Cultris 2 open Beta

Started by Red_Star, September 07, 2009, 03:21:34 PM

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As the title states. Cultris 2 or C² as I like to refer to it is now available as an open Beta. It has been a closed beta for awhile, but just recently they have made it available to download to the public.

The Cultris 2 beta is available and can be found easily through searching methods.

I made a review of it when it was in closed beta quite a long time ago. It can be found in the Cultris 2 forums.
People can check the review of it to get an idea of it, but it is written as if you have played Cultris v19 so some parts might not be understood for people who have not played it.

Something worth checking out if you never played it or if you enjoy Cultris already. If you don't like Cultris then you probably won't like C². Realize it is just a beta so it is not complete.

Edited for links. My apologies for the links.
Play Cultris


ohhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhh, they finally added customizable initial piece orientation. Looking good so far.


Sorry,  no linking downloads of clones that contain tris or tet in them - this was in the guidelines.  The rule is in place to protect the site because there has been atleast 1 other site taken down for having a download link to tetrinet2. - for free online games and MMOs!


So be it.

Review taken from a site:
Alright, I haven't had as much time to dabble in the game as I need to, but here is what I have got so far.

For the main point it is a lot like Cultrisv19. The rotation is the same. The pieces are the same. And the spawn in the same point. I list the things so far that are different

C² offers a few new options in the options menu.

-Keyboard repeat speed and keyboard delay are adjustable now. You can choose between 0-9 for both options and will change the speed it moves sideways and how fast it can repeat the input of the sideway motions.

-Adjustable window size in game this time. You can choose between fullscreen and window and adjust the size of the window.

-All the old options are the same as the old game however the is no option currently to get rid of the forecast or piece shadow.

All the options seem to work perfect at the moment. I have not had a problem with anything under options. I have adjusted the screen many times to different sizes and I haven't had a problem. The speed and delay seems right, I adjusted them to my Lockjaw settings and everything is running smoothly.

Training Mode now has taken place of single player. It allows players to play solo, or with up 12 CPUs. You can change the computers difficulty between degrees of Easy-Medium-Hard-Deadly. So far the modes seems to make the computer go faster. I have to record some stuff to see if anything else changes with the computer. I can tell you right now when there is more than one CPU they all seem to do the exact same movements. I will need to do more research before I can give any detail on how the computer responds in game.

The new online screen looks a lot better, but I will have to wait to actually use it to say anything about it.

I like the music better this time around. Mainly because there is no weird music once you near the top. I had to hear that annoying music only a few games before I turned off the music for good on Cultris. Now C² is rid of that annoying top out music so I might actually listen to the music. If you don't like it you have the option to turn it off so it is up to you.

All in all C² looks like it is off to a good start. A good palette to start up with. We'll see where it goes from here. Online play is where it is at for me so I will wait til I can play some online matches before I make too many decisions on it.

My computer hasn't crashed yet, nor have I seen any bugs or rotations issues.

My biggest complaint so far is the pieces no longer slides when using down drop making it completely useless now. It sucked before but now it really bad. I hope it changes or something.

I will edit this review if I notice anything else, and once I have had more time to play the game. Just wanted to get a little review in that I can work on later.

Edit: Ok, People have been saying it is harder to do combos. For now I am having more trouble doing higher combos but given how little I have played Cultris before now I can't say for sure. It does feel like the flow is off from the old game though and it feels like the window after impressive feels very short to get to the next combo.
Play Cultris


I Pm'd you Red_Star about this
It's all about the love


lots of people complained about how the new cultris looks, but looking at a youtube gameplay video i think it actually looks better now.  

Also sorry redstar but I'm sure you understand the rule is there because to watch out for the site.


Quote from: Blink
lots of people complained about how the new cultris looks, but looking at a youtube gameplay video i think it actually looks better now.  

Also sorry redstar but I'm sure you understand the rule is there because to watch out for the site.

I personally like the new look. Cv19 was horrid on my eyes. I could never find the holes in the garbage. The new look is clean and works with the gameplay. A lot of people are complaining about the speed now. Making combos harder has made it so people aren't dying with in seconds of the match starting which of course "makes it slower". Frankly I found the godlikes wiping everyone off right away to detract from the game, so I look forward to C². Here is to hoping team game play is enabled and they finish single player.

No worries about it Blink. People can find clones on there own anyways. It is unfortunate it has -tris in it, but if certain organizations are going to claim suffixes then there isn't much to be done. I would not suspect the forum to have said rules if they were unnecessary.
Play Cultris


It crashes every time I try to change the controls :[  Anyone else have this problem?


Quote from: nismo
It crashes every time I try to change the controls :[  Anyone else have this problem?

I have never had this problem. What OS are you using? And just for the heck of it what keys are you trying to change to?

I would say ask the Devs, but they are usually harder to reach.
Play Cultris


I'm on Windows XP, more specifically Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3 and using the latest version of IE.  I'm trying to change them to this:

Left/Right: Left/Right
Soft Drop: Up
Hard Drop: Down
Rotate Left: Left Shift
Rotate Right: X


New beta version is out. It fixes crash bugs.
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Quote from: Wojtek
New beta version is out. It fixes crash bugs.

Yep. Thanks for posting so Wojtek, I appreciate it. Beta 1.1 out. Make sure if anyone has any crashes or bugs to post so on the Cultris 2 forum. Or at least tell me to post it on there.

I am busy with school, but I will try to get on during the weekend. My speed has gone way down since I can't use my muscle memory for it, but it is still fun for me.

I will try to keep this thread updated with new activities, but naturally all help is welcome. I should get a thread going in Cultris forums about, try to bring all the different players together.
Play Cultris



Quote from: Shizi
so how do i play this

You go to the Cultris or Gewaltig website and look in the forums. There is a download available for Cultris 2 Beta. You should be able to find it pretty easily through google.
Play Cultris


Sorry for the double post, but I just was reading the Cultris 2 forum. I came across a thread made by awake and read this post from [Dev] Nik:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
Cultris 2 is now fully srs compliant in our current build, including spawnlocations.
(Save for floorkicks... doesn't make sense when you don't have lockdelay...)

So stay tune for the next beta release[/quote]

Thanks for the bringing up the piece spawning location Awake and thanks Clincher for the support. I kept complaining for awhile about that damn spawning location and I am glad to see a Dev taking it into account. You guys don't know how happy I will be if I get to play C² with the spawn location changed to fit with SRS.

With this change coming C² might get some love from the rest of the tetris community. It is not the typical clear 4 lines, or t-spin, but it has its own flare to it. If they can get team support and a few other of the ideas they had for it done then C² might be able to get a nice crowd going.
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