Undo move for blockbox

Started by oliv, August 01, 2009, 12:01:56 PM

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I don't like this idea, misdrops are part of the game and the penalty for making them will be gone.  Also, it would suck to see your opponent misdrop badly and block his hole - so you stack up for a tetris accordingly for the final blow and have him kill you instead because he just hit undo and put a stick down there.  This feature would benefit one party more than it would others - people who misdrop alot.  Instead they should be working on being more consistent and slowing their game down to a point where they don't misdrop as often.




I don't like the idea of having it on vs mode.
It wouldn't bother me to have it in single player modes because I probably wouldn't use it and it wouldn't affect me or anyone
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You are missing the point that tetris is a PUZZLE game. Stop trying to make it easier and simpler.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein


I don't like it. You have to live with your mistakes in life, and you should have to in Tetris as well. Neither Word nor Paint are competitive. They exist to be utilities, and as a result want things to be as easy and as stress-free as possible. This doesn't apply to Tetris.

From someone who, IIRC, has said that hold is stupid and makes the game too easy, this seems a bizarre idea.


I also think that hold is stupid. It is taking away part of the incredible tetris gameplay. Being able to place hard pieces in a way that is benevelent to future pieces is part of the charm of the game.
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

Albert Einstein





[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]I never said that on IRC. I never go ion IRC.[/quote]
He meant "If I Recall Correctly" not Internet Relay Chat  
It's all about the love




i like hold in some modes/games and not in others. i think it's definitely good to use in multiplayer because you can build and downstack more efficiently, and there's still a good amount of challenge in doing that without wasting time thinking. even in single player it can be good for saving keystrokes and playing faster if you use it correctly. when you get into single player + 7 bag randomizer + hold i think it gets too easy. it feels like you can play just as well if you make good decisions and don't use hold at all, unless you're ST stacking or going for all-clears.

as far as reversing misdrops goes, i wouldn't want to see it in anything but unrated vs or a single player training mode, and i don't even think it's the most effective way to train. like Blink was saying, it would encourage you to go faster than you can handle and you wouldn't learn how to fix your mistakes. lots of games can be salvaged by quickly cleaning up mistakes anyway, and there's usually a good way to do that. but it really wouldn't bother me to see it as long as it wasn't in rated vs or ranked single player. the single player modes in BB are based on modes from other games with their own rulesets. some of them don't have hold and BB stays true to that, so i imagine if there were any changes in the marathon or expert modes it would only be to make them more accurate.


If someone ever made a turn-based/tactical version of Tetris, then we could consider adding something like this... But in my opinion, Blockbox already has too many key inputs: the brain has to keep track of left/right movement, three different rotation buttons, two keys for hard/soft drops, and hold(in most cases). One of the tenants of Tetris is based on simplicity... As long as we're staying with the classic Tetris modes, I doubt it'll ever get more complicated than Hold.

Besides, what if your misdrop clears lines? People will start complaining that Undo doesn't help enough, and then it'll either be removed or make the game too easy.
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[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Besides i could find similar arguments for hold : "not having the right piece at the right time is part of the game, and the penalty for having wrong pieces is gone."[/quote]

That wouldn't be a very strong argument, though.

The skill in tetris is being able to improvise, build logically etc... If you wanna get good, you learn from mistakes instead of getting do-overs.

Of course if we're just talking about an option you can use then whatever, fine. I wouldn't use it and I'm sure only beginners would.
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Blockbox is way ahead of this idea. If you hit alt+r it undoes your whole game. That is way more convenient than hitting an undo button lots of time.

In seriousness I would say that their are advantages to having it in single player training. Some people need attempt an action multiple times before getting it right, much like practicing a combo in a fighting game. Through multiple attempts one can finally perform it correct on command. Naturally there is a big difference in performing something in tetris since hitting left and right and a drop button isn't that hard skill wise, but some people need to keep attempting a twist or a stack until they get what they feel is optimal.

A mode where you can pause and undo multiple moves and such would be quite interesting. You could play for a little and then look back and stack a different way and see how that would have turn out. Under certain conditions such as 20g you can keep testing with the same pieces until you find an optimal way of stacking it. One could say since these abilities to undo would just cause people to not be able to perform under real tetris conditions, and they may be right, but it is something to think about.

Now I am not saying a function like this would necessarily help in training, but I am merely trying to give a view on the idea so that others might open their minds to potentially good ideas.
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