An update from Tetris Friends

Started by Blink, August 03, 2009, 06:13:56 PM

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Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
Clicking on this banner leads to the Rubies help section.
Now to let whoever read this post realise the obvious...

That could still be the link from the previous banner.

But I really hope that they simply give everybody 15-30 (or 50, I don't care) rubies on Dec 25th. These crying kids ("WHYYY") are really getting on my nerves... It's not funny anymore, at least not for me!  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] - TPD 5199-5881-0572 - Tetris Friends Online Games - TDS 9868-5998-6120 - [/div]


The previous banner led to the Premium Missions page


Quote from: GoldPlatedDish
The previous banner led to the Premium Missions page

OK, thanks a lot for the info! Then it's going to be some rubies for sure. I just hope it will be enough rubies that everybody can buy at least one premium mission.

I'm a bit angry at the moment; I'm angry because of the crying kids - what do they expect? TDS costs $60!

And I'm very angry that only ~50 people have bought premium missions so far. 50 people! That's a joke!

But I'm a bit angry at TF as well, because at the moment I think it might be a bit too expensive.

I pay $10-20 per year for my Solitaire / Patience software and 30 Euros for my (paper) Sudoku magazine subscription, and I think these are fair prices

I'm willing to pay TF, but if it would cost $100 per annum to get all premium stuff - that would simply be too much and I'd quit.

I know that I'm not really paying for these premium items, but rather supporting TF for everybody with my money, but I don't get the point to pay for these crying, annoying babies at TF ("FREEEE GAMEEEES! NOOOO RUBBBBIIIEESS").

I'd really prefer a simple subscription fee (20 rubies per month), so I'd know how much it costs. Now I'm not really sure how much money they're asking for in the near future...

[div align=\\\"center\\\"] - TPD 5199-5881-0572 - Tetris Friends Online Games - TDS 9868-5998-6120 - [/div]


I'd happily pay if they offered something I actually wanted.  Kids are lame if they're whining about not being able to buy the pointless things you need the rubies for, but you kind of have to laugh at TF for only selling stupid tones and things that probably only appeal to kids anyway.  I'm probably not even going to do the free missions anymore, because none of them have really been any fun.


Thanks iphys! Maybe I had too much Tetris and Tetris missions in the past week and I should simply take a break. I won't die if I won't play 30 Sprint games this week to get my badge - - maybe no bage at all is: the new premium deluxe!  
[div align=\\\"center\\\"] - TPD 5199-5881-0572 - Tetris Friends Online Games - TDS 9868-5998-6120 - [/div]



I hope they fix whatever is screwing up the replays too.  Every single game I've played in the last few days has had a corrupted replay when I look at it.

Lol, hope no one spent too long getting to rank 20, because it looks like they deleted our stats for Rally now that it's not beta.


Quote from: iphys

Lol, hope no one spent too long getting to rank 20, because it looks like they deleted our stats for Rally now that it's not beta.

Oh , it's out of beta now?  How do you know? I don't see it on the games list anymore.

I twittered them about ranked mode , here's the response:

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]
# @HardDrop A few changes have been made that will delay ranked
#   @HardDrop However, we do have an update planned in the future that will introduce a new mode that is sure to satisfy advanced players     about 5 hours ago   from TweetDeck  in reply to HardDrop

I wonder what they're talking about!


I hope that mode they were talking about wasn't Rally.  Master mode would be sweet.

Hmmm, you're right.  I don't see Rally on the site at all, so maybe the records will come back, but it would make sense to delete them since the game was different in the beginning.


Quote from: iphys
Master mode would be sweet.

Oh yeah, this could be it.  I remember during their Game Night event someone asked about Master mode, and they said it was coming.


some news from TF today.  They are renaming Tetris Friends Live mode to Tetris Arena and it is *RUMORED* to be coming out of beta later tonight.  Prepare for a larger playerbase.


[15:40] DAS44: trolliest thread ever was solo's


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I was hoping the end of this mission pack would mean it was coming out, but now is fine too!


it's only 5:15 pm in Samoa. plenty of day left.