hi fellow tetris lovers :)

Started by sarahchu, January 30, 2011, 04:21:02 AM

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Hi! My name is Sarah and I play tetris so much that its just kind of sad. ^^
My friends all know that the reason I reply to them on IM in 3 minute-increments is because I'm tetrising. Which has kinda resulted the exponentially decreasing slope of my grades. Tetris effect, tetris withdrawal, I have it all.

So, the reason I signed up for Hard Drop is because I want to enter tetris tourneys or competitions.  I'm a rank 18 on TF arena, and I really want to see how I compare with others.

Thanks for reading  


Quote from: sarahchu

My friends all know that the reason I reply to them on IM in 3 minute-increments is because I'm tetrising.

AHAHAHA!  good stuff lol, my friends are the same way with me.  Welcome to HD  


hi sarah, welcome to hard drop!  


Welcome to harddrop sarah!
I'm rank 20 on tetris friends, only 2 ranks away. Lets play some time!
Add me - CF_XeaL

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Quote from: Blink
AHAHAHA!  good stuff lol, my friends are the same way with me.  Welcome to HD  

thanks! haha you know you play too much when that happens

Quote from: sonic
hi sarah, welcome to hard drop!  


Quote from: XaeL
Welcome to harddrop sarah!
I'm rank 20 on tetris friends, only 2 ranks away. Lets play some time!
Add me - CF_XeaL

okay, added  my TF account is sarahchu.


Quote from: sarahchu
My friends all know that the reason I reply to them on IM in 3 minute-increments is because I'm tetrising.
That's a hazard of playing tetris  Happens to me all the time.



Hi Sarah how did you hear about hardrop? I got it from people who were setting it as their TF status. Don't worry about your friends making fun of you mine say "YOUR ADDICTED TO TETRIS!!!!" every time i mention it and they never played it once except on GBA I think or DS but then I ask "Have you played it online?" and they say no and then I say "well they're is a diff"
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


hello and welcome to harddrop sarah!:D i think i have seen you aroundbut not sure=/
ello, wasup?:D


Hi Sarah, and welcome to harddrop.
Here you will find plenty of worthy people to play against on different types of tetris variants. If you only play TF for now, you should also try out: Nullpomino 7.5, TOJ, and Blockbox.

As for tourneys, there are currently many team tourneys going on, so if you want, browse through the Teams section and have a look around.  
"I am dreaming less and sleeping more, but I'll sell my soul for the dream you stole." - Armor for Sleep


Quote from: DAS44
That's a hazard of playing tetris  Happens to me all the time.
it really is XDXD

Quote from: dkorn725
Hi Sarah how did you hear about hardrop? I got it from people who were setting it as their TF status. Don't worry about your friends making fun of you mine say "YOUR ADDICTED TO TETRIS!!!!" every time i mention it and they never played it once except on GBA I think or DS but then I ask "Have you played it online?" and they say no and then I say "well they're is a diff"
Ermmm I was googling tetris tourneys and came across harddrop  And yeah, it really is different online. TF arena is a lot more fun than classic tetris, IMHO.

Quote from: Tt_edward
hello and welcome to harddrop sarah!:D i think i have seen you aroundbut not sure=/
thanks  and I probably have seen you around too, but I just can't remember.

Quote from: Ukrainian4Life
Hi Sarah, and welcome to harddrop.
Here you will find plenty of worthy people to play against on different types of tetris variants. If you only play TF for now, you should also try out: Nullpomino 7.5, TOJ, and Blockbox.

As for tourneys, there are currently many team tourneys going on, so if you want, browse through the Teams section and have a look around.  
Hii. Okay, thanks. I'll definitely check those out ^^


Ukraine didn't explain it well here are them in detail

TOJ-  Short for "Tetris online Japan" this has one of the least lag and provides many good widgets and all sorts of different things

Nullpomino(7.4,7.5,etc.)-More for single player modes, the one it's known for is "Dig Challenge" also has 180 rotations

Blockbox- Don't know much about this one:Longest sign up and has the least modes (I only know the bad things because I don't play it but it's supposed to be a good tetris mode,better than TF at least)
Drew- Sprint-45.11; 2.2616 PPS


Quote from: sarahchu
Hi! My name is Sarah and I play tetris so much that its just kind of sad. ^^
My friends all know that the reason I reply to them on IM in 3 minute-increments is because I'm tetrising.

Same thing happens to me
Btw welcome =D


Quote from: dkorn725

Blockbox- Don't know much about this one:Longest sign up and has the least modes (I only know the bad things because I don't play it but it's supposed to be a good tetris mode,better than TF at least)

I wouldn't say it has the least modes... It has more modes than TF and TOJ, and probably more than some of the lesser known tetris games too.

Like TF, Blockbox is browser based, and is a great place to work on speed and downstacking. Only Pros play blockbox.

Nullpo and TOJ are both downloadable games, but i would recommend checking them all out Here.
They are all listed at the bottom of the page.

Quote from: sarahchu
My friends all know that the reason I reply to them on IM in 3 minute-increments is because I'm tetrising. Which has kinda resulted the exponentially decreasing slope of my grades. Tetris effect, tetris withdrawal, I have it all.

I think its safe to say that this has happened to all of us at some point