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Messages - OneDarthYear

Strategy/Help / What am I doing wrong?
September 03, 2018, 11:34:29 PM
you still take time to place blocks because you don't know where to put them. Use your preview window. That will help you get your stack more even. Also, you should learn how certain pieces make your space more organised. Generally, you want to find opportunities with the pieces that are coming up to create a 3 by 4, 4 by 4, or even a 5 by 4.
Strategy/Help / What am I doing wrong?
August 31, 2018, 06:06:07 PM
I see you are already try to learn to do t spin triples. dont focus on t spins when you are just starting to play tetris. practice just getting tetrises. it will be much easier to learn it, and it will be easier to learn t spins if you learn the basic strategy used by most beginners and average players. even the most skilled tetris players started by learning the most basic, but most easiest, strategy.
Strategy/Help / What am I doing wrong?
August 31, 2018, 06:03:07 PM
Strategy/Help / What am I doing wrong?
August 24, 2018, 01:42:47 AM
Try planning ahead in a start of a game. not only does it make you use the piece preview more and makes you go faster, it also makes your playing field more smooth, allowing you to clear more lines.
Also, i see that when you make a mistake you take time to place a piece after the mistake. Try learn not to worry about a mistake and fix it immediately. Reacting to a mistake slows you down.