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Messages - Okey_Dokey

Quote from: JimothyJImothy
I saw the 3 wide 8 tall perfect clear build that okey posted which inspired me to look into it more and find an easy way to get a perfect clear without having to memorize hundreds of solutions. I've made this fumen to show the various ways to build it and the 3 main ways to get a perfect clear. Hope this helps.
Sorry for late reply, I was on HD hiatus (and I will still be for the next month). I tried out your setup and it indeed works in one of the listed ways most of the time (> 90 % I would say). So, 3-wide PC is better than 4-wide PC. However, I wouldn't know any situation where it's useful to use a combo PC. Getting a combo before the PC is not guaranteed, and even with a 6-combo it will not send that many lines than with T-Spins beforehand.


I taught my program to find 2 x TSD setups with holes and it came up with a case I hadn't thought of previously: How about making the odd clear during the second bag? There are only very few setups where it's possible but it turns out very well one time.

May I present you: Okey's Castle Top continuation. I haven't seen this TKI continuation before and if it's still unknown to the Japanese community, then I want to claim its name. In my opinion it's the best way to reach a 8th row PC after using T-Spins. The secret is that you still complete the 6th row in the second bag - with an odd number of empty cells in the 5th row. The holes that are made are just temporarily - they will disappear after that line clear.


Here are some ways to reach a PC (PC solutions). Some of them may result in a T-Spin Single beforehand (18% of all third bags can result in a TSS -> PC). Only the first 7 solutions are needed to reach a PC with the help of hold and softdrop. The numbers mean the amount of bags where each solution is applicable (first number without hold, second number with hold, there are 5040 different bags).


Here are all ways to place 2 pieces that will guarantee a PC for all further piece orders. 81.9 % of all bags start with one of the listed piece combinations (if you use hold).


Here are some ways to place 3 pieces that will guarantee a PC for all further piece orders. The numbers in the fumen mean the amount of bags where they work (with hold) where the 2-piece combinations didn't work. A '?' means that all those bags can be covered by other 3-piece combinations that can be used more frequently. So, the purpose of the '?' solutions is just to reduce the amount of used softdrops or to leave another piece on hold at the end of the third bag. 96.9 % of all bags start with one of the listed 2-piece and 3-piece combinations.


Here are some ways to place 4 pieces that will guarantee a PC for all further piece orders. 100 % of all bags start with one of the listed 2-piece, 3-piece and 4-piece combinations.


Here are some other setups that clear the 6th row in the second bag - or prepare that clear for the most part. None of those setups are really useful in my opinion (well, except for the TKI Fonzie ones maybe - but TKI Castle Top can be stacked instead of TKI Fonzie every time). The four listed percentages stand for the following PC rates (in this particular order): standard, no-hold, first-3, first-2.



Some time ago, I made a HTML output for 2 x TSD -> PC setups. Here's an updated one, including setups with holes. See the readme file.


edit: changed the attachment a bit (6 lines, min-needs).
Strategy/Help / Strategy idea for 20L sprint
April 20, 2019, 05:20:19 AM
I think the best strategy for 40L is also the best strategy for 20L.

Quote from: Okk
The top players in this map all charge DAS to the right and spam cw+hd which lets them get >7 PPS (obviously faster than WR speed).
There's a fan-made game called Cultris and there you can edit the spawning orientations. The first sub 30 Sprint there was done by Jtadore who uses vertical spawning orientations and pretty much spammed the pieces in a 2-wide (you can hop on Cultris 2 and watch the replay, mode is called Maserati, 2-wide is a very common strategy in that game, with vertical spawning orientations you barely need to rotate in case of 2-wide spam, and there's also 180 degree rotate).

I think the following strategy works better: spam in the middle, then spam on the left and right walls, and then try to downstack. Only I pieces are problematic in that spam. Note that I wouldn't call a personal best legit, if it was achieved this way. 2 wide spam is OK though in my opinon. Here's me beating my personal best with this spam after only a few tries (vertical spawning orientations though, I come from a game that had vertical spawnings, and the spam I used uses some tricks like 2 frame lock delay and quick drop that are only possible in NullpoMino).

