Blink's time beat?

Started by Themidnightbum, November 28, 2009, 09:49:47 AM

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Just went to show my brother blinks time because its the fastest.. Or so  i though. i was looking at it and i saw somebody name pokerface5000 on top at 31 secs. That didn't look legit to me i watch the replay it looks legit but its just so fast i don't know how he would do 40 lines in 31 secs. Check it out for yourself ----->His tetrisfriends page.


while that looks legit, take a look at his 2 player battle stats.  Over 200 games and:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Average Tetriminos Per Minute   39.62[/quote]

something isn't right here.


Quote from: m__
while that looks legit

It doesnt look legit.

You can tell by the number of rotates it takes for some moves

no good player would rotate 3 times for over 5 pieces while beating the best record by seconds.

Plus that record was made today, which would explain why they haven't taken it off.



look at his life time stats. doesnt that mean he's only played like 10 times?

Tetris DS: 162047 665731


this seems to happen alot, just give it a day or two and it will "mysteriously" get taken off
[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


lulz now i wants to make an account and get 0.00 seconds.

Lol now theres a 24 second one, and he doesnt rotate 5x. Still obvious hax.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


aw man that made me poop in my pants

its a fake

We do not forgive. We do not forget.


I made top 8 today on the run I just did, to only see that everyone above me except MicroBlizz at number 6 were all major fakes. Its so stupidly shameful to cheat like that.
☠ massi4h


looks like there is another one averaging 50-60 TPM in all modes, yet somehow beating blink's time.


Somebody should make a counter for all these people mysteriously beating Blink's time.


Great, now they're even registering here and posting their times in the HD records.


Quote from: iphys
Great, now they're even registering here and posting their times in the HD records.

Thats what people get for putting in their names, they will bring the muck here to showboat their illegal accomplishments. I change my comment with whatever new accomplishment meets my expectation...

Current comment: "Broke 57s Sprint... Im a happy man!"

PS: I just noticed I failed to put in a ' for I'm... guess I'm lazy or still over excited about it. I'm still surprised my LPM is only up to 32.4 after all my 1M sprints.
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