Australia's Best Player

Started by GOOBZILLA, September 28, 2009, 07:47:15 AM

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Quote from: meow
anyone have a link to that youtube vid of the self proclaimed champion of tetris after clearing a tetris in 20G tetris ds?

Are you talking about Triforce Gamemaster?
Play Cultris



I did quit b****. I just don't play any multiplayer.
"Put some stank on those blocks."


Quote from: Red_Star

Are you talking about Triforce Gamemaster?

yep thats the one  


LJ has lots of small delays BB doesn't have, no way possible it's faster.


why isnt LJ challenged by TTC btw?
"Put some stank on those blocks."



Quote from: iphysWhy isn't LJ the fastest?  Some people complain about freezes happening on BB, and yet Maserati uses it to get the fastest times.  Does BB have all the customization options that LJ has, and what makes it any faster than LJ?
LockJaw unfortunately does not have "true zero" line clear delay. Since it doesn't recurse the game loop on zero line clear, there is one frame of line clear delay at the minimum. Not only that, BlockBox seems to have what I'll call a "true zero" minimum lock delay -- or maybe some people will consider it "negative one frame" of lock delay? According to Edo, it appears that the next piece is spawned on the same frame that a piece is hard dropped, making the process of locking the current piece take up no additional time; the active piece is locked and the new piece becomes active in that same frame, so you could perform any action other than lock the new piece immediately. When you press a key to lock a piece, you can immediately begin moving the next one. If you're using the 8-way input mode properly, I guess you could save a frame on the placement for every piece going in the same direction on the same DAS charge. Theoretically, you could shave up to ~1.67 seconds off of your 40 lines if you were able to take advantage of those instantaneous piece locks for every piece.
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