
Started by Kitaru, June 29, 2009, 12:34:24 AM

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Time to jump on the introduction writing bandwagon, hehe.

Hiya, my name is Alex, but my internet handle is Kitaru. I'm currently studying Computer Science at San José State University.

I started playing Tetris with GB Tetris when I was around 3 years old and have been playing Tetris off and on ever since. My favorite Tetris games are those in the Tetris Grand Master series. I first played TGM1 in 2002 after seeing the famous "Japan Tetris Finals" video on YouTube, but I didn't start playing it seriously until later. I started getting back into Tetris again with the release of Tetris DS. I thank Tetris DS not only for leading me to find Tetris Concept, but also for helping me rediscover TGM. Tetris DS didn't provide a challenge for long enough and left me craving something more. I picked up TGM again and have been playing ever since.

Tetris isn't the only game I play, though. In particular, I absolutely adore the Mother/Earthbound series and Cave Story. I also play various shmups, music games (Bemani, DJMAX, etc. -- not too fond of GH & RB), and the occasional FPS.

I program things, I listen to music, I watch movies or the occasional anime -- Has anyone else seen Kaiba? --, I play games, and I read about game design... That's me in a nutshell, haha.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


"Put some stank on those blocks."


yay alex, DJMAX ftw




Quote from: Blink
yay alex, DJMAX ftw
You used to play DJMAX? Which server? I used to play on the Japan ones for a while and the China ones later on. The China servers owned since you didn't have to pay for any of the premium songs. I've been thinking about getting DJMAX Trilogy since all of the DJMAX Online servers are down now, but I've held off so far.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>


i dont remember which server or anything.... but i remember my favorite songs were Memory of Beach and Oblivion


Quote from: Blink
i dont remember which server or anything.... but i remember my favorite songs were Memory of Beach and Oblivion
Memory of Beach owns. I think my favorite is Futurism, but there are plenty of songs I play over and over, haha.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>