Tetris / Farewell Facebook Tetris Friends
April 17, 2019, 01:36:53 PM
Tweet. The Tetris Company announced a partnership with Sanrio (Hello Kitty) today, starting with a new online game on June 3.

[!--quoteo--][div class=\\\'quotetop\\\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\\\'quotemain\\\'][!--quotec--]Sanrio [...] and Tetris [...] announced a multi-year partnership to collaborate on games and merchandise. Their first entry brings Tetris and many of the Sanrio characters together in a new online game that will debut for fans on June 3.[/quote]
Online game could mean many things. It could be just a small game like the ones at, or it could mean a standalone website with different modes, community features and multiplayer. I hope that's not the Tetris Friends replacement. Imagine the following downgrade: Tetris Online Japan -> Tetris Friends -> Hello Kitty Tetris.

edit: In case it's really the Tetris Friends replacement:

Tetris / Farewell Facebook Tetris Friends
April 15, 2019, 04:09:36 PM
This deserves an own thread but I will post it here nonetheless:

Tetris Friends and Tetris Battle will be shut down on May 31st, 2019.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

This may sound like bad news but it's the opposite. Flash player will be discontinued at the end of 2020 and The Tetris Company decided to not wait so long to replace its flash games with a HTML5 one. Tetris' (fake) 35th anniversary is in June 2019 - there will be a new browser client for sure. There's even the speculation that this client is eSports-ready (pretty much lagless, a competitive rule for 1vs1 and a good spectator mode), see this Japanese [a href=\\\"]interview
with Maya and Henk Rogers from late 2018 (scroll to bottom and use google translate).

PS: I assume that Blink will run a last Tetris Friends tournament pretty soon.

edit: Oh, it's bigger than I thought. Tetris Online will cease to exist. Tetris Online was the subdiary of The Tetris Company that made small browser games, games that were only distributed digitally and games for unusual platforms (e.g. Amazon Fire TV). There were mass layoffs in 2013, and Tetris Online rather tried to maintain its games (especially Tetris Battle) instead of creating new big clients. This probably means that The Tetris Company gave those online rights to an external company that is now making a new online game. This company has for sure more know-how and resources than The Tetris Company itself. However, there's also the possibility that the company doesn't care about the long-term success and just makes a money-grab title. So, not sure anymore, if this is good news.

edit2: I've made a Reddit post. Let's see if people want to discuss my assumption that there will be a new PC game with online focus by a 3rd party developer (who got a license from TTC). Also: Chat has been disabled in Tetris Friends. This is probably, so that players don't find out about non-official clients like Jstris, TOP or Cultris before the new official client is released in June.
Tetris / Hard Drop at Games Done Quick
April 15, 2019, 09:17:48 AM
The Tetris Effect speedrun will happen June 28th, at around 2:05 PM PDT. It will be followed by TASBot playing NES Tetris. Note that this is only 2 days after HardDrop's 10th anniversary.

Quote from: Okey_Dokey... I think Blink will try to get SS rank in every area.
Sorry, I was wrong. What Blink meant is that he will try to finish the last stage with SS rank. At the end of a complete Journey mode run you will play Zone mode for a minute. So, SS in last stage is pretty easy to achieve as long as you do some back-to-backs (Tetris, T-Spins) in those Zones.

