random thoughts/questions by woof

Started by oofw, July 02, 2013, 04:43:19 PM

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In this thread I will compile my random thoughts. i dont know how long i will keep posting in this thread probably as long as i use this forum . . . if u want past versions of this topic (in different boards) feel free to pm ! also feel free to use any of these thoughts for a poem in your english class (etc), no need to give me credit, all my art is copyright the open domain , some people want money , women , fame , but i will be satisfied with only your gratitude that is enough for me yes sir

. i'd probably be a lot less confused if i were a robot

. isnt it more antisocial NOT to care what other ppl think ?

. 17 is a ripe old age

. why do titans in attack on titans all have different haircuts ?

. what is it about auditoriums that make ppl want to cough ?

. an empty stairwell only leads to loneliness

. patience is probably the most important quality in a parent

. what IS tetris ?

. i hope my creator wont program me to be able to feel loneliness. that seems lik a pretty useless function on a robot.

. would it be "inhumane" to program a robot to feel negative emoitions ?

. is it a privelege to be able to feel sadness ?

. if it is should we still try to avoid being sad ?

. attention homeowners: it is important to invest in a good washroom

. although ppl tend to be friendlier to a dog in general they tend to be even friendlier if the dog is shy. the opposite is true for humans

. tall ppl tend to seem friendlier

. wearing your heart on your sleeve seems like it would be a pretty bold fashion statement (joke)

. "would you rather be the killer or the one being killed" < -- not to sound liek a sicko here , but that seems likea  pretty dumb question

. as far as i know , there is no country in the world that has legalized murder. maybe if one did (for example russia) there would be less murderers in our own countries

. i usually play tetris while watching anime. does anyone else do that ?

. i would probably be a pretty good anime director. if i only i were japanese ~

. the nicest thing anyones said to me ? no idea , i dont keep track , which is weird cause im sure i dont get that many compliments

. the human nind is a fallible thing (was a typo but i left it in to illustrate my point)

. does anyone really look at a bird ?

. if more ppl looked at birds the way i have they wouldnt want to put everyone else down as much ("there are more things in heaven and hell horatio ... ")

ok im dry , until next time folks !

the whole subtext of a pun being funny cause its lame just ruins it for me... i genuinely enjoy puns ! is that so wrong ?


You could make a blog at sites like Wordpress or Blogger to post these kind of stuff or anything you'd like. Not saying you can't post here or anything, but it's pretty neat. I made one for myself last night and I typed whatever I wanted to talk about! Boy, was it refreshing. You should try it too!