumen. There is a also a box to the right of the symbols and you can use zxc and number pad to move the block!! Thanks again to Mihys for wonderful work and tool.


There is a new forum called "Battle" which is a combination of the Teams forum with all the tournament related threads in the Tetris forum.  Use this from now on for easier tournament/match finding.


*Updated to Fumen 1.10g
*added some coloring to the live stream status on the forums

Quote from: Maske
To Blink

Do you need how to embed nicovideo in forum ?
Though this link is a guide for phpbb3, you may be able to refer to this site.
A embeded nicovideo will not request us to get niconico account.


Thanks Maske , I added nicovideo embedding support using those instructions.  Try it, I don't know if it's working properly.  To use it do [.nicovideo]videoID[./nicovideo] without the "."


wow, so nicovideo lets you embed videos even though you need an account to go to the site and watch one? guess you would need an account to find the video in the first place...but then you're embedding for anyone to see.


Oh, sorry blink. It's my fault. I have told you how to set BBcode by mistake  .
Since I build a DEMO SITE for you, refer to it. However, because harddrop is the English speaking forum. I think you needn't make yourself do the work    (Then, my demo site was removed.)


Explanation about Tokens in phpbb3
Tokens are placeholders for user input. The input will be validated only if it matches the corresponding definition. If needed, you can number them by adding a number as the last character between the braces, e.g. {TEXT1}, {TEXT2}.

Within the HTML replacement you can also use any language string present in your language/ directory like this: {L_<STRINGNAME>} where <STRINGNAME> is the name of the translated string you want to add. For example, {L_WROTE} will be displayed as “wrote” or its translation according to user’s locale.

Please note that only tokens listed below are able to be used within custom BBCodes.
Token    What can it be?
{TEXT}    Any text, including foreign characters, numbers, etc… You should not use this token in HTML tags. Instead try to use IDENTIFIER, INTTEXT or SIMPLETEXT.
{SIMPLETEXT}    Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen and underscore
{INTTEXT}    Unicode letter characters, numbers, spaces, commas, dots, minus, plus, hyphen, underscore and whitespaces.
{IDENTIFIER}    Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, hyphen and underscore
{NUMBER}    Any series of digits
{EMAIL}    A valid e-mail address
{URL}    A valid URL using any protocol (http, ftp, etc… cannot be used for javascript exploits). If none is given, “http://” is prefixed to the string.
{LOCAL_URL} A local URL. The URL must be relative to the topic page and cannot contain a server name or protocol.
{COLOR}    A HTML colour, can be either in the numeric form #FF1234 or a CSS colour keyword such as fuchsia or InactiveBorder


Quote from: Maske
Oh, sorry blink. It's my fault. I have told you how to set BBcode by mistake  .
Since I build a DEMO SITE for you, refer to it. However, because harddrop is the English speaking forum. I think you needn't make yourself do the work    (Then, my demo site will be broken right away.)

that video is orgasmic


Okay, let me test the new nicovideo embed, thanks for the clear instructions maske!



Updated the wiki to mediawiki 1.16.4:

* (bug 28507) The change we made in 1.16.3 to fix bug 28235 (XSS for IE 6
  clients) was not actually sufficient to fix that bug. This release contains
  a second attempt, hopefully we have fixed it this time.
* (bug 28449) Fixed permissions checks in Special:Import which allowed users
  without the 'import' permission to import pages from the configured import
* (bug 28235) Fixed XSS affecting IE 6 and earlier clients only, due to those
  browsers looking for a file extension in the query string of the URL, and
  ignoring the Content-Type header if one is found.
* (bug 28450) Fixed a CSS validation issue involving escaped comments, which
  led to XSS for Internet Explorer clients and privacy loss for other clients.


View log button added to the  new shoutbox, shows past 3000 messages.

Thank you so much to Dr. Pete for spending time on it!  Don't forget to join his fanclub - http://harddrop.com/groups/view/id_131/tit...rpete-fan-club/


Fixed the paypal donate button displaying on the left instead of center for IE/Opera users.

Fumen updated to version 1.10g2

連続テト譜エディタ by Mihys
Ver 1.10g2
・ クリック後「次ページ」にフォーカスを移動させる対応。
・ ミノ操作開始時にセミオートミノが取り消されないバグ修正。

Wiki updated to version 1.16.5

* (bug 28534) Fixed XSS vulnerability for IE 6 clients.
* (bug 28639) Fixed potential privilege escalation when $wgBlockDisablesLogin
  is enabled.


Fixed: Some users weren't able to type in comment/PM text boxes on Internet Explorer 9.0

Sorry it took me so long.


Some changes:

*removed the "new teams" section from the main page.  Teams are still visible in your profile, and can be reached from the "WORLD" page or the main page"Team" icon.

*added an announcements twitter widget for upcoming matches, tournament winners, or other tweets on the main page.
(If anyone streams on the HD stream, make sure to update the stream status at the top of Ustream Producer and it will automatically send a tweet out.  To reach the twitter page directly go to http://www.twitter.com/harddrop )

*made all the boxes match colors.

*styled the shoutbox links and text to match the rest of the website layout.  Also made the shoutbox width match the boxes widths.

*moved the boxes around to make important sections more visible

*fixed a problem with fumen diagrams cutting off on Chrome beta browsers.

*removed the translation plugin on the wiki because it produced poor translations.


Quote from: Blink
*added an announcements twitter widget for upcoming matches, tournament winners, or other tweets on the main page.
very nice addition
hope the twitter account is used more now, because of that
[div align=\\\"center\\\"]NullpoMino[/div]


Just noticed, on the sb if I scroll click and move around it lets me do this....



i think you can remove the little contribute box
under the sb now

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