A Guide on Openings

Started by Noogy, July 27, 2010, 08:47:07 PM

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Correct, but then you are down to 5 lines from 4 instead of twice that count. And you need to get a J where as you probably looked for 2 Ts. It's something I mention to people when I teach them that opening.. Love it but it's not perfect..


Quote from: Agamemnon
Correct, but then you are down to 5 lines from 4 instead of twice that count. And you need to get a J where as you probably looked for 2 Ts. It's something I mention to people when I teach them that opening.. Love it but it's not perfect..


Obviously, you can leave however large a gap on the bottom. If anything, this increases the flexibility of STSD because it doesn't matter whether or not you stack like crap on the bottom line. A good way to deal with S-Z initial piece sequences?

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Quote from: larrytetris
Never noticed these


But see, I love getting S/Z starts.. Just check which you get first of J/L (I works too, just pick a side at that point. J/L is a matter of not having to softdrop and slide) and stack on the right side for this...


when I play on BB I doesnt start with the 7 pieces, it can be the 7 in a row, then random. But most times its something like 4 different og 5 then the first or something like that. eks: J,L,S,Z,L,O,I,S etc etc.

On Tetris Party Deluxe it is as u said, 7 pieces and I know when I see the first 4 which the 3 last will be etc.

Nice guide tho, I will take more time to read and practice when I get home/have time
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guideline tetris games use a bag randomizer. blockbox uses a history randomizer from the tgm games. the history randomizer remembers the last 4 pieces it gives and has a low chance of dealing any piece in the history.


at aga u stole my opening.
another SZ is fiddlesworth.


QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I Like This Post i agree there may need abortability rates , and on tf battle 2p or 6p the garbage isn't counter-able , um jus sayin pc's can't be reused again'st u as well as quick tsd opens
Derrick417- TF
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I like this opening with the imperial.


That TSD opening is actually really good, since nine times out of ten you're all ready for another five lines:
Best 40 Lines: 37:74 (162.18 TPM) on NullpoMino


Anyone have some good advice for beating middle 4w'ers who are a lot faster than you?


Quote from: CaptainPaul
Anyone have some good advice for beating middle 4w'ers who are a lot faster than you?
tki opening is probably the best chance you have


i think you are looking down on 3w, it is very powerful and not to be trifled with
good guide