puyopuyo tetris s

Started by cycle, January 12, 2017, 09:15:15 PM

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My NES30 Pro controller arrived, and the D-pad is absolutely perfect and the sticks are substantially better than the Switch Pro controller too (just one direction on one of them sometimes registers the opposite direction after you release it).  I love how the D-pad actually feels like an old NES D-pad too.  It's also substantially lighter and more portable than the Switch Pro controller.  I highly recommend it!


A patch was released today.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DJntHtLVYAArM5b.jpg\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Players can now get a rating of over 9,999 points and there's a new top rank (after Grand Master). Players will get a penalty for disconnecting (previously, I saw a few better ranked players intentionally disconnect when they lost a match so they wouldn't lose ranking). The balance adjustments seem to be minor though. There's no change to Tetris vs Tetris as far as I know. TvT combo table stays at 011223344455555... . I hoped they would nerf 4-wide a little by reducing sent lines to 4 for 11+ combos.

There aren't that many changes in Tetris vs Puyo. Multi-line clears sent the same amount of lines as before ( Double = 1, Triple = 2, Tetris = 4, TSS = 2, TSD = 3, TST = 4, b2b = +1 ) and the Tetris garbage to Puyo trash conversion table stayed the same. The already very weak combo table got even weaker. It was 011112222333344... , now it is 011111222233334... . For example, a 10 combo consisting of Singles only sends 24 lines in TvT but only 13 lines in PvT (which corresponds to 43 trash). Perfect Clears got totally nerfed. They used to sent 9 lines which converted to 24 Puyo trash (or 10 lines resp. 28 trash with a Double before the PC); now it is only 6 lines which convert to 13 Puyo trash (or 7 lines resp. 16 trash with a Double before the PC). So PCs send now roughly half the amount they used to sent. While I think nerfing Perfect Clears against Puyo players was necessary, the change is too big in my opinion.

So don't start with a PC against Puyo players and don't make huge combos. At the start, try to get the b2b bonus with a T-Spin (preferably T-Spin Single) and afterwards make a combo consisting of a) a Tetris and a T-Spin or b) 2 Tetrises or c) 2 T-Spins. T-Spin setups that result in 2 successive T-Spins may come in handy. Something like [a href=\\\"http://harddrop.com/wiki/STSD]Super T-Spin Double
, Imperial Cross, Fractal and Mr.T-Spin's STD (whereas the TSS is used to get b2b bonus and TSD+TST are performed in a combo). 2 Tetrises or T-Spins in a combo send not only roughly 40% more trash (e.g. 2 b2b Tetrises in a combo send 28 trash, 2 seperate b2b Tetrises send together 20 trash); the Puyo player also needs a much higher chain to cancel them. Also, if you make a downstack combo with just regular Doubles and Triples, you sometimes want to break the combo to send more lines (2 seperate Doubles sent 8 trash in total, together in a combo they just sent 5 trash).

Swap uses the same line sent table as Tetris vs Tetris. Since TvT didn't change, there's no real change to Swap mode either. One little difference though: If you unleash a Perfect Clear after the switch to Puyo fields, it will send lines as in Puyo vs Tetris. That's 6 lines resp. 21 trash after the switch compared to 10 lines resp. 54 trash before the switch (so much trash only if this garbage is not accepted or canceled before the switch). Note that this only concerns PCs; T-Spins and combos sent as much lines as usual before and after the switch.

For the old garbage behaviour see the Puyo Puyo Tetris Wiki article. This concludes all changes on the Tetris side as far as I know. I've read that small Puyo chains also sent more Tetris garbage now. Maybe some timings and delays have also changed. But if you performed well against Puyo players without Perfect Clears before the patch, then you should still have no problems.

On the positive side, I got much less lag the last 2 times I tried to play online. Puyo Puyo Tetris used to be more laggy than Tetris Friends for me (note I am from Europe and on PS4 and 90% of the online opponents I get are from Asia and America; lags concern both players if they occur but I think Tetris players are more handicapped and I am bad at handling lag in general).


game will be on ps4's online shop on march 8th. (previously only disc)