The Tetris Arts

Started by Shadow_Mime, April 12, 2015, 06:28:13 PM

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Are you clever? Do you play tetris? Do you love tetris? Well duh.
This is the thread for you.

If you play tetris and are into doing, writing, or saying clever things,
you're in luck because this is the the thread to combine tetris and your other
talents whether it is analytic, aesthetic, or kinetic.

Submit your or a well known tetris Thingy Ma-jigger below and give credit where it is due.

It can be....

Analogies  - Often explicit/implicit base of a joke or a standalone comparsion


    BEST TETRIS PLAYER CHAMPION 「ろみな」 by user redromina

Innuendos-Yeah, you know what it is.

Music-  Links to tetris music playlist



    Secret Santa's gift to Microblizz


Pick-up lines
This Thread.





...Just keep it tetris related.

And anything loosely related to the things already listed here .
I'm open about adding categories.
Although science and math may not be considered art by many, but it sure is beautiful and welcome in this thread.

If you're unsure about your submission regarding quality or category but it's tetris related, post it anyway.
Don't worry too much about it, this isn't an art or writing forum.
If you're still unsure, here is a link to the the TOS.
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1. If sattelites fly (orbit) by falling around the earth,
then tetriminoes fly by falling around the matrix.
Too bad the tetriminoes are stuck in the matrix.

2. Misdrops are the posion in the well,
you may die from them, gain immunity, or adapt/recover from them.

3. We do we hold on to things when we don't need to? Isn't every piece, record, line, and matrix impermanent?

4. Just like in life, it may be unfavorable in Tetris to plan ahead without memory or foresight. And like life, it's impressive to master it in tetris too.

EDIT: JUST noticed this was in the Introductions category.
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Best comedy tetris I've seen:
Some video for some Japanese show (I really don't know).