I'm Uli

Started by Uli, October 16, 2011, 01:40:46 PM

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I'm Uli and i am absolutely Game Boy Tetris mad. I play every spare minute and if you see a somebody in London, UK in a bus, on the Tube or just anywhere - with a GameBoy pocket playing tetris, its me!

If you happen to come to London - we can have a match (I have a few GameBoys, Tetriseses and link-cables)


My tetrisconcept.net questionnaire:

1. Why did you start playing Tetris? Can you also please specify how long you have been playing and if you consider yourself a great player?
- Quite a few people had GameBoys in the early 90ies so I was really keen on playing (tetris) when I finally got one in 1992. I am a humble person, but I have to admit I am a very good player - I am the current Twin Galaxies world record holder for GB riginal tetris (most points + most lines). My non-official pb is 889,000ish points.

2. What Tetris games do you play and how much do you play?
- Original GB Tetris - EVERY DAY

3. What other games besides Tetris (if any ) keep you busy?
- Civilization, Blocks that Matter

4. Any other block/puzzle games you enjoy?
- I played Lumines on the PSP for a bit, but it turned out to be boring once I realized there is a pattern to it.


Hi Ulli

1. Why did you start playing Tetris? Can you also please specify how long you have been playing and if you consider yourself a great player?
I started playing Tetris in 1989 because I was 5 and it was the only gameboy game I really liked. I started playing modern tetris 6 months ago because I finally realized there was decent multiplayer, and I am kicking myself for not having the initiative to Google that sooner. I am not a good player; I am one of the top 5 worst players on these forums, hands down. But I intend to change that.

2. What Tetris games do you play and how much do you play?
I play Nullpo, ToP, and TF (in that order). I also play tetris all day on graph paper or in my head, as well as to upload as many ideas as I can from the forums. It kind of amuses me that you aren't more specific than "every day", but sure, "every day" for me too.

3. What other games besides Tetris (if any ) keep you busy?
I want to get back into chess.

4. Any other block/puzzle games you enjoy?
Minesweeper is cool.
Pyrrhonian disclaimer: If I use assertive language, then I only do so as a manner of speaking. I might say "the sun will rise tomorrow", but deep down, like anything else, I can never really know that. So if I


Quote from: Uli
- Quite a few people had GameBoys in the early 90ies so I was really keen on playing (tetris) when I finally got one in 1992. I am a humble person, but I have to admit I am a very good player - I am the current Twin Galaxies world record holder for GB original tetris (most points + most lines). My non-official pb is 899,000ish points.

Ha, what an interesting coincidence, I just decided to look up the high score for lines last week out of curiosity. Afterwards I decided to see how far I could get. I've gotta hand it to you man, 401 is a ridiculously impressive number. The highest I could get was like 165 or something. After that failure I decided to set my sights on trying for the world record on 40 lines in Tetris DX instead, speed tetris is more my thing anyway.

But anyway, it's cool to see a new member who's into the classic Tetris games.
Current Sprint Mode Record: 49.66 Seconds
If you'd like to VS me, just drop me a PM, I play Nullpomino and Cultris II primarily.


Oi Uli.

Quote from: Uli
1. Why did you start playing Tetris? Can you also please specify how long you have been playing and if you consider yourself a great player?

2. What Tetris games do you play and how much do you play?
- Original GB Tetris - EVERY DAY

3. What other games besides Tetris (if any ) keep you busy?
- Civilization, Blocks that Matter

4. Any other block/puzzle games you enjoy?
- I played Lumines on the PSP for a bit, but it turned out to be boring once I realized there is a pattern to it.

1. I started playing because I saw my brother B1ink played Tetris a lot, so I decided to start playing too. This was about 3 years ago. I would consider myself to be pro c;

2. I used to play on Blockbox every day. Now, I play Blockbox and Nullpomino maybe once a week each.

3. I play good ole american football! I used to played starcraft, counterstrike,  warcraft 3, diablo 2, and probably a whole bunch of other games. Recently I haven't played much besides the once a week games.

4. nope
My awesome downstacking guide, last updated (Jan 29, 2013): Downstacker's Guide to the Galaxy
Tired of the same old Tetris games? Read my idea for a revamped Tetris game! The Next


Hi Uli - I also live in London - I'm planning on making a tetris tournament in Central London on the PC - do you play Tetris Friends on PC, because the tournament will be on Tetris Friends Arena. In the short term future I'll make a thread about it, but for now, what I can say is that it's a live tournament at Gamerbase Trocadero on Saturday 21st July from early afternoon to the evening.
               Tetris Belts!


just gave Tetris Friends a try ... I will need some practice before the tournament, and I will take part.
Still a long time until next July....


Hey, I'm new to this forum ... Anybody know of any tetris tournament happening in london on july ... and also which kind of tetris game are we playing and how do I sign up for this tournament.... Thanks guys.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, more shame on YOU!! ;)


Quote from: Adu
Hey, I'm new to this forum ... Anybody know of any tetris tournament happening in london on july ... and also which kind of tetris game are we playing and how do I sign up for this tournament.... Thanks guys.
Here's the thread



I'll be running it, and am just in the e-mail stages of organising it - it'll be on Tetris Friends Arena and a signup sheet/link will be up soon, but in the meantime please check this thread,




EDIT: Looks like Rosti got there first
               Tetris Belts!