Leaderboard Is Up

Started by Blink, September 03, 2009, 10:25:06 AM

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Hey Bllink, couple of things.

First off, damn good job on this so far. It's nice to be able to have something like this for everyone to use. So much easier then having to update threads.

For Evolution Marathon is that Fixed or Variable mode? I assumed it would be Fixed since variable uses the wonderful current scoring setup......

I can't remember, but when you sign up for your account do you need to put your country? If not, I think you should make it so you have to. Then you could get rid of having to select your country with every record.

Another thing you might want to consider is putting some instructions in a large font, at least until you get all the bugs worked out, with the format that you need to put you records in; no commas in your score, format for time, etc....  I did the same thing that a couple other people did and had to re-enter everything.

Another thing to possibly implement in the future: Have a list of all of our records on our profile. It would be cool to look at someone's records for all the games they play. Like Blockbox's setup.


Why did Tetris DS Standard Marathon just switch to Endless?  I thought we weren't going to have leaderboards for games that are easy to max the counter on, hence no leaderboards for Tetris DX marathon, Tengen Tetris, Tetris Friends 1989 mode, etc.

Also, is it possible to add Tetris DS Line Clear score, and All Games Consecutive Tetrises?


Quote from: iphys
Why did Tetris DS Standard Marathon just switch to Endless?  I thought we weren't going to have leaderboards for games that are easy to max the counter on, hence no leaderboards for Tetris DX marathon, Tengen Tetris, Tetris Friends 1989 mode, etc.

Also, is it possible to add Tetris DS Line Clear score, and All Games Consecutive Tetrises?

people started adding endless records into the TDS standard area, i had to seperate the 2 so endless/nonendless scores werent being added to the same place.  i'll add one for non endless. and i'll add the all games consecutive tetrises.



Dumbledore - we'll add a rule thing for score formats soon, so people know not to put commas into their scores and etc.  iphys, what is Tetris DS line clear score?  what game mode is that?


Line Clear is part of Standard Mode on TDS.  You aim for a high score in clearing 25 lines.


Won't the combo leaderboard suffer the same problem TF's 1989 mode has (everyone maxing out)?


Quote from: caffeine
Won't the combo leaderboard suffer the same problem TF's 1989 mode has (everyone maxing out)?

It's very very hard to max out (21 is max) , here's an example : [fumen]105@7eFKXIpVBMiBOQBDBB9jBceUKnbVKobUKpbVoB7eJv?eBvUBK3AMYBptAOoADZANOBGKBLPA8eob8eob8emeAAA7eG?VFBM/A/7A/xASmBM1ANrAgb8eob8eob8eleAAA7eGGnALdA?KcACYADXB+OAnNAnbRpnbQpoeAAA7eC9NBcIAhCB9embQpx?exCB7eGNgByMB3WBDRBhRBGSB1RB4dUKnbWKWcNRB7eGESB?vSBLRBGSBiRBGSB1RB4dUKnbWKWcNRB7eGESBjSBiWBHZBp?WBMhBAAA[/fumen]

If everyone starts maxing this out I guess I can remove it, same with TDS Standard Endless.  Also I need to clarify that these are max combos that you create on your own, not combos where garbage is being added to you (survival mode bb).

iphys - added TDS line clear


Found a problem - people who aren't logged in and view the records page will see alot of records in incorrect order (ascending vs descending).  We'll fix it soon, as long as add pages so that when the leaderboard gets too many entries it wont all be loaded into 1 super long page.


In iPod tetris there are two modes - marathon and magic. magic has items, maybe it should be included, maybe not.


Quote from: Hypocrism
In iPod tetris there are two modes - marathon and magic. magic has items, maybe it should be included, maybe not.

Can you give me some more background on iPod Tetris items mode?  How is it scored, what is the score format?  Is it heavily luck based?  I can add it, depending on these things.


hey, i'm still having trouble uploading files. thanks blink and co. for all your work!


Quote from: mzhang
hey, i'm still having trouble uploading files. thanks blink and co. for all your work!

yeah, there are still some issues w/ the leaderboard, currently we're working on fixing these:

- Non logged in people see some records in incorrect order
- Some files arent being uploaded correctly - probably filename related (try renaming your file for now)
- Adding multiple page support incase the records page gets too long in the future


The file uploading problem with certain filetypes is now fixed.  oliv - what is tetrinet.us's score format?


Fixed broken links when uploading images that have spaces in their filenames, they will link fine now.