Quote from: SumezAre there any examples out there of SS rank speedruns?
It sounds like an interesting mechanic to balance, considering how easy it is to abuse the "zone" mechanic to get SS rank even if you're a terrible player, but at the expense of making the game much much longer due to all the zone activations. Like probably more than twice as long as it would normally be.
No examples. I agree that it would be interesting. I don't see such a category at yet. To achieve SS rank in expert mode you need to reach the following scores:
  • 85k points in areas with 3 stages
  • 110k points in areas with 4 stages
  • 135k points in areas with 5 stages
  • 55k points in final stage
To reach SS as fast as possible, you obviously need to keep the back-to-back bonus outside of the zone. Can't predict, if players will go for Tetrises-only or also add some T-Spins to the mix (T-Spins are more tricky under high gravity, Tetrises-only is 14.4k points per stage when ignoring drop points and combos). But even T-Spinning is probably not enough for the score requirement (ZT Stacking is 2.43 times as score-effective as Tetrising, Infinite TST is 2.67 times as score-effective), and T-Spinning costs time. So it's safe to say, that players will use at least one zone per area. Obviously, only full-circle / fully-charged zones will be used because they result in a bigger score multiplier for the line clears. I would say players will try to start the zone with 2 Tetrises and make some back-to-backs afterwards: First Tetris would be 2.4k points, every following Tetris 3.6k points and every following T-Spin Double 5.4k points. I would say, if a player can finish Journey mode in 30 minutes in-game time, that player will need about 40 minutes for SS in every area.
General / Tetris Effect
April 06, 2019, 04:27:25 AM
GDC (Game Developers Conference) happened 2 weeks ago. The 1 hour long Tetris Effect talk is one of only few talks you can watch for free.

Click me

Besides Tetsuya Mizuguchi and Mark MacDonald, It also features Art Director Takashi Ishihara giving insights in the Tetris Effect development process. At 9:40 you can see a nice preproduction video and at 49:20 you can see a prototype of a downstack mode that sadly didn't make it into the final game.

edit: sorry, video seems to be behind the paywall now.
Quote from: Piemanray314I saw that 960 was greater than 900, but how would I change the resolution of it if I can't open the program? I am not used to working with program files (except for Minecraft lol) so I am not too sure how to change the resolution by files.
First find out the location of your NullpoMino main folder. If you use a shortcut, then right-click on it and choose properties and you should see the location. Then go to the NullpoMino main folder, and go further into the following subfolder: config -> setting. There you should see a file called slick.cfg. Open it with a text editor (e.g. right-click -> edit) and edit the line:


Then save the file in the text editor. If you can't modify the file, then move it to the desktop, and use the text editor there, and move the file back to its original location after saving.
Tetris / Hard Drop at Games Done Quick
March 27, 2019, 10:23:34 PM
Obligatory thread. Blink was accepted to speedrun Tetris Effect at Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) 2019. I am a very sure it will be a great viewing experience because of Tetris Effect's stunning graphics and sound effects, and because Blink is a chill guy. And it will surely move this community forward.

[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]

Here's roughly what to expect from the run, but I think Blink will try to get SS rank in every area.

I heard Blink say that he wanted MicroBlizz to sit on the couch for commentating. Maybe, we will see a MicroBlizz Speedrun in future. One year ago, he submitted 1000 Lines in Jstris but was declined - although Tetris Sprint is basically the purest form of speedrunning. I think NullpoMino would be a better choice though. One could also add some further modes to NullpoMino for bigger variety (score race to xxx points, downstack 100 lines, etc.).
Tetris / [Gameboy Tetris]
March 19, 2019, 03:44:29 AM
Quote from: ramonius_bI've never been able to save any of my high scores, since as  I power off gameboy it wipes all the info. Does it happen to everybody?
The original GameBoy version can't save your highscores. There's no battery in it. Tetris DX (a version for the GameBoy Color) does save your highscores though and you can even turn off the GameBoy during a game, and play further when turning on again. However, Tetris DX is not comparable to the original version - it's easier to max out (9,999,999 points).
General / o block
March 16, 2019, 01:22:32 AM
[!--ImageUrlBegin--][a href=\\\"\\\" target=\\\"_new\\\"][!--ImageUrlEBegin--][img width=\\\"500\\\" class=\\\"attach\\\" src=\\\"\\\" border=\\\'0\\\' alt=\\\"IPB Image\\\" /][!--ImageUrlEnd--][/a][!--ImageUrlEEnd--]
Introductions / i done it
March 14, 2019, 12:06:24 AM
That's kinda the opposite of a filthy 4 wider (that's a broom, isn't it?).
Tetris / Tetris 99 (Nintendo Switch)
March 14, 2019, 12:04:19 AM
Regarding the most recent talk in this thread. Everybody is now abusing the fact that
  • When being targeted, players get a flat +x lines sent bonus. x depends on the amount of yellow lines linking your field with the attackers (2 yellow lines -> 1, 3 -> 3, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 7, 6+ yellow lines -> 9). Best way to use this bonus is Singles. Best way to get many targeters is stacking a 1 wide to the top with the Tetris column in the middle.
  • When being targeted, "Attackers" target mode sends more lines than the other target modes. "Attackers" mode doesn't split a flat amount of lines between all opponents, it rather sends that flat amount to each opponent (or something similar).
The strategy is to stack so high that you are in the danger zone. Then, you are targeted by people who chose the "KO" mode (reminder: the system prefers fields with a high amount of filled cells, thus 1 wide > 4 wide). This works best at the start of the game: Pro Tetris players can upstack faster than their opponents which means they are the ones in the danger zone first. You are not in real danger though: Such a high amount of lines is sent to your opponents that the opponents are busy with canceling them. And the few lines you still receive are easily cancelable thanks to the long garbage insertion delay. I've seen people getting 40+ KOs with this strategy.


