HD1K Countdown

Started by iphys, October 13, 2009, 05:49:25 AM

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Only 10 members to go to reach 1000.  This place sure has grown quickly!


Yeah, we have grown pretty quickly, and it's all thanks to the community and many members like yourself iphys.  It was everyone's mentality which helped the site grow I believe, and people's willingness to help eachother out and put a little bit into the community, as well as our acceptance of players from every Tetris game whether it's TGM, TDS, TOJ, TF, BB, Cultris, or any other game without looking negatively at them because of it.  I mean we even had some members donate their ventrilo servers for use, one who had just barely signed up.  I know that without you guys the site would be nothing, and I believe that what you put into the community is what you get in return, which is why me and my brother really put in time to improve the site for you guys.  So far it's worked, before we started the site I would have guessed around 400 members by this time.  Since launch we've upgraded the site numerous times, and are still looking to make more improvements.  Also thanks to those that sign up and lurk around, hopefully one day you decide to join in on a discussion.

Some statistics so far:

- we've averaged 9.1 new members a day. (no idea where they're coming from, facebook?)
- we've averaged 66 posts a day
- we've averaged 948 visits a day

Thanks again everyone, hope you guys continue to enjoy being here.  I wanted to do something special for 1K, like a community event or something, but I'm currently swamped with schoolwork.


Very nice very nice.  I love the idea of having a central place where everyone can come to.  It's cool too see all the people from so many different backgrounds, all interested in their specific games, bringing what they know to the table.  There's a ton of room for growth too.. I know of many regular players who haven't climbed aboard yet.  Hopefully one day right?


I think we should have started a pool back when everyone started joining. Start a pool on which day we hit 2000 members?


Summer of 2010?  Maybe a stretch but it could happen, especially if tetris as a whole gains more popularity.


I think a lot of the users are coming via geurilla marketing lol.  The highscores on sites like TF always help haha...and I know I personally try to recruit people when I'm playing them and they have some skill because coming to this community will improve your game if used correctly.  It's a great resource in itself and it's full of great people who are almost always more than willing to help.

I'd like to give thanks to you Blink for starting this great place for all us Tetris G33ks to come and I see great things in the future for our small but growing Hard Drop Community.



This is incredible, I mean I just joined recently and I think it was around the low 800s. Either the game is gaining popularity or its just because the current group of tetris players are just finding out about the place

g u r l g a m e r


Quote from: Blink
It was everyone's mentality which helped the site grow I believe, and people's willingness to help eachother out and put a little bit into the community, as well as our acceptance of players from every Tetris game whether it's TGM, TDS, TOJ, TF, BB, Cultris, or any other game without looking negatively at them because of it.

Don't forget blockles!!! RIP...


thanks for the site Blink. you and Hienwa do a great job


Yay for Hard Drop being popular!

As of posting this, I'm working on a banner that I, or whoever shall be appointed with it, will roll out once the counter hits one thousand
(edit: Banner is completed, it looks really nice IMO)


Been lurking for a while, seen this post and decided to join! Only 6 members left 'til 1k people. I found this site through a top 20 in Tetris Friends (Facebook), it appeared next to his name. I checked it out, and suddenly I decided to stick around.

I hope I'll get better soon, man did I think I could Tetris 'til I met you guys!


Quote from: ZZOmega

I hope I'll get better soon, man did I think I could Tetris 'til I met you guys!

Here I used to think I was decent at Tetris, turns-out I'm actually terrible.  =P
"Not all who wander are lost."  -J.R.R. Tolkien


This topic is what made me sign up actually (I had been lurking for a while)


Ohmigosh, we're one away from a thousand!
I can't wait to roll out my banner!  


It's there.

Am I the first?

Hopefully things'll speed up a little. Also hopefully most of the members aren't idiots.

Tetris DS Friend Code: 485942 003301
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