A Guide on Openings

Started by Noogy, July 27, 2010, 08:47:07 PM

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chopin you don't die from pc because hardly anybody uses it.


Quote from: Someone2knoe
chopin you don't die from pc because hardly anybody uses it.
i have been pc'ed on nullpmino several times with s-double finisher and i havent died once. i end up sending all the garbage back and winning instead.
☠  crzy242


Quote from: Someone2knoe
chopin you don't die from pc because hardly anybody uses it.

Someone apparently doesn't play on TF, lol.


Quote from: Noogy
its not just OSJ, its medium openers;
why don't you try practicing them for a while?

I think blazen means and I agree, that they are not flexible in a tactical
sense that if your T's don't come or if you need to abort
most of the time you can't recover and are screwed
(like misdropping a piece in a 4 gap)
while with a tetris a misdrop wouldn't be such a big deal

Maybe you need to add another rating for abortability haha


here are some ways to bail on medium openers:


when we are talking about bailing on medium openers, this is mainly bailing because you risk topping out (i.e. your opponent is faster/outplaying you).
bailing because you misdropped is a whole different story...


Noooogy, fix your first J-Spin please. X_X


Quote from: chopin
Noooogy, fix your first J-Spin please. X_X


I should use that t-spin opening. But I always take so long set it up. D: So I just open with B2B Tetrises c:


Quote from: Hypofreakk
So I just open with B2B Tetrises c:
thats why you die LOL. do tspin setups really fast, and youll own ;D
☠  crzy242


Quote from: crzy242
thats why you die LOL. do tspin setups really fast, and youll own ;D

But I do it fast so I usually don't die


does that J spin not work? i've never tried it LOL


Noogy, your last alternative for DT Cannon is crazy though. It still clears the same amount, a double and a triple. 180 spins are godly.


some spins that you showed aint working on tf
but its a good guide for peopz that have problems whit openings
good job


I think PC gets a reputation way beyond what they deserve. Almost all the players I know who are good at that setup try not to do it unless they know the opponent isn't good at countering. Somebody said it's good in ffa, but ffa on tf has revenge target, which means you get beaten like a ginger kid quite often, if you poke the wrong angry bears....

A setup I like quite a lot is the typical super tsd, as it is ridiculously fast to build, and you get two Ts in the time it takes to construct the lines, giving 10 lines added (combo/tf) from 4 lines, just like a PC, while giving two holes of garbage instead of one.. Down side; you can take a garbage hole in the bad spot and need to repair...


First off really good guide noogy
doesn't there half to be a wall thing around some of the pieces? Even with or without the wall I screw up and the whole thing goes awry. D:
also what would be the beat strategy to vs a player a little better than you? Do more complicated set ups or just stick with t spins?


Quote from: Agamemnon
Down side; you can take a garbage hole in the bad spot and need to repair...
