
Started by Meroigo, June 28, 2009, 08:37:56 AM

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Hey, my name is Johannes and I'm from Sweden. But I go by the handle "Meroigo" on the interwebs. I was born 1988.

I have played video games all my life (and i love it!), and for some years now, I've been active in video game organizations here in Sweden, where we're arranging video game meet-ups lasting for up to a week, several times a year. Very fun!

I became addicted in Tetris around Easter last year. I mainly play the TGM games, because they are the most fun. ;)

I'm moving to Kyoto, Japan in October so I can play some TGM3 and the other TGM games, in their home environment. :D .... + to study Japanese full-time. ;> I'm staying there for at least a year. I hope I can find Japanese TGM players to socialize with. ^^ (edit: I have spent time with kan in Tokyo and visited the game center pier21 which often has (had?) TGM tournaments. ^^)

Eh... anything else anyone wants to know? I guess not. :P

Edit Jan 4 2012:
Several years later, and here I am again!

Since I wrote this post I played less and less Tetris and it kind of stopped... :( ...and I moved to Japan, studied Japanese for 1,5 years (日本人がこれを読んだら、是非声をかけて、日本語できるようになったし(*´∀`*))and entered a vocational school in Osaka where I now study computer graphics. :)

Now I've somewhat regained interest in Tetris again! ....but... the school I'm studying at is really busy so I might not have all the time for Tetris that I'm hoping for... :(

I'm not extraordinary at Tetris, but when I write this I want to regain my 40 lines speed I had around 3 years ago; 49 seconds (played in Lockjaw). Right now I'm around a minute on an average (now playing on Nullpomino). :/

I don't know very much about and haven't been active here. But from now on I might get active, who knows. :)

Live broadcast (often Tetris):


You forgot to mention your sexy voice.


Live broadcast (often Tetris):


Quote from: Rosti_LFC
You forgot to mention your sexy voice.
I forgot how seductive it could be. Still doing the show?


Digital:  That's only sometimes when i feel like it and people wanna listen. =P
Live broadcast (often Tetris):


If you're into djing for a real internet station I suggest applying at
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Meroigo
Digital:  That's only sometimes when i feel like it and people wanna listen. =P
Ah, right. I was virtually the only one...


Quote from: Digital
Ah, right. I was virtually the only one...
I didn't know there was a show.
<a href=><img src="" border='0' alt="My Backloggery" /></a>



...there is no show. XD SOMETIMES i felt like sending some web radio, so I'd gather some listeners who'd be interested. Averaged about 10-15 listeners per occasion (almost always only Swedes ), but that was enough for me. ^^ Digital, that one time you listened, I didn't find many, or any other listeners, than you, haha.  But i was really bored (and tired) so I did it anyways. XD

Waow... This topic turned into something weird.  Enough about web radio! D:
Live broadcast (often Tetris):


they make some sweet techno in Sweden.
and they make a lot of it!


Hi! we need to play our blockbox league match at some point!


Quote from: Meroigo

...there is no show. XD SOMETIMES i felt like sending some web radio, so I'd gather some listeners who'd be interested. Averaged about 10-15 listeners per occasion (almost always only Swedes ), but that was enough for me. ^^ Digital, that one time you listened, I didn't find many, or any other listeners, than you, haha.  But i was really bored (and tired) so I did it anyways. XD

Waow... This topic turned into something weird.  Enough about web radio! D:
I listened 2 or 3 times too. I even visited the Swedish gaming IRC channel to meet your buddies. ^^
LJ 40 lines 00:44.63 135.77TPM - 100 lines 02:01.95 - 180s 41.700
TGM GM 10:42:66 - 20G GM 10:28:00 - BM S9 - REV S4
TAP Normal 480736 - Master [url=


I never really see the point in internet radio. I have Spotify - why would I bother listening to someone else's music tastes when I can just listen to my own?


Rosti: The DJ:ing part is fun.  Talking and stuff.  And sharing what music you want other people to hear. ^^ But mostly the DJ:ing... But yeah, nowdays webradio isn't as "needed" as before.
Live broadcast (often Tetris):


"She sell seashells by the seashore!"