Tetris Blitz

Started by Aaron, May 24, 2013, 05:11:10 PM

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Well you CAN get a good score without spending a penny.

You just have to have the following all active at once.

Mino Rain finisher.(this will easily be over half your points if you can get the multiplier up high.)
time shift (so you can play longer)
multiplier (so your multiplier for your finisher is higher)
magnet. (turns frenzy garbage into a tetris hole=more multiplier.

Use magnet in frenzy mode to create tetris holes, which you then try and drop an I in before frenzy ends.

Do NOT try to get huge frenzy cascades. just build up until you can clear a line with a magnet. cascades just slow you down and give you less pieces to place which means less powerups.

When multiplier is powerup of the week, just keep playing and playing and playing and buy only that powerup until it's unlocked for normal.  also take every bonus spin.

I think the game would be better if frenzy stopped the clock.


Tetris for germans?
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Yay! Who doesn't want to play "tourneys" on a pay to win game?