Tetris / Cultris 2
March 11, 2019, 04:47:47 PM
Def made a new community patch which (re-)added the online modes survivor and 40 lines #SaveOurSurvivor. Thread.

There hasn't been any big tournament since Hard Drop Open 8 but that changed one month ago. Martin and ProMouse (Delfi) made a tournament where 24 strong players participated: most spots were given to players who ranked well in a 1vs1 ladder, and the remaining spots went to players who placed well in 1 of 2 QuickFires. Thread, brackets and VODs:

Tetris / Tetris 99 (Nintendo Switch)
March 11, 2019, 04:27:38 PM
Quote from: caffeine
To sum up a discussion in Discord, Doremy said that Attacker mode doesn't split up attacks. Doremy wasn't sure if it was sending the same amount of lines to each attacker, or maybe there was a slight deduction per opponent.
As further proof see this short clip: There's an opponent located in the bottom right corner who is in Attacker mode. After the first Single, the opponent's garbage goes to 4 different fields and the player receives 5 lines. After the second Single, the opponent's garbage goes to 3 different fields and the player receives 3 lines.

Quote from: Sandra
Quote from: Okey_DokeyI saw someone getting the target bonus with "KOs" target type. I give up; I don't understand when people receive that target bonus and when not.
Let me know if someone figures it out!♥
Well, the multi-target bonus is handed out every time, independently of the target mode you are using. It just depends on how many yellow lines go to your playfield. If it's 2 yellow lines, then every line clear you make sends +1 line. 3 yellow -> +3 sends, 4 yellow -> +5 sends, 5 yellow -> +7 sends, 6 or more yellow -> +9 sends. So, even a Single - which usually doesn't send any lines - can become powerful, if you are targeted enough. If there are 3 or more yellow lines, I would always switch to Attacker mode though. It's the best defensive option, and as caffeine said, it sends more garbage to your opponents. Note that those extra lines also receive the badge damage boost. For example 3 yellow means +3 sends at the start of the game, but with +100 % badge damage it's +6 sends. However, note that each line clear will never send more than 20 garbage, and more importantly players can have never more than 12 pending lines (in that meter next to your playfield) - everything above 12 will be removed that means you don't have to counter or accept the excess lines.

Whereas it's just pure luck, if you get the multi-target bonus at the start of a game; you can kinda force it in midgame: Just stack high, and you will become the target of people who set the target mode to KO. I think, if "KO" targets you - or not - does not only depend on the height of your playfield but also on how many filled cells you have in your playfield. This means you have a higher chance to receive the multi-target bonus, if you stack 2-wide or 1-wide instead of the usual 4-wide.

edit: For strategy, also see Doremy's tweet series.

