Foreign Languages

Started by BigAl95, September 13, 2009, 06:09:33 PM

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Quote from: sandibaby
My primary language is Chinese-Cantonese. Aside from that, I can speak English, Vietnamese, Mandarin, another old Chinese dialect-cheu chao (sp?), Spanish and bits of Korean.  

I, too plan on learning Japanese one day!

teo chew nang mmhmm =]


I took 2 years of spanish in high school and 2 semesters of it in college. I had a really good spanish teacher and everything but the stupid thing about spanish courses and spanish classes in high school is that they try to make you learn all the past tense/future tense stuff too which is not really necessary when in reality you just need to know the present tense in order to communicate with someone. if the focus was only on present tense I would have learned a lot more
"Put some stank on those blocks."


i can speak cantonese along with a little bit of italian, french, spanish, and whatever japanese i learn from animes!!
Xbox Live: dj stanz
AOL Instant Messenger: djstanny


I can actually do a little bit of Mandarin, but it's otherwise English for me.


I'm fluent in Spanish.. I'm still learning english


g u r l g a m e r


German, English and some Italian.


English is my first language, and I started learning Japanese in 9th grade. Currently a freshman in college and struggling with the Genki II textbook, I'm not too good at it, but I can get by!