WANTED: personal tetris trainer

Started by virulent, December 14, 2009, 04:54:18 PM

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tips to getting faster!

i can add about as many lines as someone going 120 tpm but i only go 80 maybe 90 tpm if i'm lucky..
this doesn't help my 40L score whatsoever. i think the fastest i go on there is 102? yes very sad ;[
YOU can help me change that!!  pls & ty!
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What game are you talking about, rule?
It's all about the love



g u r l g a m e r


[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]How do you find out your TOJ tpm?[/quote]
Multiply your LPM by 2.5
It's all about the love


Play 40 lines! I have 110 hours of play time , half of that is 40 lines and i play like 150 tpm average with a 183 tpm 40 line record.


Biggest advice pending the game (since you specified 40L, I'm assuming thats what your goal is)

Tetris Friends: Practice tapping side to side real quick, even if you don't drop pieces. You can only go as fast as your hands are capable of doing so. Typing doesn't help since your hands go over many keys rather then tapping which is the same key over and over again. Try to find comfortable key positions for you.

Blockbox: Find a good DAS (delayed auto shift) setting that you can handle precisely. Setting it low is good, but if you cant' handle then the speed isn't worth it.

Tetris Online Japan: Since you don't have premium to play single or vs cpu, your going to have to start with the lowest DAS and tap your way up to speed (good to start with, once you level DAS up you will reduce tapping to the wall and only tapping for quick single piece movements (they get expensive so you might be on a horrible setting for awhile)

Once your hands are up to speed. Biggest suggestion is to start thinking pieces ahead and practice upstacking. Learn how pieces fit together and eliminate the need to soft drop any piece unless you stack all the way to the 15th+ row. Try to learn to read at least 1 piece ahead as you play so your not glancing (best idea I know is to start playing far away or zooming out as long as it doesn't hinder your play. Most Tetris games throw the next pieces down the side so its easiest to do 1 piece where its at the top of the screen and move to 2 with comfort.) Its also best to learn some openings for various pieces and its best placement in terms of not restricting or using your hold for something that could be avoided (like placing the I horizontal so you can deal with S and Z's as opposed to one corner that restricts both an easy S/Z hard drop.)

I'd type more, but I don't know post limit and my brain is side tracked... hope I helped.
<a href="http://www.soldner-x.com/profile_6881.html" target="_blank" title="Hsanrb's Profile for Söldner-X Himmelsstürmer"><img src="http://www.soldner-x.com/gamertag_6881.gif" alt="Hsanrb's Gamer Tag" /></a>


I'm not the most fantastic 40L player, so my advice is null and void.

Only thing I can really add that others havn't said already is that 40L is really all about subconscious stacking.

I typically average 170-180 TPM on a good day for my 40L, but I set my record at 211 TPM (I think) @ sub 30 seconds (29.5ish?) when I just blanked out. I wasn't thinking about my stacking. I just blanked out and let the pieces fall. It's pretty much the only time I've ever gone that fast for that long. A really good game I might do 195 TPM, but 200+ is pretty much impossible for me.


"Put some stank on those blocks."


i agree with trance, i play much better when i'm thinking about something else
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


40 Lines consists of 2 parts imo:
Stacking sense, and finesse.
Stacking sense is putting the pieces in a logical place. This takes time and is  subconscious. You can gain stacking sense simply by trying to stack in a certain way, at a comfortable speed. (e.g. when you learn T-spins, you just keep doing them slowly until you're brain automatically recognizes them. Similarly when stacking for 40L or Tetrises you must stack flatly so that it is easier to stack the next piece)

Finesse: There's a guide in the wiki for this.

post vids and we'll tell u what u're doing wrong.

My recommendation is to alternate learning finesse (learn one small thing at a time, e.g. learning JLT properly is a good start), stacking 20 BTB tetrises and going as fast as you can. (5 of each a day)

Also 20G mode helps you stack flatter.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I'm taking students, but I charge $20 per piece ;p

What a steal at 90ppm!!


Quote from: clincher
Multiply your LPM by 2.5

is that accurate? i never knew that. geez then lemme correct myself:

i go no where NEAR 100 tpm on toj o.o i'm probably around 65 or 70..that's even sadder T.T

Quote from: clincher
What game are you talking about, rule?

any. i think my reaction time is just slow T.T

Quote from: Someone2knoe
Play 40 lines! I have 110 hours of play time , half of that is 40 lines and i play like 150 tpm average with a 183 tpm 40 line record.

:s ok maybe i'll have to ;[

i don't like bb :[ i wish the blocks looked nicer..or the layout..or the delay/lag..or something. i just don't like it.

toj you need to buy das etc. n i haven't collected enough $ to be at my optimal speed on there so i can't go as fast anyway.

tf you can't customize for speed on sprint/40L or at least not that i know of..

n i don't particularly want to d/l another client just to get faster o.o

hsan: i find i already know this stuff..but it's also good to hear.
i think for bb i don't have the optimal das for myself ;[ and there's some weird delay if i accidentally hold one button down too long while pushing another button the 2nd button's action isn't activated >O it's quite aggravating..for instance i press the hold key to get the piece that's been on hold n then i move it right after n then drop it but since i held the hold button down a split second too long, into my right button, it skips the right movement n goes straight to dropping it in the center T.T;; boo to bb! :[[
the last part about reading 1 piece ahead is not a problem for me at all. i've been playing 1 piece preview for over a decade solid on tnet. also on tnet, soft drops are highly discouraged because they slow down your speed by that much. so i don't do them quite that much either and on 40L i probably do it once every 5 games or more
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Quote from: virulent

the last part about reading 1 piece ahead is not a problem for me at all. i've been playing 1 piece preview for over a decade solid on tnet. also on tnet, soft drops are highly discouraged because they slow down your speed by that much. so i don't do them quite that much either and on 40L i probably do it once every 5 games or more

Tnet is speed capped at 60tpm. (tetrifast removes this)

I think what you need is to increase you're "rhythm".

Try and play slightly faster than you're safety speed, in a safe environment. You need to play single player for this to work tho. You don't want to download any clients but you probably want LockJaw marathon. It's good, It forces you to play faster after around 150 lines, and stack completely straight, with 20G after 200 lines.

Also about Blockbox feeling weird, its a Java issue. Unlike a dedicated program, java is highly inefficient, and lags alot during garbage collection of variables etc.  If you have an old computer u will feel said lag. My 2005 P4 couldnt play blockbox for crap, until i changed the gfx card out, but even then i still spiked.

Quote from: clincher
Multiply your LPM by 2.5

Wow, i has 52*2.5 = 130. Yay

Also TOJ is gay, the Hexagon is made of your average (a far better approach would be average of 100). The inherent problem with this is that if you get better after 2 months of playing, even if u tripled your speed it would take another year before the hexagon adjusted to ur true speed.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


If I'm not wrong with my crappy japanese reading, you can actually reset your stats on the TOJ website for a few hundred TP under the profile page.

I need to do one soon in order to reflect my new playing speed. I think I managed to improve from 45-60 now. Still not fractionally close to you guys, but I'm improving!