It's been some weeks since the release. Here's my final opinion and things which happened meanwhile:
  • First off, Tetris 99 got a lot of hype and interest. I would go so far and say that so much attention was only possible because of the free-to-play-without-downsides nature of the game (no monetization besides the Nintendo Online Service requirement).
  • The Tetris community profited greatly from this attention. For example, amemiya streams almost get 100k viewers in average. Even non-Tetris99 profited, e.g. Jstris getting tons of players, Wumbo getting 1 million views with a Tetris Effect video, or I got 400k with a 9 months-old NullpoMino video (T-Spin Snaking) which had something like 20k views before Tetris99.
  • However, I think the interest will decrease significantly in the next 3 months.
  • Tetris 99 was so popular also because it was so beginner friendly: If you top out early during a round, then you don't have to wait - just start a new game. And because everybody could try it out, there were a lot of underaverage players in the first weeks which makes it a better experience for underaverage players in general (Tetris pros just scare players away from speedy Tetris clients). Even reaching top 50 can be a success for certain people.
  • Another reason why Tetris 99 was so popular was because it resembles more Marathon or Singleplayer Tetris in general than any other multiplayer title. there's gravity, it's less likely to have garbage lines in the playfield, and it's easy to get rid of garbage lines (garbage hole of different attacks usually aligning above each other).
  • Tetris 99 generated more interest in competetive Tetris than any other title although it can't be played competitively at all. For one, you cannot decide against who you play; almost every player here has 50 % win rate although you play against 98 other players per match. Secondly, you can't really watch your opponents and respond - too many anonymous opponents, opponent screen's only updated once per second or so, and the playfield of your target is covered by a big hexagon. And as said before, high gravity and clean garbage decrease the amount of smart stacking choices you can make.
  • I think the target and badge systems are well designed. Badges add some randomness and makes you want to attack other players. The sum of all badges in the game corresponds to the number of topped out players - thus there's a progression in the game.
  • However, I think the multi-target bonus is badly implemented: the weakest line clear (Singles) becomes the strongest line clear. As said before I would prefer if the multi-target bonus would work as a percentual bonus like the badge multiplier does (or as a smaller fixed bonus amount plus percentual bonus). I also think that it's bad that "Attackers" mode gives you way more sent lines, if there's a high amount of attackers.
  • Space is very limited. That's why the developers decided to scale down the next piece queue. I dislike this decision. I think that keeps a lot of players back (beginners not paying attention to the previews at all, we all know how important the previews are).
  • I said that Tetris99 can't be played competitively but some streamers still found a way. TafoKints initiated a 2 hours event (the "Invitational") where some other streamers were invited (among others Wumbo, Blink, heboMai). Goal was it to reach as many points as possible during the 2 hours whereas every KO scored 1 point, and getting first place was worth 10 points. That event was a huge success, also thanks to Trey Harrison (tech guy at Classic Tetris World Championship) who found a nice way to keep track of the KOs and points. Wumbo won that event.
  • Wumbo became the first player sponsored by a eSport organization thanks to the attention that Tetris99 brought (tweet, news).
  • Only 1 patch so far with barely any noticeable changes. That's disappointing. There's still no way to disable music or change controls, and no new game mode.
  • This week there was an official event called Maximus Cup / Grand Prix. 1000 players from each region (North America, Europe, Japan) could win 1,000 Nintendo Gold Points (that's about 10$) Rules differed from region to region. Whereas in North America, you had to get as many first places as possible to get into the top 1000; only one first place was enough to get into a draft/lottery in Europe (no benefit of winning multiple times).
  • Tetris99 is very grindy. The first players have already reached level 100 or 1* as it is called ingame.
Quote from: Gr4Fi2Why do the setups most commonly used have "harddrop" and "rotate right" on differents hands.
Not sure if this is true. I would say half of the users here have rotate (clockw. & ccw) and harddrop on the same hand. See the Tetris Controls thread.

In most official PC games you can decide, if you use X or Up arrow as rotate clockwise. It's on Up, so that casual people can play with Arrow keys only (no harddrop, no ccw rotate, no hold). And it's on X, so that it's also next to ccw rotate and hold.

Console versions have D-pad Up always mapped to harddrop and no other button can be used for it. And in the Arcade version you have to move the stick upwards (for sonic drop). So, things are different there. I find it hard to use the same hand for movement and harddrop (those are the most frequent inputs). So, I prefer how things are handled on PC. Here's someone who had a good experience with mapping harddrop to a shoulder button (in Tetris Effect which is the only console game allowing this).