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Tetris / Tetris Ultimate Bugs?
November 18, 2014, 01:45:12 AM
Quote from: Kitaru
"Retribution" badge seems to only have picked up one of my wins. It was the one I got through SpotPass. I haven't been able to register any using the Leaderboards. (Also, not a bug, but it's going to be incredibly difficult for Top 10 players to get it if they don't game the system _before_ setting their true records, as there are fewer replays at that level to work against and it's going to be that much harder to optimize further. And if you're the World Record holder in something, what are you actually supposed to do about it?)

The badge seems ambiguously worded. What you need to do to get these wins is to download replays from people on the leaderboard, and then play a regular game and register a high score that is higher than the ones you downloaded.
I agree that it can be a pretty silly badge to get, especially if there aren't 10 scores higher than yours.
General / 3DS Friend Code Exchange!
November 16, 2014, 02:33:06 PM
I'll throw mine in there, since TU has that annoying bug

Arena / Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament
October 19, 2010, 10:04:35 PM
5pm on monday doesn't work at all for me. later in the day would be fantastic
Arena / Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament
October 10, 2010, 04:07:42 PM
To anyone who doesn't know, my username is HD_friendship. get in touch with me please
Arena / Tetris Friends [FFA] Tournament
October 02, 2010, 10:16:21 AM
Add me to the list, but don't be surprised if i have to opt out if it happens during the day
Hey Gillz! i recognize your name from purepwnage. good to see you're getting back into tetris

i actually use a control scheme almost exactly like yours and can physically hit speeds of ~150 tpm before my brain stops being able to keep up. trying to change it would probably take a couple of weeks, at least, and it probably wouldn't help as much as just getting better with your current controls would
Strategy/Help / STS Infinity
December 08, 2009, 02:10:53 AM
First, here's a random background story about how this was conceived. Sitting in a library with a physics test the next day, of course all I could think about was tetris. My main game was TDS and I took multiplayer pretty seriously. RTS games were the genre of games in which i had experience, and the idea of using opening build orders in tetris came naturally to me. I had been using the Single-Triple-Single opening for a while, and I literally wrote the book on it (or, a bunch of the extra cases that hadn't been outlined had been written by me). It seemed fairly clear to me that after finishing the second single, a pretty enough stack would be left for other things to be made, like another T-spin triple. So I sat and I thought and I drew out playing fields on a piece of paper. Leaving the library that evening, I didn't know what was happening in optics but I had the seeds of my new build.

After countless hours on Lockjaw and TDS, I figured out enough cases, and more importantly memorized them, for my build to be reasonably viable. 3-4 bags. 16-19  lines of garbage according to TDS and TOJ garbage systems. Compare that with ~9 making only tetrises. The only way to equal this amount of garbage would be to continuously make T-spin doubles and nothing else with your first 3-4 bags. Yeah, there are a handful of soft drops, but it also involves the most stylish maneuver ever (kick, kick, down, kick) that brings semblances of complex micro to tetris, and also makes you look damn good.

There are a ton of cases, but the basic idea is always the same. Using S and Z create a TST setup from what remains after finishing the initial single-triple.

I didn't want to calculate the percentage of games in which one could successfully use this build, but I empirically tested it and after a successful ST opening (66% chance), I could use my build 77% of the time.

Back when I tested my build, I wasn't very fast (sub-100 tpm, bleh) but Lockjaw recorded 65-70 gpm pretty consistently.
txt of a 74 gpm game
ljm replay of a 71 gpm game (at 90 tpm >.<. don't hate, it was more than a year ago)

Memorize this and do 16-19 lines of garbage in 3-4 bags

STS Infinity
Tetris / Recording Tetris DS
December 06, 2009, 02:29:01 PM
So I'm thinking of starting a livestream or a youtube channel or something of myself playing TDS. The problem of course is that it's a DS, so yeah, I have no idea how I'm going to record it. I know there are videos of pretty good quality of people playing TDS, and somehow Utada Hikaru was playing it on the big screen.
Anyone with any experience with recording a DS have any ideas?
General / Starcraft anyone?
December 06, 2009, 01:49:21 AM
ooo, i've been trying to get back into sc as well. playing with other tetris enthusiasts might give me some motivation
Introductions / McMaster Tetris
October 12, 2009, 06:39:15 PM
So I go to McMaster U, in Hamilton, and having never encountered anyone else who plays tetris at a high level and hearing about my friends in Waterloo playing against people, I'm wondering if anyone else here goes to Mac and plays tetris
I've been thinking about starting a tetris club/league sort of thing, and i thought this place would be as good as any to see if there might be interest
Arena / Hard Drop Open 2009!
July 18, 2009, 10:48:25 AM
I'm in