What am I doing wrong?

Started by filipemtx, July 18, 2018, 05:15:57 PM

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I started playing tetris occasionally in 2013 but I'm revisiting it now and I want to improve my times on sprint.

I have no finesse at all, but I'll start working on that.

Here, a recording of a sprint session.

I'll post more videos as I apply the advises you give me and improve.



1) Nice skin!
2) You clearly aren't using previews. This is obvious because there is a pause between every piece.
Change previews to "Side - big". this should help.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


1) Thanks, it's tetris friends
I love it
2) Yeah gonna focus on that, already seen improvements

beat PB by 9sec

oh wow

this helped me: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tetris/comments/8h...se_the_preview/



It's been over 1 month since I posted last video...

I've been playing mostly facebook tetris battle and puyo puyo tetris. My goal was to get sprint under 2min... Coudn't do it on puyo puyo tetris.

BUT... I made it playing on JStris. Now I can get 1:30ish sometimes.

But piece preview is still useless for me and I have pauses on my stacking.

I want to get better with finesse, I want to research finesse and mostly practice it by playing big bang mode on puyo puyo tetris. When I see improvements I post it here.

Tips and suggestions are welcome


Quote from: filipemtx

I want to get better with finesse, I want to research finesse and mostly practice it by playing big bang mode on puyo puyo tetris. When I see improvements I post it here.

Good work,

I think that big bang is a useful tool, but once you are confident with basic finesse i would eschew it. The main reason is that big bang has a 1 second delay between each piece placement due to line clear delay. It would be much much better if you just played sprint and tried to keep finesse faults below some arbitrary targets (50, 20, 10)

Due to ppt big bangs over-lenient delays, you can hit the maximum speed for it very easily.

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


Thanks for the help XaeL...

45 finesse errors and 1:35.
My best so far...



Try planning ahead in a start of a game. not only does it make you use the piece preview more and makes you go faster, it also makes your playing field more smooth, allowing you to clear more lines.
Also, i see that when you make a mistake you take time to place a piece after the mistake. Try learn not to worry about a mistake and fix it immediately. Reacting to a mistake slows you down.


Quote from: OneDarthYear
Try planning ahead in a start of a game. not only does it make you use the piece preview more and makes you go faster, it also makes your playing field more smooth, allowing you to clear more lines.
Also, i see that when you make a mistake you take time to place a piece after the mistake. Try learn not to worry about a mistake and fix it immediately. Reacting to a mistake slows you down.

Thanks, I will try to make that!

I'm basing my studies on this page and trying to train finesse with individual pieces. O is so easy but it's tricky to put pieces rapidly.

Will go on to other pieces later.


One big impression I get is that you aren't completely confident in how you want to stack the field.

Playing sprint is definitely the best way to improve your time but I feel like you would also benefit significantly from understanding how certain pieces fit together smoothly.

That would help remove the decision making process as it becomes automatic. You can then focus more on processing the piece quickly and where it belongs on the field rather than how it fits.


I agree with luminsen. Can you complete marathon mode? The 20G near the end really forces you to stack flat.

I would play some more marathon without abusing infinite spin and see how far you can get. Can you finish the entire marathon without abusing infinite spin?

QuoteLike many setups here, it is useful if your opponent doesn't move and you get 4 Ts in a row.


I completed marathon but full of holes in the stack and almost lost.

When I thought "ok that's it. I lost it." the game ended and I was so happy

But I have plenty of room to get better. I'll try to focus on my stacking and less on the keys I press then

Marathon time was 7min something




Tetris is fuuuuun :-)




I see you are already try to learn to do t spin triples. dont focus on t spins when you are just starting to play tetris. practice just getting tetrises. it will be much easier to learn it, and it will be easier to learn t spins if you learn the basic strategy used by most beginners and average players. even the most skilled tetris players started by learning the most basic, but most easiest, strategy.