
Started by Corrosive, July 21, 2009, 02:05:31 AM

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[04:34] <meow> hello
[04:34] <CorrosiveX> hi
[04:35] <CorrosiveX> When and where did you discover multiplayer Tetris
[04:35] <meow> i discovered it when i saw my brother playing the original tetrinet with his friends
[04:35] <meow> it looked fun and i wanted to have a go
[04:35] <CorrosiveX> He don't play anymore?
[04:36] <meow> nope
[04:36] <CorrosiveX> tell us why you go by 'meow'
[04:37] <meow> my friend introduced me to tetrinet2 saying tetrinet was old and crap
[04:37] <meow> i couldnt sign up at the tetrinet2 site so my friend made an account for me
[04:37] <meow> i chose the name meow and got stuck with it
[04:38] <CorrosiveX> do you have a facebook
[04:38] <meow> nope i hate web2 sh**
[04:39] <CorrosiveX> you live in australia??
[04:39] <meow> yep sydney to be exact
[04:39] <CorrosiveX> what is the coolest aussie-native mammal or creature that you have seen
[04:42] <meow> uhh they're all cool, i like the kookaburra and the blue-tongued lizard
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[04:42] <meow> the coolest creature would be the lyrebird, i don't know if i've seen it before
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[04:43] <CorrosiveX> whoaa yea im googling them
[04:43] <CorrosiveX> sweet
[04:43] <CorrosiveX> how did you feel when steve irwin died
[04:44] <meow> check out some sound clips of the lyrebird... it can mimic any sound perfectly
[04:44] <CorrosiveX> ok
[04:44] <meow> Crikey!
[04:45] <meow> i was shocked and felt sad, we all grew up watching his videos
[04:45] <CorrosiveX> do you know anyone who has died from a shark attack or jellyfish sting
[04:45] <CorrosiveX> or snake bite
[04:45] <CorrosiveX> did you know*
[04:46] <meow> nope dont know anyone
[04:46] <CorrosiveX> koala bears: are they cute and cuddly or are they grumpy and vicious?
[04:47] <meow> i think they can be both
[04:47] <meow> i tell americans that they eat babies and most believe me
[04:47] <CorrosiveX> are you the #1 Australian tetris player in the world?
[04:48] <CorrosiveX> yes you are
[04:48] <CorrosiveX> ;o
[04:48] <meow> nope i'm not
[04:48] <CorrosiveX> who is better
[04:48] <meow> wasn't someone from hellfire from australia as well?
[04:48] <CorrosiveX> psh you're better than him
[04:48] <meow> i'm sure there is someone better that we haven't come across yet
[04:49] <CorrosiveX> how happy are you with Blockbox and what would you change?
[04:49] <CorrosiveX> also, what TNET2 players do you miss
[04:50] <meow> blockbox.. i'm very happy with deniax and his commitment towards developing blockbox to satisfy everyone
[04:50] <meow> i would like to see 6 player matches, clan tags, and temporary team tags
[04:51] <CorrosiveX> yeah. but the 6 player matches probably aren't going to happen
[04:51] <CorrosiveX> he said he would have to recode like 80% of everything
[04:51] <meow> as for tnet2 player that i miss, i think most of my friends from there are now on blockbox
[04:51] <meow> i would like to see some old players return
[04:51] <CorrosiveX> which ones
[04:52] <meow> vapid, micheLe, flaminglamborghini, lapsilap, googinator
[04:52] <meow> there's more but i can't remember them atm
[04:53] <meow> oh for blockbox features... i want some sort of gameplay status box like in tnet2
[04:53] <meow> where it shows 'x player adds x lines' etc
[04:53] <CorrosiveX> yea
[04:53] <meow> it's nice for spectators to see what's going on
[04:54] <CorrosiveX> how old are you?
[04:55] <meow> 22
[04:55] <CorrosiveX> any more questions that i can ask you?
[04:56] <meow> who my rivals are? and my favourite tetris players are?
[04:56] <CorrosiveX> ok answer
[04:57] <meow> my closest rivals are shizi and goofer.. from tnet2 till now
[04:57] <meow> exchliore and you, i consider above my level and not my rivals
[04:58] <meow> my favourite player is Trance, and blink is my 2nd favourite
[04:58] <CorrosiveX> who would you consider taking as your apprentice and training them to be stronger
[04:59] <meow> i am always willing to help anyone (provided i can)
[05:01] <CorrosiveX> when are you gonna upload a real pic of you on HD?
[05:01] <meow> never
[05:02] <CorrosiveX> can you think of any other question i can ask you
[05:03] <CorrosiveX> k bye
[05:03] <meow> thanks for interview, cya
"Put some stank on those blocks."


koala bears eat babies? i m shocked


nice article!  lyre birds can imitate wood chopping machines perfectly!


1 year later....

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


We do not forgive. We do not forget.