Adjustable DAS now in Tetris Friends Live

Started by medyas, September 11, 2009, 10:05:14 AM

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Keep in mind that BB supports the latest and greatest "9G autorepeat," which means the piece instantly goes to the wall or any other blocking item in one frame. TTC doesn't and probably never will support this. So 0 autorepeat in TF really means 1 in BB. Maybe every 16.67 TF units equals a BB unit plus +1.

Edit: wait, does BB AR start at 0 or 1? I forgotted.


nice jt 17-133 feels way better

edit: oops you said 7-133? i gotta try that
but 17-133 feels fine


i wonder if the game rounds to the nearest whole frame value, or if it rounds everything up or everything down. if it always rounds up, you would have to choose from 1 to 16 ms autorepeat for it to round up to 16.67. does anyone know how it works exactly?

edit: 16 and 17 feel the same, so Kitaru is probably right that it rounds to the nearest frame value. it would make more sense if they accepted # of frames instead of milliseconds heh.

another thing, the names of the values seem strange. wouldn't you think "ar" was the auto-repeat rate (frequency of the piece shifting a column), so then "das" would have to be the delay before auto-repeat? but it doesn't work like that.

but all that aside, i'm really glad they gave the player these options  


Whats default BB DAS and AR settings?

in tf value of course
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