Tetris Blitz

Started by Aaron, May 24, 2013, 05:11:10 PM

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http://www.pocketgamer.co.uk/r/iPhone/Tetr...ews.asp?c=50704[spoiler][!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/E9KjsRb.jpg\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"400\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"http://i.imgur.com/E9KjsRb.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Why do you guys believe in official games?
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Quote from: AlexandraI don't really know much about hot dogs but I do know Aaron is the greatest moderator ever.


You know there's going to be that one guy that buys all the features, which in turn will pay for the entire development of the game.


I haven't tried it yet but let me know what you guys think.


Quote from: Blink
I haven't tried it yet but let me know what you guys think.
It's freemium (thats not bad in itself) but you need to buy items to score well.

E.g. i used pure tetris/tspin, got around 240K

Then use itemz and play at half the speed and derp around, get 260K.

test edit
edit edit

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Just tried it. Another useless money magnet. I'm surprised its called Tetris anymore. After a couple games of practice I manages to get 550k. The cascade system is stupid with the combination of items. I got a cascade of 22 because of the avalanche item.

R.I.P Tetris co.


Quote from: Blink
I haven't tried it yet but let me know what you guys think.
I agree with XaeL. It is terrible.

The default controls are stupid because you sometimes have to cycle a lot of times before you actually get the option to put the piece where you want to place it.

Also, the default controls does not allow you to do fancy stuff like this. This O placement blocks your garbage hole and therefore its a big nono. The game simply doesnt let you place it there. You have to change to swipe controls if you want to free yourself from restricted placements.

You can go to the option menu and enable swipe controls, but unfortunately if you just downloaded the game you are not allowed to enter the menu before you play two painful tutorial games with the standard controls.
Also, if you ever restart the app after enabling swipe controls, the ghost piece will disappear leaving you with the option to chose between two almost unplayable types of controls.

Enough about the controls.

Another terrible aspect of this game is what happens when you start a new game. Your matrix is filled with a random set of minos. Sometimes this opens good options for t spins and tetrises, and sometimes it completely ruins your game before you even get started. A lucky start may lead to tons of points and a good score, and a terrible start might lead to a terrible score. It's too random.

The cascade thing is also terrible. Sometimes when you clear lines, it starts a cascade and stuff is just falling down in ways it isnt supposed to be doing.

Playing too godlike is also terrible, as this activates "frenzy" mode which sends a few garbage lines. The holes in these garbage lines will cause random cascades giving you random amount of points while completely messing up your field.

I give this 0 out of 5 stars


Recommended games:
Tetris Online Poland


I think the core game design is pretty interesting.  Haven't had a new Tetris game this original in a long time. I especially like how Tetrises are valued higher than T-Spins (not in points, but they're the only thing that increases the multiplier). The frenzy system is interesting, too. I'm still trying to figure out the optimal trade-off between increasing the multiplier and scoring high points per piece in frenzy mode (downstacking and singles at a double multiplier). The best thing to do in the endgame seems to be to rapidly and aimlessly drop a bunch of pieces all over with holes and then let the Final Hurrah turn it into a 10+ line clear.

Of course it doesn't really matter. The freemium and powerup system makes this game overall pretty empty and meaningless. I don't really feel that motivated to invest much more time into it. For example, the game says they're releasing limited time only items every week. If you use it enough during that week, you'll get permanent access to it. It's foreseeable then that players entering the game later on may not even be capable of competing with players who got in earlier who have access to certain items. Why don't they just sell us 10,000 points per $1? I buy games in order to improve my skill and overcome challenges. If those challenges can simply be met by paying more cash, it's no longer skill-based. Why bother?


Quote from: caffeine
I buy games in order to improve my skill and overcome challenges. If those challenges can simply be met by paying more cash, it's no longer skill-based. Why bother?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: caffeine
I think the core game design is pretty interesting.  Haven't had a new Tetris game this original in a long time.
How about "Tetris Stars" on Facebook app?
I think those two are similar.

Quote from: caffeine
I especially like how Tetrises are valued higher than T-Spins (not in points, but they're the only thing that increases the multiplier).
They're not only thing that increases the multiplier but also more than 7 chained cascades.

Quote from: caffeine
Of course it doesn't really matter. The freemium and powerup system makes this game overall pretty empty and meaningless. I don't really feel that motivated to invest much more time into it. For example, the game says they're releasing limited time only items every week. If you use it enough during that week, you'll get permanent access to it. It's foreseeable then that players entering the game later on may not even be capable of competing with players who got in earlier who have access to certain items. Why don't they just sell us 10,000 points per $1? I buy games in order to improve my skill and overcome challenges. If those challenges can simply be met by paying more cash, it's no longer skill-based. Why bother?
Yes, I quite agree. However, for instance, LINE POP has become familiar to freemium app. I don't think it is skill-based game.


I like the idea of a "Tetris Ultra" in wich you can use 3 mods. Someone can implement the game in nullpo or TOP. But fixing some things:

- Cascade and the "stack adding" can be a mod, not a must in all games
- Mods cost can be cheaper. Play using 3 mod cost 12000 and a game give 500-700
- There must be a way to unlock a mod forever and use it for free. Free way, like play the mod 100 times
- A no-bot ladder


It plays like a parody of Tetris gone facebook game.

Playing with three perks makes the game unrecognizable.


Ok. I figured out how this works.

When you clear a frenzy line, all minos broken by the line clear become unglued, and fall independently.

Ideal strategy is to get the multiplier up early, with tetrises, and ignore the frenzy until the giant cascades are worth it.

And yes the items are OP. Mino Rain s probably the most broken, if you get your multiplier high enough.

The "multiplier" powerup is very important to scoring, i've noticed.


so... its like tetris battle but even more of a money grab?
40 line sprint in Nullpomino: 32.88


Tbh the default controls I actually like as handheld controls. But I really hate the game. It should jhave a regular marathon and sprint mode.
I would love to see how fast I can go using the default controls. It feels like you would be able to sub 50 easily.